These past 7 years have been quite extraordinary.


I had my life awakening and spiritual awakening around 2013. Between 2014-2016, I had my Divine and Cosmic awakening. Between 2013- 2016, I began my nutritional awakening. Between January to present, all the knowledge about health, well-being and spirituality have all come together to create a formula of optimum health, well-being and harmony.

Two movies have reflected many of the things I have been writing about in my books and blogs. The most recent film is called Heal and was beautifully directed by Kelly Noonan. It is one of the best films I have watched about health and well-being. The other film is called Inori: Conversation with Something Great which was directed by Tetsu Shiratori. Both films are a must watch and will change how you understand health, prayer and genetics.

Although I am working on book three, I may also start writing my 4th book about my comprehensive system or formula of well-being and harmony. I have helped many people rehabilitate, heal and thrive using my healing system which is a blend of spirituality, nutrition, western and yogic breathing exercises, my U.U.M.M.meditation system, exercises, detox, and herbs.

My 28 years in the medical field and background in alternative healing methods, nutrition and spirituality have all prepared me to create a solid system of ultimate harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Recently I have worked on educating and healing three registered nurses. One ICU nurse thought we was doing everything she could to have good health until she talked with me. I was able to expand her options to further optimize her health and well-being and she was extremely grateful.

One nurse was suffering from anxiety and could not sleep but was cured from her problem through meditation training, yogic breathing exercises and natural remedies like chamomile tea at night and taking rescue remedy PRN during the day.

Another nurse had headaches, had an eye problem due to floaters and excessive bleeding in the feminine area. Through visualization, yogic breathing, my U.U.M.M. meditation system, her symptoms reduced drastically. Furthermore. this nurse is not a visual person at all but after practicing my system for 2 weeks, she was starting to see a few of her Chakras and could see them spin.

Even my dog ,Max, was cured of his liver abnormality from my meditation practice. He had abnormal liver enzymes levels earlier this year and the doctor was quite concerned. He wanted to prescribe medication but Max would not take it. I meditated on a regular basis and sent healing to him each day as part of the meditation. His liver improved a few months ago and a few weeks ago, his liver was completely normal.

Am I special, certainly not. However, I have opened my heart, mind and soul to God, the Masters and all they have sent me to learn everything that is important for complete harmony with body, mind and spirit for the individual, the planet and the Universe.

I have been sharing much of what I have learned and will write it formally one day to help end the suffering of many due to disharmony of the body, mind and spirit. Disharmony is the what I call illness and diseases. It is also what I call entropy.

I look forward to being a greater service to as many people as I can because health and harmony is the only way to end all suffering. I will be writing a blog about how to exist beyond being a statistic in health and spirituality.

I have found some very effective methods for restoring harmony within us and I am quite excited to share it to everyone. knowledge is only useful if we share it with others. Teaching others how to live a life of harmony with themselves, others, our planet, our Universe or God is what the Universe wants me to share to all of you. Ultimately it is a message of Love for us to embrace, experience, share and become. Become Love and become limitless and eternal.



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