Real Gung Fu

gung fuKin Mon Club 1945Martial arts have been a big part of Chinese history. There are many forms of martial arts that include over a hundred different styles which are classified by families, regions ,sects and schools. Styles get their influence from Taoism, mythology, legends and even  animal and insect defensive movement patterns which include but are not limited to the Tiger Crane style, Monkey style, Eagle Claw Style,  and even a powerful Praying Mantis style.

According to Grandmaster Sifu Tom from New York, there may be up to  5-10,000 Gung Fu styles due to the vast and large country of China.

Martial arts can be divided further by internal and external styles. The former style utilizing the Qi energy like Tai Chi, Hsing Yi, Pa Kua, and 8 Diagrapram Palm Boxing.

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All Lives Matter


I was saddened to hear about the shootings and death of two African Americans, one in Minnesota and the other in Louisiana, which led to a nationwide protest and the shootings of police officers in Texas. It was a tragic event that cost the lives of 5 officers and the injury of seven others.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families and friends. Let us take a moment to pray for peace and comfort to those who have lost friends and families through this tragic event.

Our black brothers and sisters have influenced our lives and cultures in so  many wonderful and beautiful  ways.

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Princess Tamiko, A Canine Love Story

IMG-20160606-WA0002IMG-20160614-WA0008Farewell to my best canine friend.

Last night I was very restless and had trouble sleeping. I tossed and turned and eventually fell asleep but only to be awaken by Princess Tamiko jumping off the bed as she followed Uma towards the bathroom as she normally does but before she got close to Uma, she collapsed and began to yelp and scream in pain and discomfort. I lept out of bed immediately and came to her assistance. I put my hands on her body to bring healing energy to ease her pain and bring greater balance as we often do. Within a short time, she regained her composure and was free of the pain but somewhat short of breath. She was panting heavily and so I picked her up and brought her to the bed.

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