A New Beginning: An Antidote to Civilization

Attention to all my friends and readers from near and far. I apologize for taking an extended break from my blogging. I was busy focusing on my family, health, book and spirituality. I have grown a lot since I last posted but wanted to give you all the good news about my literary work. My newest and third book of my Golden Book series was just released on November 10th, 2020, a day before the Indian Festival of Diwali. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and wisdom over ignorance. Likewise, my book covers all that and so its timely release is very auspicious indeed. Below is a description of the book that you’ll see on Amazon.

This is Blake Sinclair’s final book of his Golden Book Series Trilogy. This book brings his readers to the next highest level of health, consciousness and spirituality. He takes his reader on an incredible journey of navigating through the complexities of health, longevity and immortality in a way that makes sense, is easy to understand and follow. Blake further guides the reader in discovering our amazing body, micro universe, energy centers and Divine Presence that exist within all us as well as within our planet Mother Earth and beyond. Secrets known by Daoist Masters, Qi Gong Masters, Mystics, Yogis and healers are shared about how to optimize your health, longevity, energy and spirituality. Through Blake’s own experiences, extensive research and interviews from some of the top health experts, he provides wisdom and tools to help solve many of the mysteries of our modern-day sufferings (mental, emotional, physical as well as spiritual). Not only are the causes of much of our collective suffering are explored, the core of the issues is identified to awaken us on a path of enlightenment and salvation.  Ultimately, Blake guides the reader on how to step into the sovereignty of their true and Divine Nature to live a God realized life full of peace, love, harmony and radiant health so that Heaven on Earth can be created within us as well as here on Earth.

You can get the book on Amazon. Click on Amazon and you will be directed there.

Read the book and spread the message of love, hope, wisdom, empowerment and salvation. Wishing all infinite love and blessings!



Antidote to Civilization

There is much emotional and energetic turbulence on the planet at this time. A tsunami of wave made of fear, anxiety, negativity and divisiveness has been created by our current pandemic crisis courtesy of our wonderful media.

It is so sad to see us collectively brought down to the lowest level of existence where we are driven by fear and live in survival mode.

Many stores are empty of basic supplies because people are caught up in a hysteria and are panicking. Fighting, looting and crime are bound to increase. Hence, the President declared a National Emergency.

It is so sad to see humanity at its worst. I watched a video of a few people fighting in a store over toilet papers in the UK. One family had about 5 to 6 packages of toilet paper and another lady was fighting to just have only one. The store manager and staff had to intervene and break up the fight. The one woman was in tears and only wanted one but the women and her daughter hoarded everything and wouldn’t even compromise and give one package to the stranger. What a shame! This trend will lead to rationing.

I heard a story of how many elderly people who are devastated and in tears because they can’t compete with the crowd to get their toilet paper and end up with nothing. They of all the people need it the most. Is there no more heart in this world?

The Coronavirus is a highly infectious and contagious virus that has resulted in many deaths especially with the elderly and those who have compromised immune system. However, many more people are also surviving it daily. The number is up to 70, 296 who have recovered. It is not a death sentence!

Though it has resulted in deaths, the greater threat is to our economy, our way of life, and our livelihood. As bad as it is, it has cleared much of the pollution in China and elsewhere around the world. It has brought experts from all around the world to find solutions to this virus. It is making people become more aware of the importance of their health and wellness. It is making people realize how fragile life is and that nothing is permanent.

Perhaps it is a time for great introspection and contemplation of our own existence.

Perhaps as we are quarantined or just staying at home away from the chaos, we can begin to ponder about the meaning of life and why we are here. Instead of hoarding and clearing store shelves, we can begin to go within to clear all the emotional and mental clutter in the shelves of our hearts, mind and souls. We need to release all the fear, anger, judgment, condemnation, anxiety we have within and end all discrimination we have towards others. Instead, we can begin to replace those toxic thoughts and emotions with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. We can do this during meditation or as a visualized exercise. Meditate to recharge, reboot, and revitalize yourself. Meditate to purify your heart, mind and soul. Meditate to improve clarity of mind and improve your immune system by 40%. Meditate to transcend the illusions of our ego perpetuated matrix that we live in. Meditate to attain unity and oneness with God, the Masters, the Universe, Mother Earth and all of humanity.
Meditate and realize it is not about survival of the fittest nor about us against them. We are all in this together.

It is important we get beyond the fear and live out of love, compassion and kindness.
If you know of any elderly person or any person in need please help them. Learn to share and live more simply. During the Great Depression people came together and helped one another. Unfortunately, we have drifted away from our values, ethics and even further away from our true nature. Forget about ET phone home. Humanity phone home! Get dialed back into your true and Divine Nature.

This is a very pivotal time in our history but it is also an invitation to reexamine ourselves and make important choices that will lead towards our journey back home and liberation or keep us enslaved in this matrix. I hope many of you realize by now t how closely all of us are being monitored. Social media postings and groups are now being censored or removed. Decisions are being made about what is right and wrong for us. Perhaps it is a time to fast or retire from social media altogether. We collectively are like babes in the woods of hungry wolves.

It is time to wake up and realize the true Divine Being you are. You can make choices that will lead to the ongoing chaos and entropy on the planet or make choices to help it evolve further into a more enlightened civilization of unity and oneness. It is time to be the change you want to see in others. You each are powerful pebbles of change on this planet. So I invite you all to awaken from your spiritual slumber and begin to live an empowered and enlightened life by meditating, praying ( for yourself, others, your country, and planet), and enlightening and educating others about how to live in harmony with your body, mind and spirit. Below are some tips to help us all navigate through this next phase of life more gracefully:
1. Namaste instead of shaking hands.
2. Share instead of hoard.
3. Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
4. Clean and disinfect things used or clean areas used by many people.
5. Pray daily.
6. Meditate daily.
7. Visualize healing energy to yourself and the planet.
8. Learn how to strengthen your immune system. Go to my blog for more details at www.blakesinclair.org.
9. Stay home if you are sick.
10. Get tested at the mobile site if you are sick and have a fever.
11. Spend quality time with your loved ones and especially the elderly, family and children.
12. Focus more on thoughts, ideas, and emotions that are conducive to health and wellness. Also focus on those things that inspire, empower and enlighten.
13. Take your time while in solitude to take care of yourself body, mind and spirit by exercising in a nurturing way.
14. Practice random acts of kindness.
15. Chant the Green Tara Protection Mantra 108 x – Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.
16. Chant Om Ah Om Vajra Guru Padme Shini Hung.
17. Chant the powerful Gyatri Mantra.
18. Invoke the Violet Flame and ask for assistance of Saint Germain and the Violet Tara to clear all the toxic energies in and around you and the planet.
19. Spend time with yourself and nature.
20. Release all that is no longer in the best interest of your higher self.
21. Reduce your attachment to material things. Gravitate to that which is eternal.
22. Follow the Golden Rule.
23. Bidet and Tabot ( Filipino Water Bucket cleasning) more instead of rely totally on toilet paper.
24. Buy or use disposal paper towels to conserve during tough times.
25. Spend time in devotion.
26. Laugh, Sing and Dance for each day of life is a precious gift to be celebrated.
27. Gravitate to that which is of the Light and Love.
28. Fill your body, mind and soul with the nectar of God’s Love, Light, Energy and Consciousness.
29. Dream the impossible dream.
30. Dare to Imagine a new reality, paradigm and way of living in global oneness.
31. Keep calm and carry on.
32. Avoid judgement and condemnation because they are divisive and are like fuel for the ego; instead practice compassion and pray for others and make healthy choices that will change your situation, your country’s situation or the world’s situation. Ignorance breeds suspicion and higher awareness leads to compassion.
33. Learn to think more globally instead of ethnocentrically.
34. Learn to be guided by your inner Divine Compass, Divine Presence, or I AM Presence and not the ego where we edge God out.
35. Learn to give more than we take from the world.
36. Learn to be of service to others instead of being self-serving. Seva is when we truly begin to live and awaken.
37. Do M.E.D.I.A.( Meditatation Empowers Divinity in All of us) more and less of m.e.d.i.a ( mass electronic deception in America). Learn to educate yourself beyond the carefully packaged and manufactured information we are getting. The Truth is out there as well as within us. Seek and you will find and knock and it will be open until thee.
38. In God we trust and in all others in the mediasphere, question, research and awaken to greater and higher truth and Consciousness.
39. Be mindful with how we express our thoughts, emotions and soul as we speak, post, write, type and communicate. Is what you communicate unifying or divisive? Does it empower or enrage? Does it reflect Divine Love and Light or the ego?
40. Empower, enlighten, educate and edify instead of create more energy to sustain and grow our ego and ego perpetuated matrix system which keeps us blind, asleep, divisive and enslaved to the system we have co-created.
41. Consider growing your fruits and vegetables and lose the dependence on other source for sustenance.
42. Feed your heart, mind and soul by reading books that inspires, enlighten and empowers. Books like The Vedas and Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Autobiography of a Yogi, Peter Mt. Shasta’s books and audios, my books( Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination), etc are books that will inspire and support you on your spiritual awakening and journey.
43. If you run out of hand sanitizer don’t go rogue but go make your own. Check out the link on how to easily make your own- https://youtu.be/bUp-wnLT6ew

I pray to God, Lord Shiva, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Buddha, Master Mun, Master Ajahn Lee, the Maha Chohan, Saint Germain, Master Lady Pearl, the Violet Tara, Padmasambhava, Yogananda, Babaji, Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, Guru Nanak, Amma, Mother Meeru, Shree Maa and all other great Saints and the Ascended Council of Light to help dissolve the fog of ignorance and fear within us and on the planet so that we can see and embrace the Light of Love and Consciousness that is within and without us.

Dear Heavenly Father, Divine Mother and Friend, may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May we be a beacon of Light for those who are lost, a bridge for people from all walks of life and uniting them in your love and may we be vessels of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness.
Om Shanti, shanti, shantihi!
May Peace, Love and Unity Prevail on Earth as it is in Heaven!

It’s Time for Change

   Most of you have heard about the fatal shooting in Parkland, Florida at a high school where seventeen innocent individuals were massacred. Fortunately, the shooting suspect was caught and taken into custody.

   Mass shootings and massacres are increasing in frequency. According to Wikipedia, the incidence of public shootings has tripled since 2011 and that we have more mass shootings than any other country. However, another source stated that other European countries may have the same issues as us. 

   We must examine what is not working in our system and how we can change our current methods of protecting our children and getting the proper help for the dysfunctional citizens of our country. 

   My heart and prayers goes out to all the victims and their families. They have my deepest and most profound condolences.

   No one should have to endure such tragedies especially in a school environment where children are expected to be in a safe place.  I found this this senseless crime quite disturbing and felt compelled to write this blog to offer some type of solution to this complex problem.  Many people are pro gun control in light of  increasing incidence of shootings.  However, will that in itself prevent future shootings? In Chicago it is illegal to own a gun but yet they have the highest murder rate in the country. According to a firearms expert, most of the US mass shootings occur in gun free zones.  One thing for sure is that we need to make it much more difficult to get a gun especially if an individual is determined to be mentally unstable by the medical community.  We need to support legislation that supports this. 

   In this high tech age, we should also use technology to our advantage to help save lives. GPS has been one of the greatest inventions of this century and has helped millions around the world to navigate their way around. GPS has been used to track our cars and cell phone’s location. It has been used to keep track of parolees as well.  Meanwhile, microchipping has been done for quite a few years with our canine friends to help owners or companions retrieve their lost loved ones. Companies are beginning to microchip employees. Although I am not an advocate of microchipping,  perhaps the usage of the two can be used with high risk individuals to prevent them from purchasing firearms or anything that can be purchased to make any explosive or harmful device.  However, let me propose a holistic way of addressing this complex problem that incorporates technology but also provide a humane approach to helping people. Below is one idea of how we can help the individual and protect our children. 

   Once an individual has been determined to be a high risk for violence, he or she should get psychiatric and  counseling care ( mental, emotional and nutritional support ).  Any medications that are  used long term with no results in improving the individual’s condition need to be reassessed. Those that cause any adverse reactions like anxiety, suicidal ideations, aggressive or anti-social behaviors may need to be adjusted or slowly weaned away. If the individual does not improve then he or she should get a referral to one of Dr. Amen’s clinics to get a Spect Scan to assess the brain of any organic changes, tumors, exposure to environment toxins or chemical imbalances. Dr. Amen is the leading brain expert, a pioneer psychiatrist, brain disorder specialist who has helped many people heal their brains and improve their mental, emotional and behavioral issues by analyzing brain Spect Scans and then setting up a comprehensive treatment regime to correct the problem by way of a holistic and integrative approach.   If for some reason the individual continues to be a high risk then this individual may then be a candidate for microchipping and monitoring by law enforcement. The individual may even be mandated to have microchips embedded into his or her driver’s license and credit cards. The next step would be to upload information about all the high risk into a national computer system that links in with nationwide gun shops. When the individual goes to shop to purchase a gun and tries to use his credit card and driver’s license, an alert is given to the clerk that this individual is a high risk for aggressive behavior and the transaction is cancelled and a message is sent to local authorities about the attempted purchase and law enforcement may need to keep tighter surveillance of the individual especially with public places or schools.

   Another idea is microchipping or putting technology in all guns sold in the USA. A monitoring device could be put in all schools or public places that picks up a signal of the microchip within 1/2 mile of its location. If someone enters the zone of the monitoring device with a gun with a microchip, an instant lock down alert can be sent out to the school and law enforcement simultaneously. The microchip will also give authorities the pin point location of where the shooter is via GPS. Law enforcement and school officials can have access and trace the movement of the shooter.

   Tile Mate has a system like that to help the user locate their keys, phone, wallet or car. I lost my wallet yesterday in San Rafael but was able to find it with the help of my Tile Mate app and Tile Mate placed in my wallet. Tile Mate can be quite helpful for the user in locating their lost devices but something like that with a microchip could help us avoid mass shootings again or at least minimize its frequency.

Besides the above, we as a society must minimize access to those who are high risk to games that promote violence like many war games do. Those who are microchipped are not allowed to purchase such games. The long term solution is to get rid of all such games completely as we reach a more enlightened society.

   Spiritually speaking, we should continue to  pray for the victims and their families and offer whatever support we an give them. They need emotional, psychological and some even need financial support for the survivors. We as a civilization must take care of the sick members of our society which include those who are dysfunctional, physically and mentally challenged and the aged.

   We must support more brothers and sister to live a more enlightened, compassionate and harmonious life. We can’t change the entire planet over night but the greater amount of enlightened beings are on this planet, the better our society will be.  Studies have shown that crime rate has dropped in areas where enlightened beings were placed.

   Stopping mass shootings will take bipartisan support and presidential support. A panel of experts from law enforcement, physicians like Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola and Dr. Andrew Weil, religious leaders, psychologists, psychiatrists from Dr. Amen’s clinic, geneticist like Dr. Bruce Lipton, nutritionists, high tech and social media companies and leaders and spiritual masters can assemble to develop a comprehensive system to address the mass shooting issues.

   I truly believe that changing our society and civilization begin with changing ourselves first. It is extremely important that we support our children with lots of love, support and guidance at an early age and throughout their life cycle. We need to spend more time with family than technology. We must minimize the amount of toxins we are consuming, inhaling or exposed to in our food, fruits, and water supply. We must educate ourselves about the importance of nutrition as it relates to mental and emotional well-being and teach our kids that. We must learn stress management techniques and teach our children. I have one chapter in my first book, Dare to Imagine, dedicated to stress management. We must detox regularly to remove the toxins and metals that are being stored in our liver, spleen, thyroid and brain which could affect our mental and emotional well-being. We must realize that we are interconnected as part of a Divine Family and are all God’s children and Consciousness. 

   May this blog encourage others to begin dialoguing about how to remedy the mass shooting issues that has widespread ramifications.

May Peace Prevail on Earth! Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!



Blake Sinclair






















Creating World Peace

Is is truly possible to create world peace in an ego driven materialistic civilization? With all the news we hear on the web, radio and t.v., we are led to think and believe the world is headed towards dooms day or chaos.  The problem is that much or what we hear and see are filtered information. We are given information that is packaged in a way that promotes propaganda, headlines or financial gains from stories that sell; generally they are stories that provokes anger, fear or anxiety. Hence, much of the news is carefully edited and sculpted in a way that creates sensationalization because it sells. Such is the by-product of an ego perpetuated civilization. If this were all there was, then life would be quite bleak and hopeless. However, many good things are happening around the world that escapes the radar and attention of the media and networks.

I have traveled around the world and have seen the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful and the Divine. Despite what manufactured news we hear that result in our civilization in being more divisive, negative and egocentric, many good things are happening all around the world and many beautiful and kind people and groups do exist.  I have been very fortunate and blessed to have met some of the most beautiful and Divine people on the planet from all walks of life from all around the world  from the sacred and mystical Mt. Shasta, to the Ashram of Amma, the famous and Divine Hugging Saint,  and to the sacred Fuji Sanctuary. I have met mystics, spiritual masters, gurus, swamis, healers, Catholic Priests, a Monsignor, Christian Pastors and spiritual teachers who are helping to pave a way for greater peace and harmony in our planet in their own unique way.  Many religious groups are helping to provide food, clothing and shelter for the poor and oppressed in the world. Amma has built hospitals, schools,and housing for the poor. The Sikhs welcome all to come to their temple for a free meal and some temples offer people a place to stay and rest. These are just the few of the good things that are happening around the world.

Despite all the amazing and incredible groups out there, one group stood out for me the most in terms of sharing my vision for world peace. Each year a group convenes at the foothill of Mt. Fuji at the sacred Fuji Sanctuary in May 13th, 2017. This group is comprised of dignitaries and spiritual leaders from around the world. They are invited by Masami Saionji to attend this global prayer event called S.O.P.P.  ( Symphony of Peace Prayers). While this event is taking place in Japan, simultaneously, groups convene globally to pray for peace for each and every country. Each spiritual leader or individual who is invited to this event  is given the opportunity to say a prayer from their own religion or practice. The group then repeats that prayer; thereafter, the group all pray for peace to each country and finally a prayer for peace on Earth is said.  It is a very beautiful event especially at the Fuji Sanctuary. I have been fortunate to be joining the S.O.P.P. event in the Bay Area for my four year in a row. It is a very beautiful spiritual event that promotes unity, respect and global peace. I pray for the world daily but attending the S.O.P.P. event allows me to be a part of that global prayer event that generates an incredible amount of positive prayer energy to help bring greater peace and balance in the world. It is scientifically proven that prayers can make an impact on someone even thousands of miles away. I have helped many people through the power of prayer and I know that it works; however, when people are gathered together at sacred places like the Fuji Sanctuary and elsewhere, amazing and powerful transformation  takes place.

The Saionji family have orchestrated such a well-thought out plan to help foster our planet in achieving greater peace, harmony and unity. Not only do they work at a global level, they also work on it on a personal level by teaching members about how to pray, meditate and connect with the Universe or Source. The work that they do helps the individual realize the Divinity that exist within themselves and all of reality.

The family is also involved with the Peace Pole project where a Peace Pole is placed throughout the world in sacred places from Giza of Egypt to the Mystical town of Mount Shasta. What are written on the the Poles are the words May Peace Prayer on Earth in various languages.

Masami Saionji is a Divine woman of greatness who is the direct descendant of the Ryukku Royal Family of Okinawa. Despite her royal lineage and academic achievements, she is quite humble and full of love, light and  compassion. She is a noble, ambitious and visionary woman that has all the attributes to help our planet to succeed in achieving greater peace and harmony. She is spiritual, intelligent, resourceful and very diplomatic. I have not had the pleasure to meet her yet but hopefully, one Divine day. I, however, was fortunate to meet her three beautiful daughters during my last trip to Japan. They have true beauty which radiates from within their beautiful and  Divine Souls on outwards. They share their mother’s vision for world peace and each bring their unique skills, knowledge and expertise to impact our planet in a positive and beneficial way. Together this family is working hard on innovative ways to make a tangible impact on our planet in helping it become a much more enlightened civilization.

I pray that the Universe will allow me to continue to work with this group in bringing people together from all walks of life. My vision and dream is to be a bridge in bringing together mystics, spiritual teachers, spiritual masters, and religious leaders to work on world peace.  My vision is that spiritual people from sacred sites and mountains can all be a part of the prayer event. Prayers from special and sacred places can be even more powerful.

If you are interested in adding spiritual fuel to this amazing global prayer event, I highly recommend you to get involved with S.O.P.P.. Remember, spirituality is not about living in isolation in your own spiritual world but it is about being a part of the collective consciousness and energy of change. True spirituality is about oneness, unity and harmony with all of humanity, Mother Earth, Nature and God. We are all part of each other and exist as one Divine Family, one Divine Mind and one Divine Consciousness.

For more information about the upcoming event, you can click on the below link:



Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!


May Peace Prayer on Earth!!








Prayers, Love and Miracles

Dear friends,

I apologize for being gone for a while but I had a family emergency to deal with.  This next blog summarizes what I have done. I will be blogging intermittently depending on what is going on with my mother-in-law’s, Lola, health.

It has been two weeks since Lola had a stroke but to me it seems more like months since we have spent most of our time at the hospital. In fact, the hospital is like our second home. We have been with Lola since day one and have stayed with her daily to offer her love, support and healing. Each one of us bring in our unique and special skill and talent to aid in the healing process.

Some of us have even taken a medical leave to help Lola through this difficult and challenging time.
It is through our difficult times, we come to realize those that really matter to us and those that really care. I was sad to see the tears that were shed when some people she wanted to see were not able to commit to visiting her at her darkest moments. It broke my heart seeing that. Conversely, it was so refreshing and so touching to see her so overjoyed and happy with the arrival and visit of Bella and so many other beloved family members who came from Guam, Philippines and Canada. She really does appreciate all these visits and support. It was great to connect with a distant friend who is now abroad in the Philippines. She is now a minister and offered to visit Lola when she would come back to the Bay Area. I was deeply touched by her display of love and concern despite her not even knowing Lola that well.
May we always put family first especially in a state of emergency because we never know what twist and turns lie ahead. Life is so fragile and transient. When our time is up or when we give up, we leave.
Also, the elderly  need us especially since they are prone to depression and that can affect the healing process.
After Lola had this major stroke, her life was devastated drastically. Her surgery was somewhat precarious due to her weak heart. As I tuned into her and merged my consciousness with hers in the inner realm, I saw that she was quite sad and was ready to leave this world. Despite our differences, I told her that we all loved her despite everything that may have happened in the past. After that metaphysical connection, I could see and feel her soul changing directions and leaning towards not wanting to leave. The rest was history where we all flooded her with lots of love and support around the clock at her critical time of need. Because of all this, her attitude and demeanor has changed dramatically. Her soul was healed and she morphed into a person of gratitude and she now appreciates everyone that helps her and has learned to complement people. Her awareness of herself and others has expanded quite amazingly.
The last time I did this was when my aunt fell down and hit her head. She instantly went into a coma. Despite the communication in the inner realm, she had made a decision to leave because she knew was going to be a burden if she stayed. Later that day, she died.
Many times it our love that keeps our loved ones with us. Sometimes it is their love for us to move on for our own growth. Other times our loved ones leave because they have completed their mission or learned the lesson they needed to learn. Each way has its purpose.
Sometimes we just have to surrender to the natural process to allow our loved ones to soar to higher heights of consciousness in the heavenly kingdom as they are elevated by our love for them. Sometimes when we love someone, we have to set them free despite the void and pain we may feel.
It has been an extremely exhaustive rehabilitative process but it has also been quite rewarding.
Many of you have been following Lola’s recovery and journey each week and have been committed to giving us your ongoing prayers, love and support.
Some of you may have noticed the correlation between your prayer and Lola’s progress which has been nothing less than a miracle. Without further adieu, I would like to give you an update on her progress.
Lola continues to make amazing and extraordinary progress in such a short time. The last time I posted, I asked you all to pray for her ability to improve in bed mobility, functional transfers, ability to move her arm and leg better and the ability to eat.
I am so happy to say she took a modified barium swallow test this week and passed it. She can now begin to eat and drink orally. She has started to eat pureed food and nectar thick liquids. She is actually doing quite well with it.
She continues to show steady improvement in the awakening of muscles on her left arm, elbow, forearm and wrist. She had trace movements in a few of her fingers.
She has moderately better volitional control of her left leg. She is moving her hip, knee and ankle with moderate increased strength.
The greatest improvement is her ability to turn in bed. She can now turn to the left with minimal assistance and minimal to moderate assistance to the right. She can now get up on the edge of the bed with moderate assistance. She is helping to transfer herself from the bed to wheelchair and vice versa with the therapist.
She is starting to walk with the physical therapist and has even walked a distance of 30 feet a few times. She needs less assist to advance her left leg. In fact, the physical therapist will be trying her out on a platform walker tomorrow. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Things are looking pretty good considering how it was two weeks ago where her life was in critical condition after she had a heart attack following the surgery to remove the clot that caused this major stroke; she was essentially bedridden and required total care for all self-care and mobility. She had no muscle movement on the left side of the body and had no awareness of her left visual field.
Despite her remarkable progress, there are more hurdles to negotiate along the way. She is still on the ng tube feeding to ensure that she is getting enough nutrition. If she eats enough food, she can have the ng tube removed and hopefully in the very near future.
Thank you all so much for all your ongoing love, support and prayers. We are 1/4 out of the woods and things are progressing well because of our combined efforts. I am asking for your ongoing support to get her to the next major phase of recovery which is extremely important in shaping the direction of the options she will have in life.
If you can make your prayers even more specific and visualize the outcome of her improvement, I know we can help her head towards greater quality of life and have much more options in life.
Let’s visualize and pray that she is weaned off the nasogastric tube feedings, walks with platform walker with greater awareness and strength, transfers with moderate assistance to avoid the nurses from using the lift to get her out of the bed, begin moving her left arm much more and start moving left hand and fingers. Also pray that in the next few weeks that she can advance to thin liquids and to a mechanical soft diet. Pray also that she improves in her endurance and attention span.
May the unity of our love, compassion and prayer bring about another miraculous milestone in Lola’s life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
#miracles #blakesinclair #beyondimagination #daretoimagine