Pandemic Update

Pandemic Update

It has been a crazy two weeks! I have taken the time to study this new virus and have been trying to find ways of helping us get through this more gracefully.

I have said it before and will say it again, it is not a death sentence to getting this virus. I know two people who have the virus and are doing relatively well. One is a young girl in her 20s and one is an elderly woman who is 100 years of age.The elderly woman is much more compromised due to her age and frailty but she is expected to continue to improve. However, there are risk factors that I believe increase your chance of not negotiating the virus gracefully. Having a compromised immune system or underlying disease or illness can significantly reduce your ability to fight this virus. Most people are oblivious how to effectively support their immune system. And just because you are fit or young doesn’t automatically mean you have a good immune system.

I have written a comprehensive and updated blog about how to support and protect your immune system. Please check it out at…/ but here are additional information I wanted to share:

There are appears to be a strong correlation with 5G towers and death from the current virus. Interestingly enough, Wuhan, had a plethora of 5G towers installed prior to the massive amount of people died from the new virus. Italy, Spain and New York also had a roll out of 5G and if you have been following the news, you will realize the higher incidence of deaths in those areas. It is equally interesting that Russia’s incidence of those who are infected with the virus is minimal. Quite interesting especially since they are next door to China. They have only minimal usage of 5G and that is mainly in the military.
Remember those people who were infected on the cruise ship well guess what, they are also hooked up with 5G satellites. This is beyond coincidence and conspiracy theory.

A whistle blower and former executive from the company that rolled out the 5G stated the 5G is poisonous to our bodies. It causes flu-like symptom and has caused many to die and especially in Wuhan, China.

26,000 scientists signed a petition about their concern with the 5G. Most scientist feel it is unhealthy and toxic to our system. I believe it is not compatible to life and is the most deadly and worse invention of this century. It is rolling out in major cities but some places are beginning to not allow it to be installed due to some folks who knows what is going on. If it gets installed in your neighborhood, you better move out if you want to live a longer life. However, if you are stuck in your area, I have various things you can do to minimize the radiation and toxic effects on your body. It is again in my blog at…/. We must stop the 5G from doing further harm!!

What I have noticed and suspected for a while about the virus is that it is airborne. We have all heard that if someone sneezes or coughs, the infected droplets will hang in the air despite much of it falling down. The Japanese scientists have done research on this and have found small amounts of the fluids that were sneezed and coughed from a person still linger in the air. I believe it can stay up to 30 minutes after the person is even gone. Some sources even say up to three hours. They also found that even a causal conversation can leave small amounts of droplets in the air. Due to the long length of the time the droplets linger in the air, they have recommended that we open windows to air out the home or office. By doing that the droplets are significantly removed or cleared. I believe we should air out our houses or offices regularly especially if we have many people in the house or office. It can be very helpful to have a high quality air filtration system at home. I have the Coway Airmega system. It has a double filtration system that includes a hepa air filter that removes most of the bacteria and filth in the air of the house. It is extremely effective. The combined approach of airing out the house and the usage of the air filtration system is the best scenario.

I was very concerned about about the Japanese finding and felt that those of us who are health care industry need to wear mask regardless if their client is infected or now. Some places will not allow health care professionals to wear protective mask like the N95 unless there is confirmation of the Corona Virus. I find this unacceptable and appalling. I feel this is compromising the safety and well-being of of the healthcare practitioner.
The problem is that not all people show signs and symptoms and may be a carrier. Health care workers should not have to play Russian Roulette. However, some cutting edge companies are already protecting all their staff by getting them mask and gloves for protection and I suspect more will follow suit as they truly understand the virus and its ramification. I realize that there is lack of protective N95 mask available due to a shortage. However, I have family contact who can get protective masks to your company, hospital or clinics in a short amount of time. The only thing is that there is a minimum order of 10, 000 pieces of tested N95 mask. There are also surgical mask but that minimum is 100, 000. Anyone interested please message me.

The N95 is the ultimate protection against the virus but is not necessary unless you are a healthcare worker dealing with a person who is infected. Most protective mask should be adequate protection for going out and minimizing your exposure.

I also suspect that the virus is airborne even outdoors and have started to wear my protective mask when going out. I ran into friends I haven’t seen in a while and, surprisingly, they too were wearing a mask. Until this issue is resolved, I feel we can minimize our risk by staying at home. maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask. Gloves may be needed when going to stores, using the ATM or gas pump.

Again, this is not a death sentence, learn to take high quality supplements to support and boost your immune system. Vitamins and supplements are not created equal- look at my blog for the specifics. Meditate to improve the immune system by 40%. Eat and take supplements in a way to support your gut- the epicenter of immune support.
Leafy greens, kimchee and sauerkraut are good food for the gut.
Many are taking lots of vitamin D and must be careful to avoid taking too much since it can be toxic at high amounts over a long period. It also needs to be taken with vitamin k so your calcium levels won’t go high and end up in arteries or heart but talk to your doc on how much since it is involved in blood clotting.
Learn the Wim Hof Method since it also boosts your immune system.

The most important thing is to learn to take responsibility for your life and get ahead of the game to avoid being a statistic. Learn to go within and meditate to gain health, clarity, awareness and insight and inner guidance on how we can come together and get through all this gracefully as we embrace for an opportunity to pave our way to a new beginning, a new level of consciousnes and awareness. This is a very pivotal time in our history and how we emerge from this will determine whether we can finally dissolve and pierce the thick and heavy veil that has been keeping us in this matrix.

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