Finding My Way Back Home

Things have been extremely challenging for the past 6 months. It is very easy to be very discouraged especially when you find out later that those you thought were your friends were only interested in what they can get out of you. Then you find out they have done things to jeopardize and sabotage your life in a metaphysical way that negatively impacted all aspects of your life. Then there are those that I have helped throughout the years and had the audacity to tell me that I didn’t help them in their darkest hour when clearly I did and even abandoned me at the critical time of a very important literary project. Some people only see in one dimension and don’t realize how help comes in many forms- job opportunity, financial support, emotional support, prayers, spiritual support, friendship, etc. Fortunately, my family and true friends came forth to help me navigate through all this metaphysical journey. God also sent great and well-known healers and mystics to give me the extra help I needed. Yay! I also got injured about a few months ago during Yoga and Pilates. I hurt my shoulder and had much pain from my right shoulder all the way to my hand making it difficult for me to write and sleep. I gave myself therapy, took herbs, CBD oil and self- massage, and self-stone massage. The pain subsided by 60-75% but would always come back especially at night and waking me up. I tried massage therapy and acupuncture and they helped a lot! Somehow the pain would come back and mostly at night. I knew it was my rotator cuff muscles and pectoralis muscle but somehow I intuitively knew there was some type of shoulder impingement going on. I went to a very excellent orthopedic shoulder specialist. He took x rays of my shoulder and found that the bones were good and that it was indeed a shoulder impingement of my rotator cuff muscle. It was a mechanical issue that needed stretching to create better alignment of my shoulder with its socket. So my doc sent me to Physical Therapy to work on stretching, exercises and therapy to realign my shoulder and I am feeling much better and sleeping much better. Yay! I also developed gout on my left toe and was unable to walk a few days. I treated it with ice to cool the swelling and did energetic healing which helped as well. My dear friend Lori did distant healing and it took down the pain moderately. Finally I took some Tart Cherry and the pain cleared completely the next day. During my trying moments, it was easy to want to give up and lose hope for humanity; however, I persisted to stay focus on my meditation practice and followed the guidance of the Ascended Masters on my healing and recovery and continued evolution of my spirituality. When I began to listen more to my Divine Presence within, I was guided to these principles- balance, discernment, forgiveness and compassion. I was also guided to realize the importance of not just helping others but helping myself as well. I was too busy working so hard with my clients and my book that I neglected my health and my family. I have slowed down with work, spent more time with my wife and family, started a new cutting edge cleansing and started exercising more ( after I got injured, I stopped exercising and gained 20 lbs). I now feel better, lost 8 lbs already and have found my spiritual center again. My connections with the Ascended Masters have been quite good and I even developed a new form of exercise after being homebound more because of the Coronavirus. The exercise is an extension of my U.U.M.M. practice. I have found greater peace, happiness and joy. Despite the turbulence in my life, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to have more discernment, live a more balanced life, surrender more to God and the Ascended Masters, forgive, have more compassion and to let go of all that which is not leading to the highest good for me including clients, superficial friends or opportunist. I have learned that many people align themselves or belong to a groups, organizations, churches temples, etc. Each have their own agenda, focus, dogma, doctrines, teachings but few are receptive to ideas that may deviate from theirs. In all fairness, some do. I encourage all groups to be more open minded to information and knowledge that creates more unity. It sadden me a little when I posted good information to a group on how to navigate through this Coronavirus crisis and another post about my mystical experiences but the two postings were removed from the group with no explanation. I now realize that even a spiritual group may not always welcome ideas that empower and end suffering. However, I continue to write and share wisdom to those who are willing to listen and learn here in FB and my blog site at I haven’t blogged in a while but started to do it again since the Coronavirus pandemic started and people from all around the world are embracing what I wrote from Canada, US, Australia, Bhutan, UK, India, etc. And that is just a start. I have about 77 blogs and close to 80 thousand hits to my site. Time to move forward and upward to God’s Love, Light and Consciousness! During the Coronavirus Pandemic, we must embrace this precious time for it is an invitation to reflect, analyze, learn ( about your health and immune system), grow, unite and go within. It too is an opportunity for great growth for us individually and collectively especially if we learn to truly awaken from our spiritual sleep or coma. Wishing you success on your own journey back home. Wishing you all infinite love, blessings and wisdom!

The Third Eye ( to see or not to see)

I recently read a post about how opening the third eye was good and that all you see when it is opened is good or Divine ( I am paraphrasing a little).

I also have met many people who are seekers who want to open their third eye aka the pineal gland.

Opening it is not hard but one must question why would one want to open it.

Many people think it is a path to spirituality or enlightenment. Some think it is just cool to see the paranormal or other realities.

Firstly, let me say that opening the third eye is not the final path or ultimate path of spirituality nor is it needed for enlightenment. Although it may be cool, it can also be traumatizing for those who are not mentally and emotionally strong enough or spiritually evolved enough.

Even Amma, the Hugging Saint, said that opening the third eye is not important even though she herself is mystical and clairvoyant.

A friend of mine had a spiritual master open her third eye when she was a teenager. She was immediately terrified by what she saw. She began seeing dead people every where and was quite traumatized by that so much so that she had it closed back.

Opening the third eye for someone who is not spiritually evolved may open them to meeting with very dark entities. When that happens, the individual begins to have fear and anxiety which is a fuel for the dark world and is at risk for being psychically attacked.

Many people think that by opening their third eye makes them instantly special or better than someone else. These people are only fueling their ego which is anti-spiritual. It creates this duality of us against them. You are very special regardless of whether your third eye is opened or not.

Spirituality is not about opening the third eye or six chakra but more about opening the heart chakra and living in love, compassion, kindness, mercy and forgiveness.

There are enlightened people who have their third eye opened as well as people who are spiritually unevolved. How is that? Well, it all depends on what the person did in a previous incarnation. Sometimes gifts like that are push through from our previous incarnations.

My third eye has been opened a while ago but it doesn’t make me any better or worse than anyone else.

I do post about how to decalcify one’s pineal gland a lot because we all have a pineal gland. Whether we have it opened or not, if it gets calcified it may affect our ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep. It also affects our reproductive hormones as well as circadian rhythms.

Malfunction of our pineal gland can cause the following: depression, peptic ulcers, and sexual dysfunction. Depression, peptic ulcers, and sexual dysfunction may be exacerbated by a deficiency of melatonin. … Abnormal circadian rhythms of cortisol may occur in states of decreased melatonin.

There are chemicals that can affect and calcify it. The biggest one is fluoride which we drink in our water and brush our teeth with.

Those of us who have an opened third eye need to protect it from affecting your ability to see in the inner realm.

Those of you who are mentally, emotionally and spiritually evolved enough and are mature enough may find opening the third eye quite an extraordinary experience especially if one has the love, support and guidance of a spiritual teacher, master or guru.

Once the heart chakra is opened and one is tuned into their I AM Presence, Magic Presence or Divine Spark of Light and listens to it, the Universe will begin to show you beautiful visions, messages and knowledge in your meditation, dreams and in the inner realm.

Those of you who are not mentally, emotionally or spiritually mature enough should not open the third eye but decalcifying it through various food, supplements and diet will lead you to having better sleep and wellness.

Those of you who have it opened and follow the measures to keep it decalcified will experience incredible visions in dreams, meditation and spontaneously in the inner realm.

Focus not on what powers yet get from your third eye but focus how you can help others through love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. The path to the third eye power only is a path to the ego The path to the heart is a path to God. However, if you desire to open it to experience the Divine realm more fully, it can be such an incredible and blissful experience for those who are ready for it and will use the gift for a noble and Divine cause to help others experience the greatness within themselves and all of creation.



Acts of Kindness Leads to Something Extraordinary


I first met Noi and her late husband about 10 years ago when he was quite vibrant and active. He was one of my former clients. We lost contact for a long time until this year when the Universe brought him back into my life. This time he was ill and bedridden. Noi was a wonderful, special and extraordinary wife to John Bullock throughout all their seasons and weathers of life.
She loved her late husband dearly and did everything possible to take good care of him. John and I became friends towards the end. Somehow our friendship inspired him so much that he was frequently talking to Noi about me til his final hours. One of his last wishes was for me to attend his funeral with Noi and that I did.
I never knew really got a chance to know Noi until a few months ago. After John passed away, Noi’s life was catapulted into a new reality that she never had to deal with and she was lost in whirlwind of confusion, chaos and uncertainty. She reached out to me about what was going on. She had no friends or family support here in the USA. My heart really melted with great compassion for her so I decided to help her.
Through my help, she was able to navigate through all the complexities of her life with much grace and dignity. After helping her through the different seasons of life, I got to know Noi very well and we have become great friends and refer to each other more like siblings. She considers me more like a family member and like a brother. I had a choice to help her or not but listened to that Divine prompting within to help her and now I have a new special friend and sister. When I first met Noi, she was distraught and going through a meltdown. Through my gentle support along with others, she transitioned from feeling a great sense of hopelessness, to mourning, to experience joy and finally to experiencing bliss and peace. She will be returning to Thailand next week but has been deeply touched by all the love and support she received from me, my family, Lance Lujan, Cy, Max and most recently from John, her new beau.

Today she sent me a private message which she approved for me to share to you. “When I return to Thailand, please take care of yourself. We are not real family but I love you same as my brother. I love you brother!” Tell Uma I love her too!

Noi gave me a Thai nickname Kruba Srivi Chai. I looked him up and he was a famous Buddhist Monk who did a lot of good especially in Chiang Mai, Thailand where Noi is from. He was the most revered monk of the Lanna Kingdom. Noi gave me that name because she said like Kruba, I have done a lot of good in my life and continue to do so. Kruba was known for his kind, pious and compassionate nature. He was a spiritual leader and is known as one of the great Saints of Thailand.

True spirituality is not about how many followers one has, how famous one is, how many sold out talks we have, about what high ranking titles we have ( “guru,” spiritual master, teacher, lama, rinpoche, etc.) or how many books we have sold. It means very little if we have not discovered the Divine Love and allow it to fill our being until we overflow with love, compassion, kindness and mercy to all that we meet.

Through this love, compassion and kindness, I now have a new Thai sister and friend for life.





Beyond Imagination

After my mystical adventure at Mt. Shasta, I checked my Buddhist’s relics, I was flabbergasted to see that new relics have manifested in the sealed container. I shared the pics to Master R. She was not surprised at all that it multiplied for me and stated there are now 13 more new relics.
When I visited her shrine a week ago, I saw the various types of relics and was especially drawn to the heart

shaped relics and the crystal ones.

Master Relica has given away many relics to Buddhist Monks, friends and Buddhist temples about 50 to 80 people. However, only 3.75% of the recipients had a manifestation or multiplied.

As I examined the relics I have more closely, I noticed there were both a heart shaped one and crystal ones now. It was my goal to experience the miracles of the relics directly to validate my own Divine and metaphysical experiences. I had no idea it would happen so fast. I am filled with reverence, humility and gratitude to God, the Universe, the great Buddha and the Great Masters for their blessings of the relics. These relics validate the proof of a Divine, Conscious and interactive Universe. We are not alone and the Universe is truly beautiful, Divine and Conscious. It patiently awaits for our awakening from our spiritual sleep and coma. It mourns at how we suffer through our collective ego perpetuated reality.

Wishing you infinite love and blessings!



Health and Harmony

In this day and age of modern science and high tech, people seem to be exercising more and watching what they eat but why does it seem like more and more people are suffering from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and a myriad of autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

Many people seem to think that if they follow the mainstream health trends, eat right, exercise and look good then they are healthy. However, many of the health trends are unfortunately not based on science and good research. For instance, it is believed by many nutritional experts that fish oil is good for you. However, Dr. Brian Peskin from MIT, had analyzed the thousands of research for fish oil and found that many of the researches were flawed and those that were good don’t suggest fish oil as a good supplement for our bodies. He later discovered that parent essential oils were extremely beneficial to the heart, body and brain compared to fish oil. In fact, those who switched from fish oil to parent essential oil had a significant improvement in their health. He has written extensively about parent essential oil in his book, The PEO Solution.

The next big trend is probiotics.  Many companies have jumped on the bandwagon to sell probiotics including all the big chain stores all around the United States including health food stores in bottles, drinks and yogurt. However, what we are not told is that they are not created equal. There are probiotics added to yogurt and many people take it after getting an antibiotic treatment which essentially wipes out all the bad bacteria in the body as well as the good ones. The probiotics in yogurt are useless since they are pasteurized and the process kills the bacteria. Other probiotics get destroyed by other stomach acid and don’t make it to our gut. It is important to use one that can survive and make it to the gut to contribute to the flora of our gut. The one that I use that seem to be quite effective and noticeable is called Thrive and is readily available on There are about 18 probiotic strains of bacterias that are good for you. One highly regarded nutritionist I spoke with told me that it is a good idea to rotate the types of bacteria we introduce into our system.

Despite the benefits some people have found with shelf or refrigerated types, Anthony William, Medical Medium,  has written that the best place to find probiotics is in fresh, living food like sprouts, alfalfa, broccoli, clover, fenugreek, lentil, mustard, sunflower, kale and other seeds like them. I believe a combination approach may be a good one but getting support directly from nature is always the best.

Many nutritionist nowadays advocate eating a high protein diet and cut back on sweets including fruits. Protein is so important in our body for our muscles. skin, bones and for many our enzymes and hormones. However,  Anthony William warns of the issues with eating animal based protein which is  taxing on our digestive system which includes the spleen, liver and stomach. Conversely, he is a strong advocate fruits. He extols that healing powers of fruits and feels that it is a secret for longevity.

I have suffered health problems when I ate from an animal protein based diet but found greater health, harmony and peace when I consumed from a plant based protein diet. Incorporating more fruits in my body has helped me to feel better as well.

If we don’t get enough fruits, we are depriving ourselves of much micronutrients, phytonutrients and our much needed important form of glucose.

Anthony William has written extensively on the subject of healing, nutrition and the the secrets to the underlying causes of most of our major chronic illnesses like autoimmune related diseases. I highly recommend you to read his book and apply his healing principles for yourselves as well as others.His book is called Medical Medium and can be purchased from

Let’s go back to my initial question about why so many people who are so called fit and doing all the right things but still get sick or have various illnesses, diseases and cancers. In the newly released movie, Heal, there was a woman who was the epitome of health and harmony. She did Yoga, ate well and juiced.She looked great but suddenly found out she had stage four liver cancer. How is this possible?

I believe that there are various factors which limits us from achieving complete harmony and health despite being fit. They are listed below:

  1. Toxins in the air, food ( antibiotics, hormones, additives, radiation, pesticides,chemicals, etc), flooring ( many if not most flooring has formaldehyde which may have health risk), water, etc.
  2. Stress
  3. Accumulation of toxic metals in the body like aluminum, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, bromide etc
  4. Epstein Barr virus
  5. Toxic subconscious programming
  6. Poor nutrition
  7. Poor hydration
  8. Poor healthy glucose intake
  9. Consumption of unhealthy and fat animal based protein
  10. Negative emotions and thinking
  11. Ego driven life
  12. Lack of sleep
  13. Lack of exericise
  14. Anger and unwillingness to forgive

This is just some of the common things that limit us from achieving health and harmony in life. Fortunately, there is hope if we can better understand how the body works.

When our bodies were created, it was designed to self-heal. Our bodies are not just our physical body but we have various levels of bodies including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual body. At our core we are energetic beings with energetic super highways called meridians and energetic vortexes called chakras.  We have mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs. When we live in harmony with ourselves, others and the Cosmic, everything is in alignment. However, when we are stressed out living an ego driven life our harmony is thrown off by the cortisol that is produced in the body. If this is chronic, it will shut down our immune system from helping us.

Other factors that weakens our immune system include eating poorly and not consuming enough healthy protein, fruits and vegetables.

Heavy metals in the gut, liver, spleen, brain all disrupt that natural healing that normally takes place. We all have some degree of metals in our bodies through consumption of products or exposure to products. Anthony William points out that we inherit some of the metals from our parents and ancestors as well.

With the odds against us, what can we do? The best approach is a holistic approach that incorporates healthy lifestyle with eating and drinking what our body needs. Eating a plant based diet is the ideal method of eating to achieve great internal harmony. Drinking filtered water that removes all the toxins is recommended. Avoid bottled water that may contain BPA which is carcinogenic. I drink filtrated water through the Kinetico system and then convert it to alkaline water. Go organic!

Stress is probably the biggest trigger for illnesses and disease like the Epstein Barr virus which Anthony William attributes to most of the autoimmune diseases.

The best cure for stress is meditation. Doing it 20- 30 minutes a day helps to turn off the cortisol in our bodies so our immune system can work more efficiently.

Exercise, Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Qong are excellent at helping us deal with stress and create greater harmony in the body, mind and spirit.

I have written extensively on other healthy methods to cope with stress and achieve a healthy life style filled with harmony in my two books- Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination.

With regards to the toxic subconscious programming many of us have since we were little kids, hypnosis and psych-k are great methods to release old toxic programs. Tapping methods are great for releasing trauma as well.

Besides a healthy lifestyle, eating good, meditating and exercising, there are a few more things which are crucial for optimal health or harmony in the body.

We need to work on our gut health and work on improving our intake of good quality probiotics.

We need to detox regularly to release the trapped metals in our bodies that we all have. They are like magnets to the Epstein Barr Virus that so many people have. They feed on the metals and their excrements and decayed bodies cause us to have an inflammatory response in our bodies and is the birthplace of many autoimmune diseases or what William Anthony calls Mystery Illnesses.

There are various detox products in the market. I take various products to detox including green barley powder, Body Solution’s Native American detox solution and a pectasol detox tablets. I also add parsley, cucumber and cilantro to my juicing and salad.  Anthony William has many excellent recommendations for a very comprehensive detox and healing program.

I have been taking supplements for years with good benefits. It is best to get most of our nutrients from a good source of protein, fruits and vegetables but sometimes depending on what is going on within our bodies, we need certain supplements to better improve body functions. However, I recommend consulting with a qualified nutritionist when purchasing for supplements.

For those who want to perfect their health even more, I recommend delving into the world of herbal tonic elixirs. They address what is called the Three Treasures of China; they are the three essential energies in the body for health-Jing, Qi and Shen. The only company I recommend for these quality products is from Dragon Their products are researched thoroughly and we are given the highest grade of herbs available. The store is owned by Ron Teeguarden, a Master Herbalist.

Lastly, living a life filled with love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness and service will bring the body, mind and spirit to a high state of harmony. When we learn to find our true nature and live a God Realized and Christ Conscious life then we will have reached the highest level of harmony with mankind, Mother Earth, the  Cosmos and God. Such is the way and life of Yogi.




Blake Sinclair














These past 7 years have been quite extraordinary.


I had my life awakening and spiritual awakening around 2013. Between 2014-2016, I had my Divine and Cosmic awakening. Between 2013- 2016, I began my nutritional awakening. Between January to present, all the knowledge about health, well-being and spirituality have all come together to create a formula of optimum health, well-being and harmony.

Two movies have reflected many of the things I have been writing about in my books and blogs. The most recent film is called Heal and was beautifully directed by Kelly Noonan. It is one of the best films I have watched about health and well-being. The other film is called Inori: Conversation with Something Great which was directed by Tetsu Shiratori. Both films are a must watch and will change how you understand health, prayer and genetics.

Although I am working on book three, I may also start writing my 4th book about my comprehensive system or formula of well-being and harmony. I have helped many people rehabilitate, heal and thrive using my healing system which is a blend of spirituality, nutrition, western and yogic breathing exercises, my U.U.M.M.meditation system, exercises, detox, and herbs.

My 28 years in the medical field and background in alternative healing methods, nutrition and spirituality have all prepared me to create a solid system of ultimate harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Recently I have worked on educating and healing three registered nurses. One ICU nurse thought we was doing everything she could to have good health until she talked with me. I was able to expand her options to further optimize her health and well-being and she was extremely grateful.

One nurse was suffering from anxiety and could not sleep but was cured from her problem through meditation training, yogic breathing exercises and natural remedies like chamomile tea at night and taking rescue remedy PRN during the day.

Another nurse had headaches, had an eye problem due to floaters and excessive bleeding in the feminine area. Through visualization, yogic breathing, my U.U.M.M. meditation system, her symptoms reduced drastically. Furthermore. this nurse is not a visual person at all but after practicing my system for 2 weeks, she was starting to see a few of her Chakras and could see them spin.

Even my dog ,Max, was cured of his liver abnormality from my meditation practice. He had abnormal liver enzymes levels earlier this year and the doctor was quite concerned. He wanted to prescribe medication but Max would not take it. I meditated on a regular basis and sent healing to him each day as part of the meditation. His liver improved a few months ago and a few weeks ago, his liver was completely normal.

Am I special, certainly not. However, I have opened my heart, mind and soul to God, the Masters and all they have sent me to learn everything that is important for complete harmony with body, mind and spirit for the individual, the planet and the Universe.

I have been sharing much of what I have learned and will write it formally one day to help end the suffering of many due to disharmony of the body, mind and spirit. Disharmony is the what I call illness and diseases. It is also what I call entropy.

I look forward to being a greater service to as many people as I can because health and harmony is the only way to end all suffering. I will be writing a blog about how to exist beyond being a statistic in health and spirituality.

I have found some very effective methods for restoring harmony within us and I am quite excited to share it to everyone. knowledge is only useful if we share it with others. Teaching others how to live a life of harmony with themselves, others, our planet, our Universe or God is what the Universe wants me to share to all of you. Ultimately it is a message of Love for us to embrace, experience, share and become. Become Love and become limitless and eternal.



The Journey

Many think I was born with a silver spoon and had a privileged life. Some of you may think I was raised in a spiritual environment or grew up in Tibet or India like many other enlightened beings but I was not at least not in this current incarnation.
Many people can’t understand why I am so positive and how did I become so spiritual or enlightened. 
I have written much about my life in my book, Dare to Imagine but not everything.
I was not born with silver spoons but with chop sticks instead. When I did use a silver spoon, it was tarnished. I was not raised by any enlightened beings nor did I  live in any holy or sacred place in the Far East. I was raised by ordinary parents in the heart of San Francisco and grew up in Chinatown.
I was born into an environment that was negative, chaotic and toxic. I didn’t have any role models but was surrounded by dysfunctional people both young and old.
I was subjected to much discrimination even by more own people. As a result, I grew up negative, depressed and dysfunctional. I could not see a future other than a bleak one. I had an extremely low self-esteem and was a sickly child. I suffered frequent bouts of asthma, illnesses and had severe migraine headaches.
I had many other obstacles in my life including a learning disability; I was somewhat dyslexic and had an auditory processing problems. I had a speech and linguistic problem as well as perceptual deficits. The result was that school became extremely difficult and a painful process that I felt like torture.
Eventually, God sent me an angel, my grandmother. She gave me hope and faith in humanity due to her compassionate and loving nature. Later church was a big support and I later had a girlfriend. However, my grandmother was later taken away from me due to a heart attack. That devastated me for years. Eventually my long distance relationship with my girlfriend proved too impossible to sustain and my girlfriend and I drifted apart and I lost all support.
Life was real unkind to me or that was what I thought initially. I was eventually filled with much anger and sorrow and had a very bad melt down that could have costed my life. Through the blessing of God, my mom and sister came to my rescue.
Despite the odds against with both my given nature and nurture in my life, their love for me gave me hope and the courage to rise above all my shortcomings. I decided to work really hard and to prove to others like me that we could make it if we tried hard. That journey was tough and painful but I was able to successfully make it through college and achieve a successful career.
After achieving  a high degree of success in my career and school, I soon realize that there was more to life than that and began to embark on my spiritual journey to find meaning and purpose in life.
I wanted to achieve true happiness, peace and real success in life. I worked hard and learn to utilize every tool in the planet to get there. I began on a relentless search for the Truth and God. The Universe began bringing all types of spiritual masters into my life to help launch me in my spiritual evolution. I began writing in 2013 and began channeling Divine teachings from the Universe. Divine teachings downloaded intensely in my sleep and awake state until I wrote all I was guided to write. Many time I had to keep a recorder near by to record the knowledge being shared so I wouldn’t forget what was being downloaded. The teachings are in my first book, Dare to Imagine in the form of 18 principles.  One to two years later, the Universe began downloading new information to share and teach others on the path of enlightenment and God realization. 9 additional principles were introduced to help my readers further reach God in the most intimate way.
I wanted to prove that anyone regardless of religion, spirituality and faith can achieve a high degree of consciousness and spirituality and live an extraordinary life filled with love, miracles and magic and was able to do that. 
I wanted to show the world that one doesn’t have to live in the Himalayas, cave or ashram or temple to achieve a level degree of spiritual mastery and  show that mystics can even emerge from the hustle and bustle of even a big city like San Francisco. 
I also wanted to experience God directly in the most intimate way as possible and I succeeded in doing that as well through the help of various spiritual masters, gurus ( including Amma, the hugging Saint) and  various Ascended Masters.
My secrets are all shared in my books to empower others to find the greatness within. My pain, suffering and journey was all part of a Divine plan to help those who share the same plight or who are suffering. I now live in love to serve and empower wherever God takes me. It has been a long journey but it has been well worth it and the journey is ongoing and my consciousness is ever evolving. May my story inspire you to begin your own search for the greatness within. 
Despite all my successes in life and spiritual mastery, my purpose is not to celebrate it but to help others like you to experience your own success and mastery through learning from my mistakes and victories. My goal now is to help you find the Divinity within you and all of Creation and to ultimately be one with God, Mother Earth and all of Creation Great and Small.
My books go in depth to how I made my incredible transformation which has changed my life forever in the most extraordinary way.
Always remember that you are not alone and that you are a Divine Being waiting to be awakened and realized. God loves you the way you are and the Universe is waiting to support you in your metamorphosis and transformation into a God realized and Christ Conscious Being of Light and Love.
#blakesinclair #spirituality #beyondimagination

Financial Planning with a Spiritual Twist

Many people live for the moment and don’t even think about their future with regards to their savings, financial planning, and retirement. The same is true with spirituality.

Our ego perpetuated and manufactured reality conditions us to live in the moment, consume and to purchase our way to an artificial happiness. Such a life style has led many to living a life that is from check to check. With a few things that go awry here and there, it  doesn’t take much to push people to the point of poverty and become homeless. Even those who are wealthy can easily reach this point especially when they spend more than have. MC Hammer is an example of someone who was once on top of the world but later became bankrupt. It can happen to anyone of us. Hence, it is important that we save for those rainy days.

It is never to young or too old to save. Although most people’s first route of saving money is in the bank, it is probably the least effective way to make it grow due to low interest rates and the checking fees. However, we all have to start somewhere. Once we have accumulated a decent amount like one to ten thousand or more, it may be a good idea to consult with a financial planner or adviser. Always interview your financial planner thoroughly and make sure he or she has a proven track records with other clients. Just because you go into a brand name financial investment firm doesn’t guarantee that your money is being managed well. It is important that your financial planner is great at communicating any changes that need to be made with your investments due to poor performance of your stocks or mutual funds. If your money just sits in a firm with no communication at all despite the fluctuating money markets or your money is not growing then you might want to find another firm. If you find a good financial planner, your money could grow exponentially and even double or triple over time with proper planning and adjustments every year.

Money can only grow if we invest it in mutual funds, stocks or bonds ( this being the least yield but the most secure or conservative). A good financial planner can advise on which mix is best. Depending on your age, your adviser may recommend a conservative, moderate or high risk investment. Generally the higher the risk the greater the yield. A diversified investment plan is most likely the safest. The old saying that one should never put all eggs in one basket is a good advise with financial investment as well.

It must be noted that many mutual funds have transactions fees which ultimately chip away at the growth of your money. Most financial advisors won’t tell you this unless you ask. There are funds out there with low transaction fees.

Many people have a 401K retirement program at their work and this is probably the best place to start your financial growth and investment since many companies match a percentage of what the employee invest. Those who are self-employed can start a solo-401 K investment or other investment program with companies like John Hancock or Ascensus Trust but consulting with a financial planner will help one set one up.

Investment is meant for long term so one must not touch those savings until retirement age. With financial awareness and proper investment and planning, we can create a very comfortable retirement.

What about those credit cards? They seem so user friendly and innocent with their low introductory rates to lure us in. Before long, the rates increase to 20% or more. Many of us pay the minimum and become a prisoner of our growing rates that keeps us from paying it off. Best advice is not to use it or pay it off completely less you become a prisoner to credit card debt.

With regards to spirituality, most people are in spiritual poverty. Most people don’t have a clue of what spirituality is really all about. Many follow so called gurus, spiritual teachers or masters blindly. Many devotees worship these teachers as a God and become dependent on them without really growing spiritually and truly evolving as they were meant to. Millions of others become devout church goers using the church as sort of a spiritual gas station and refilling once a week the emptiness they may feel. This is good for church business but bad for spiritual growth. It is worse with performance than investing with bonds.

True spirituality is about discovering our true nature, finding that Divine Light and Love within us and all of God’s Creation and becoming one with God and his Divine Love and Consciousness which permeates all of reality.

We reap what we sow. If we invest in our self-discovery, cultivation and spirituality, the spiritual yield can be enormous and bring us eternal freedom or consciousness.

There is nothing wrong with being a devotee or church goer. I have met many great individuals who follow a guru, master or saint and are very spiritual. I have also met many people who are extremely spiritual and are church goers. I have even recommended people to attend a church to give them the initial support they need.

On the other hand, I have been to churches, temples, halls and have seen and felt so much ego and testosterone all around by the various leaders  in the group due to their elevated position in the group. Many times these people think they are better than others and are self-righteous people. They forget that this way of thinking is straight from the ego and will stunt their spiritual growth. Hence, it is not the church, temple, shrine that makes us spiritual, it is beyond that and is more personal. In order for us to grow and prosper spiritually, we must have a devotional practice which include daily prayer, meditation, and reading or studying spiritual materials that would lead us to our true nature.  Although all of us are busy, consistency with our spirituality and devotion is extremely important. Part of being spiritual is becoming more conscious and awaken of our true nature and that of all others and all of Creation. We must live out of love, compassion and forgiveness. We must practice random acts of kindness and allow love to guide our every thought, action an deeds. We must never stop our quest to finding our true self  and ultimately finding God and then having communion with him or her.

The more time we spend with our spirituality, cultivation and growth, the more we are investing in our soul’s growth and eventual freedom and liberation where we transcend the laws of karma. We must invest our time and energy wisely to grow just like how we invest our money with our investments. If we don’t, we will continue to be in spiritual poverty and be bounded by the laws of karma and will return back into another incarnation with a clean slate consciousness until we awaken again.

We are bounded by negative karma when we think, act, say and do negative things to ourselves as well as others.  We are bounded by it when we are slaves to our ego or live an ego perpetuated life. We may go to church, have a high exacted title or memorize all versus of the Bible or Bhagavad Gita but until we give up our negative thoughts and behaviors, we are unable to evolve spiritually and are are chained to the karmic energy we have created.

The more we live by love, acceptance, gratitude and non-judgement, the more we are able to grow spiritually. If we learn to trust and surrender to God, the Universe and our I AM Presence completely, the spiritual dividends and interest can have extremely high yield. Such a surrender will turn us into a spiritual billionaire where the gift we receive is eternal life as an Enlightened Being of Love, Light and Divine Consciousness. This state is where we can enjoy our next adventure in the next heavenly realm or we can even still help those on the earthly plane after our physical body is returned to Mother Earth but still exist with full consciousness. Those who are advanced enough may even transcend physical death and merge with their Rainbow Body and Light and become spontaneous light through Tibetan Buddhist practice; meanwhile, others can achieve other methods of ascension as well but all require spiritual investments of love, time, commitment, gratitude, devotion, meditation, prayer, kindness, and the relentless search for God and our true nature. When that happens we begin to lose attachment for the worldly pleasures and become more interested in the communion and unity with God, all of humanity and all of Creation.

Wishing you success with your financial investments as well as your spiritual investments. May both mature and give high yields of abundance of love, happiness and joy. There is nothing wrong with money and growth. It is especially helpful when we are financially strong enough to help those in need. May we use our money, time and spiritual skills to help one another find the beauty and spark of light within ourselves, others and all of Creation.




Blake Sinclair


#spirituality #retirement #financialplanning #blakesinclair #money

Longevity-the ultimate edition

Since the beginning of civilization, there has been a relentless quest  for the fountain of youth or an insatiable  search for finding methods to prolong our lives. During biblical times, it has been reported that some have lived to  be anywhere from several hundred  to 969 years old to 1000 years old.

Susan Shumsky, author of Ascension, wrote about a Chinese man- Master Li Qing Yun-who lived to be at least 250 years of age in her book. Master Yun learned about the ancient art of longevity one day after he met a 500 year old Taoist. When asked what was his secret, the master replied that he did an ancient exercise called Ba-Kua ( eight trigrams). I am familiar with this method since my former Gung Fu master, Sifu Y. C. Wong, practiced this everyday in his studio. After so many years, he still looks the same and still full of vitality as I see him walk the streets of Chinatown.  Perhaps there is some truth to it.

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Prayers, Love and Miracles

Dear friends,

I apologize for being gone for a while but I had a family emergency to deal with.  This next blog summarizes what I have done. I will be blogging intermittently depending on what is going on with my mother-in-law’s, Lola, health.

It has been two weeks since Lola had a stroke but to me it seems more like months since we have spent most of our time at the hospital. In fact, the hospital is like our second home. We have been with Lola since day one and have stayed with her daily to offer her love, support and healing. Each one of us bring in our unique and special skill and talent to aid in the healing process.

Some of us have even taken a medical leave to help Lola through this difficult and challenging time.
It is through our difficult times, we come to realize those that really matter to us and those that really care. I was sad to see the tears that were shed when some people she wanted to see were not able to commit to visiting her at her darkest moments. It broke my heart seeing that. Conversely, it was so refreshing and so touching to see her so overjoyed and happy with the arrival and visit of Bella and so many other beloved family members who came from Guam, Philippines and Canada. She really does appreciate all these visits and support. It was great to connect with a distant friend who is now abroad in the Philippines. She is now a minister and offered to visit Lola when she would come back to the Bay Area. I was deeply touched by her display of love and concern despite her not even knowing Lola that well.
May we always put family first especially in a state of emergency because we never know what twist and turns lie ahead. Life is so fragile and transient. When our time is up or when we give up, we leave.
Also, the elderly  need us especially since they are prone to depression and that can affect the healing process.
After Lola had this major stroke, her life was devastated drastically. Her surgery was somewhat precarious due to her weak heart. As I tuned into her and merged my consciousness with hers in the inner realm, I saw that she was quite sad and was ready to leave this world. Despite our differences, I told her that we all loved her despite everything that may have happened in the past. After that metaphysical connection, I could see and feel her soul changing directions and leaning towards not wanting to leave. The rest was history where we all flooded her with lots of love and support around the clock at her critical time of need. Because of all this, her attitude and demeanor has changed dramatically. Her soul was healed and she morphed into a person of gratitude and she now appreciates everyone that helps her and has learned to complement people. Her awareness of herself and others has expanded quite amazingly.
The last time I did this was when my aunt fell down and hit her head. She instantly went into a coma. Despite the communication in the inner realm, she had made a decision to leave because she knew was going to be a burden if she stayed. Later that day, she died.
Many times it our love that keeps our loved ones with us. Sometimes it is their love for us to move on for our own growth. Other times our loved ones leave because they have completed their mission or learned the lesson they needed to learn. Each way has its purpose.
Sometimes we just have to surrender to the natural process to allow our loved ones to soar to higher heights of consciousness in the heavenly kingdom as they are elevated by our love for them. Sometimes when we love someone, we have to set them free despite the void and pain we may feel.
It has been an extremely exhaustive rehabilitative process but it has also been quite rewarding.
Many of you have been following Lola’s recovery and journey each week and have been committed to giving us your ongoing prayers, love and support.
Some of you may have noticed the correlation between your prayer and Lola’s progress which has been nothing less than a miracle. Without further adieu, I would like to give you an update on her progress.
Lola continues to make amazing and extraordinary progress in such a short time. The last time I posted, I asked you all to pray for her ability to improve in bed mobility, functional transfers, ability to move her arm and leg better and the ability to eat.
I am so happy to say she took a modified barium swallow test this week and passed it. She can now begin to eat and drink orally. She has started to eat pureed food and nectar thick liquids. She is actually doing quite well with it.
She continues to show steady improvement in the awakening of muscles on her left arm, elbow, forearm and wrist. She had trace movements in a few of her fingers.
She has moderately better volitional control of her left leg. She is moving her hip, knee and ankle with moderate increased strength.
The greatest improvement is her ability to turn in bed. She can now turn to the left with minimal assistance and minimal to moderate assistance to the right. She can now get up on the edge of the bed with moderate assistance. She is helping to transfer herself from the bed to wheelchair and vice versa with the therapist.
She is starting to walk with the physical therapist and has even walked a distance of 30 feet a few times. She needs less assist to advance her left leg. In fact, the physical therapist will be trying her out on a platform walker tomorrow. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Things are looking pretty good considering how it was two weeks ago where her life was in critical condition after she had a heart attack following the surgery to remove the clot that caused this major stroke; she was essentially bedridden and required total care for all self-care and mobility. She had no muscle movement on the left side of the body and had no awareness of her left visual field.
Despite her remarkable progress, there are more hurdles to negotiate along the way. She is still on the ng tube feeding to ensure that she is getting enough nutrition. If she eats enough food, she can have the ng tube removed and hopefully in the very near future.
Thank you all so much for all your ongoing love, support and prayers. We are 1/4 out of the woods and things are progressing well because of our combined efforts. I am asking for your ongoing support to get her to the next major phase of recovery which is extremely important in shaping the direction of the options she will have in life.
If you can make your prayers even more specific and visualize the outcome of her improvement, I know we can help her head towards greater quality of life and have much more options in life.
Let’s visualize and pray that she is weaned off the nasogastric tube feedings, walks with platform walker with greater awareness and strength, transfers with moderate assistance to avoid the nurses from using the lift to get her out of the bed, begin moving her left arm much more and start moving left hand and fingers. Also pray that in the next few weeks that she can advance to thin liquids and to a mechanical soft diet. Pray also that she improves in her endurance and attention span.
May the unity of our love, compassion and prayer bring about another miraculous milestone in Lola’s life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
#miracles #blakesinclair #beyondimagination #daretoimagine