Dare To Imagine Continues to Reach People From All Walks of Life!!!


Dare to Imagine continues to make its way to people from all walks of life. So far purchases continue to be steady in the bay area. People from other countries have received copies of the book as well including the following:  Canada, Italy, China, Japan, Germany, Philippines,  and India. Copies of the book has made its way to many spiritual leaders of various faiths. A copy has made its way to one of the descendants of a royal family in Japan.

A screen writer read Dare to Imagine and stated, ” your book is inspiring and a joy to read.” I was traveling last weekend to Monterey and just happened to park my car outside this interesting Tibetan store. I chatted with the owner of the store about meditation techniques. We exchanged ideas of how we did meditation and eventually I just mentioned my book. The owner was very interested and curious with my book and I just happened to have some copies in my car that  I was going to bring to a book club.  After reviewing the book, he immediately told me he wanted to purchase it and stock it in his store. My book is now available at his store in Monterey, Om Rhythm Store on Cannery Row. It is a wonderful store that sells all sorts of Tibetan things, spiritual things and books.  I think I might be  sharing book space with the Dalai Lama. LOL! The book is also available at the Postal Annex in Dublin, CA. Book sale here has been consistent and great!  I restock them regularly. Please support these wonderful stores for they also share my vision.

A high school senior and valedictorian recently read Dare to Imagine and was extremely inspired by it. He stated that every teen should read this book. He saw great potential for this book on its impact on people.

It has also made its way into a school in Pleasanton, Sakura Gakuen. Please continue to support my vision of spreading peace, love and hope to the world by sharing my website and book at www.blakesinclair.org or share my youtube video. Thank you for your ongoing support. Remember, peace, love and happiness and belong to all of us.

Love, Blake

Dare To Imagine Continues to Make a Difference!!!

dare to imagine coverThe owner of a store in Dublin bought and read Dare to Imagine. He was quite impressed with  it and was proud and excited to sell our book.  Sale has been good there. We continue to restock our books there on a regular basis. Recently a woman purchased the book and was quite touched by it so much so she bought the rest of the copies off the shelf on Thursday. She found the book quite helpful and relevant and wanted to share it with her love ones. She asked the owner of the store to have me autograph one copy  and write  a special message to her son to inspire and encourage him. I was happy and honored to comply with her wishes.

This week I went to visit a  client of mine but was surprised to be greeted by her grandson who had recently heard about my book and  bought a copy. Usually he is quite quiet and very soft spoken but today he transformed into an entirely different person. He was just oozing with positive reviews and feedback about the book. He found it extremely relevant and was quite touched by the story. He had so much enthusiasm when talking about the book that he could hardly contain himself from talking. He was so joyous, emotional and triumphant when talking about how the book was so inspirational to him.

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dare to imagine coverDare to imagine continues to make a difference one client at a time. The book can be purchased from Amazon.com and  CreateSpace.com. Quite a few have been purchased directly from the author as well. One store in Dublin, California has been carrying a stock of the book since the past 2 months and  sales have been good there.

We had to restocked them three times already. Dare to Imagine continues to make its way around the states and around the world. Copies have made it to Italy, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines and Germany. Copies have made its way to people from all walks of life including students, teachers, housewives, priest, sushi chef, psychics, musician,entrepreneurs, spiritual figures around the globe, scientist, CEOs, etc.

The comments from our readers have been quite encouraging and supportive. Many find our book comforting, relevant and useful. We were deeply touched by one reader who received her copy about a week ago. She was so excited about the book but when she got it, she was disappointed because she had  contracted an eye infection. Fortunately, she didn’t let that stop her. She had her husband read the book to her regularly. Her husband has enjoyed reading the book and she has enjoyed listening to it. Readers like this truly inspire us and remind us of the importance of our vision and work with this book.

We are now working on a press release and looking forward to getting the message out further to the media and distribution channels. We have just launched our Facebook page dedicated to Dare to Imagine. Please “like us” and share it with your friends as well as this website. Remember peace, love and happiness belong to everyone. Let’s help spread this message by sharing this book to someone you love. Be a part of the movement to change the world through love.

Namaste!  ~ Blake Sinclair


RON LEW NEW AD 11We have launched our new website in about 30 days and it has been viewed over 766 times. People who have viewed it are from near and far and include the following 10 countries: 1. USA 2. Philippines 3. Germany 4. Lithuania 5. UK 6. Austria 7. Italy 8. Morocco  9. India 10. Israel.

Our videos have been viewed about 300x combined.
The book has made it throughout the US and also made it to Hong Kong, India, Philippines, and Germany. It is making its way  to Canada, Japan, Italy and Morocco too. It has made its way to a top scientist and also to one of the top 10 psychics in the world.  It is also making its way to 3 spiritual leaders in the world.  It will also be making its way to Physicians, Priest and  other influential people.

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dare to imagine coverGreetings my dear friends,

New and great things are happening with Dare to Imagine. We have updated our website  to include Testimonials, Images and Quotes. We are so excited to share them with you. Make sure to check out all tabs especially the more tab on the far right.

Edward, my producer, is finalizing our new video that we were working on in Marina Del Rey a little while back. It is a short video of my story straight from the horses mouth. LOL! It is going to be great and I know you will be touched by the message.

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