A New Beginning: An Antidote to Civilization

Attention to all my friends and readers from near and far. I apologize for taking an extended break from my blogging. I was busy focusing on my family, health, book and spirituality. I have grown a lot since I last posted but wanted to give you all the good news about my literary work. My newest and third book of my Golden Book series was just released on November 10th, 2020, a day before the Indian Festival of Diwali. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and wisdom over ignorance. Likewise, my book covers all that and so its timely release is very auspicious indeed. Below is a description of the book that you’ll see on Amazon.

This is Blake Sinclair’s final book of his Golden Book Series Trilogy. This book brings his readers to the next highest level of health, consciousness and spirituality. He takes his reader on an incredible journey of navigating through the complexities of health, longevity and immortality in a way that makes sense, is easy to understand and follow. Blake further guides the reader in discovering our amazing body, micro universe, energy centers and Divine Presence that exist within all us as well as within our planet Mother Earth and beyond. Secrets known by Daoist Masters, Qi Gong Masters, Mystics, Yogis and healers are shared about how to optimize your health, longevity, energy and spirituality. Through Blake’s own experiences, extensive research and interviews from some of the top health experts, he provides wisdom and tools to help solve many of the mysteries of our modern-day sufferings (mental, emotional, physical as well as spiritual). Not only are the causes of much of our collective suffering are explored, the core of the issues is identified to awaken us on a path of enlightenment and salvation.  Ultimately, Blake guides the reader on how to step into the sovereignty of their true and Divine Nature to live a God realized life full of peace, love, harmony and radiant health so that Heaven on Earth can be created within us as well as here on Earth.

You can get the book on Amazon. Click on Amazon and you will be directed there.

Read the book and spread the message of love, hope, wisdom, empowerment and salvation. Wishing all infinite love and blessings!



Compassion versus Hate

I am very disturbed to hear about all this nonsense with discrimination and ignorance. There is a rising incidence in violence towards the Asian American people. People are being spitted on and bullied. Although the consensus is that Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, some people like David Icke seem to believe that it happened prior to the outbreak in China and not even in China. Then, recently, I find out that an American from an IVY League University was involved in setting up a bioweapon lab in China. He was arraigned recently. Is he to blame? Where is the publicity with that? Regardless, it is not the Chinese people’s fault that the virus was not better contained. Many people including a Chinese doctor tried to warn people about it via social media. Unfortunately, in the current regime such information was not allowed to come out in an expedited way it should have. People suffered and died despite their plea for help and warning to the rest of the world. No government regime is perfect. Each has its pros and cons.

The Chinese people are victims and not the cause of the virus. Many people jump on the bandwagon to blame the Chinese people of the virus include ridiculing their dietary habits since one theory is that the virus came from bats or pangolins and we know all Chinese eat bats or pangolins right? Not!!! However, the current virus has been examined carefully and determined not to be even a living virus. A bioweapon? No one except the few privy people really knows the origin of the virus. Since we don’t really know stop blaming the Chinese people.

Please realize that not all Chinese are meat eaters. There are quite a few that are vegetarians. To group everyone in one class to blame is very dangerous, divisive and not spiritual whatsoever! It adds fuel to the ignorant flame that is already burning.

Through the course of time, we will soon come to realize the truth of this pandemic. For now, support your local Asian American as well as other ethnic groups. They are another beautiful expression of God’s Consciousness. By spitting at them, you spit at God. By hurting them, you hurt God. By judging or ridiculing them, you judge and ridicule God.

Chinese people have contributed to the technological advancement of our civilization and have given birth to many tools that have helped millions of people around the world find happiness and health. They brought us Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs, Gung Fu, Tai Chi, Karate, Qi Gong, Art and exquisite culinary delights, etc. They have even found a medical and alternative method of healing of the virus. Lastly, they have supplied us with most of the things we use for our day to day living. If you ask me, I think that covers all aspects of life and we should be grateful for all that.

The Chinese in America built the early railroad systems that connected America. Many risk their lives and died for our current railroad system. The Chinese Americans fought along side with other Americans during WWI and WWII to defend our freedom.
Without these brave people, we wouldn’t have our freedom today.

The Asian Americans have helped our communities, schools and even politics.
They are your teachers, lawyers, doctors, therapist, astronaut, computer programmers, nurses, political figures, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, etc.
The Asian American have fed you, entertained you in Hollywood, laundered your clothes, healed you and educated you to higher consciousness. In essence the Asian American and Chinese American influence in society has been quite huge, influential and pervasive.

Jack Ma has donated supplies to help with the Coronavirus pandemic in Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States. Jackie Chan has set up organizations to help the elderly.

Don’t hurt those who contribute to your wellbeing.

Much of public opinion seem to be influenced by the what we hear on the TV, radio and social media. There is a lot of propaganda and divisive info out there. The previous years it was our moslem and African American brothers and sisters who were the victims. Back in WWII, it was the Japanese Americans that were blamed. George Takei has talked quite poignantly and written about his own internment experience. After the Rodney King trial, it was the Koreans. Then it was our Mexican brothers and sisters who are seeking political asylum here. Now it is the Chinese. Stop feeding the fuel to hurt, harm and ridicule your Asian American brothers and sisters. Even joking about it in a gentle way is secretly saying it is ok to do Chinese bashing.

My dear brothers in NY, SF and elsewhere, stop this nonsense violence to those who are victims now.
My African American, Latino and other American brother and sisters let us unite and help each other out. The cause of our suffering is not one race or ethnicity but our collective ego that has gone awry. That collective ego has given birth to fear, hatred, ignorance, violence due to our insatiable appetite of material things, lust and our desires. Our collective greed and impaired ego is to be blamed. We collectively co-created this system and we can collectively make it better by increasing our awareness, Consciousness, compassion, mercy, kindness and choices we make moment by moment.

Humanity, stand up for injustice! Stop letting the system brain wash us in killing each other. Educate and not incriminate. Dispel the ignorance and pray for greater compassion and kindness to those in China and Asians all around the world. Do the same for all our other brothers and sisters around the world regardless of their color, creed, belief, orientation, gender, religion and ethnicity. We all exist as one global Consciousness of God when we allow his light, love and mercy shine through.

Spiritual leaders, pastors, Catholic Priests, and all other clergy please call for an end to this violence. The virus is causing enough harm. We don’t need to add more problems to our lives but add solutions.

Calling on all lightworkers, we desperately need to send more light, love and violet flames to NY, San Francisco and all around to halt these toxic and harmful behaviors, thoughts and emotion.

President Trump , we need your help for martial law in those problem areas.

Let’s all choose love and choose to be a part of Team Humanity! Choose to wake up from the matrix you have been living in that has been spoon feeding us information that creates fear, anger, divisiveness, injustice, chaos and confusion. The only way out of this ego perpetuated system is to wake up, get educated and go within and meditate your way to finding your true and Divine Nature and learn to not just live like a walking zombie like millions of us are still doing. Zombies that react to toxic directives given to them. Three of the most influential people I love and respect would not stand for such behaviors and violence. Martin Luther King, Jr, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama would not put up with this and would opt for kindness, compassion, mercy and peace towards greater unity. Violence is never a solution but a path towards destruction of humanity. All great changes comes from unity, diaglue and open communication. Violence is the cancer of society. Choose to make our future better for all sentient beings. Black lives matters! Yellow lives matter! All lives matter! Be the blazing violet that burns away and dissolves all ignorance, negatively, and misconceptions.

I pray that we will weather through this gracefully, unite as one humanity and that one day soon we will get one with God alas.#
#trump #alllivesmatter #yellowlivesmatter #unity #peace #asianamericanbashing #asianamericanviolence #stoptheviolence

Antidote to Civilization

There is much emotional and energetic turbulence on the planet at this time. A tsunami of wave made of fear, anxiety, negativity and divisiveness has been created by our current pandemic crisis courtesy of our wonderful media.

It is so sad to see us collectively brought down to the lowest level of existence where we are driven by fear and live in survival mode.

Many stores are empty of basic supplies because people are caught up in a hysteria and are panicking. Fighting, looting and crime are bound to increase. Hence, the President declared a National Emergency.

It is so sad to see humanity at its worst. I watched a video of a few people fighting in a store over toilet papers in the UK. One family had about 5 to 6 packages of toilet paper and another lady was fighting to just have only one. The store manager and staff had to intervene and break up the fight. The one woman was in tears and only wanted one but the women and her daughter hoarded everything and wouldn’t even compromise and give one package to the stranger. What a shame! This trend will lead to rationing.

I heard a story of how many elderly people who are devastated and in tears because they can’t compete with the crowd to get their toilet paper and end up with nothing. They of all the people need it the most. Is there no more heart in this world?

The Coronavirus is a highly infectious and contagious virus that has resulted in many deaths especially with the elderly and those who have compromised immune system. However, many more people are also surviving it daily. The number is up to 70, 296 who have recovered. It is not a death sentence!

Though it has resulted in deaths, the greater threat is to our economy, our way of life, and our livelihood. As bad as it is, it has cleared much of the pollution in China and elsewhere around the world. It has brought experts from all around the world to find solutions to this virus. It is making people become more aware of the importance of their health and wellness. It is making people realize how fragile life is and that nothing is permanent.

Perhaps it is a time for great introspection and contemplation of our own existence.

Perhaps as we are quarantined or just staying at home away from the chaos, we can begin to ponder about the meaning of life and why we are here. Instead of hoarding and clearing store shelves, we can begin to go within to clear all the emotional and mental clutter in the shelves of our hearts, mind and souls. We need to release all the fear, anger, judgment, condemnation, anxiety we have within and end all discrimination we have towards others. Instead, we can begin to replace those toxic thoughts and emotions with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. We can do this during meditation or as a visualized exercise. Meditate to recharge, reboot, and revitalize yourself. Meditate to purify your heart, mind and soul. Meditate to improve clarity of mind and improve your immune system by 40%. Meditate to transcend the illusions of our ego perpetuated matrix that we live in. Meditate to attain unity and oneness with God, the Masters, the Universe, Mother Earth and all of humanity.
Meditate and realize it is not about survival of the fittest nor about us against them. We are all in this together.

It is important we get beyond the fear and live out of love, compassion and kindness.
If you know of any elderly person or any person in need please help them. Learn to share and live more simply. During the Great Depression people came together and helped one another. Unfortunately, we have drifted away from our values, ethics and even further away from our true nature. Forget about ET phone home. Humanity phone home! Get dialed back into your true and Divine Nature.

This is a very pivotal time in our history but it is also an invitation to reexamine ourselves and make important choices that will lead towards our journey back home and liberation or keep us enslaved in this matrix. I hope many of you realize by now t how closely all of us are being monitored. Social media postings and groups are now being censored or removed. Decisions are being made about what is right and wrong for us. Perhaps it is a time to fast or retire from social media altogether. We collectively are like babes in the woods of hungry wolves.

It is time to wake up and realize the true Divine Being you are. You can make choices that will lead to the ongoing chaos and entropy on the planet or make choices to help it evolve further into a more enlightened civilization of unity and oneness. It is time to be the change you want to see in others. You each are powerful pebbles of change on this planet. So I invite you all to awaken from your spiritual slumber and begin to live an empowered and enlightened life by meditating, praying ( for yourself, others, your country, and planet), and enlightening and educating others about how to live in harmony with your body, mind and spirit. Below are some tips to help us all navigate through this next phase of life more gracefully:
1. Namaste instead of shaking hands.
2. Share instead of hoard.
3. Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
4. Clean and disinfect things used or clean areas used by many people.
5. Pray daily.
6. Meditate daily.
7. Visualize healing energy to yourself and the planet.
8. Learn how to strengthen your immune system. Go to my blog for more details at www.blakesinclair.org.
9. Stay home if you are sick.
10. Get tested at the mobile site if you are sick and have a fever.
11. Spend quality time with your loved ones and especially the elderly, family and children.
12. Focus more on thoughts, ideas, and emotions that are conducive to health and wellness. Also focus on those things that inspire, empower and enlighten.
13. Take your time while in solitude to take care of yourself body, mind and spirit by exercising in a nurturing way.
14. Practice random acts of kindness.
15. Chant the Green Tara Protection Mantra 108 x – Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.
16. Chant Om Ah Om Vajra Guru Padme Shini Hung.
17. Chant the powerful Gyatri Mantra.
18. Invoke the Violet Flame and ask for assistance of Saint Germain and the Violet Tara to clear all the toxic energies in and around you and the planet.
19. Spend time with yourself and nature.
20. Release all that is no longer in the best interest of your higher self.
21. Reduce your attachment to material things. Gravitate to that which is eternal.
22. Follow the Golden Rule.
23. Bidet and Tabot ( Filipino Water Bucket cleasning) more instead of rely totally on toilet paper.
24. Buy or use disposal paper towels to conserve during tough times.
25. Spend time in devotion.
26. Laugh, Sing and Dance for each day of life is a precious gift to be celebrated.
27. Gravitate to that which is of the Light and Love.
28. Fill your body, mind and soul with the nectar of God’s Love, Light, Energy and Consciousness.
29. Dream the impossible dream.
30. Dare to Imagine a new reality, paradigm and way of living in global oneness.
31. Keep calm and carry on.
32. Avoid judgement and condemnation because they are divisive and are like fuel for the ego; instead practice compassion and pray for others and make healthy choices that will change your situation, your country’s situation or the world’s situation. Ignorance breeds suspicion and higher awareness leads to compassion.
33. Learn to think more globally instead of ethnocentrically.
34. Learn to be guided by your inner Divine Compass, Divine Presence, or I AM Presence and not the ego where we edge God out.
35. Learn to give more than we take from the world.
36. Learn to be of service to others instead of being self-serving. Seva is when we truly begin to live and awaken.
37. Do M.E.D.I.A.( Meditatation Empowers Divinity in All of us) more and less of m.e.d.i.a ( mass electronic deception in America). Learn to educate yourself beyond the carefully packaged and manufactured information we are getting. The Truth is out there as well as within us. Seek and you will find and knock and it will be open until thee.
38. In God we trust and in all others in the mediasphere, question, research and awaken to greater and higher truth and Consciousness.
39. Be mindful with how we express our thoughts, emotions and soul as we speak, post, write, type and communicate. Is what you communicate unifying or divisive? Does it empower or enrage? Does it reflect Divine Love and Light or the ego?
40. Empower, enlighten, educate and edify instead of create more energy to sustain and grow our ego and ego perpetuated matrix system which keeps us blind, asleep, divisive and enslaved to the system we have co-created.
41. Consider growing your fruits and vegetables and lose the dependence on other source for sustenance.
42. Feed your heart, mind and soul by reading books that inspires, enlighten and empowers. Books like The Vedas and Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Autobiography of a Yogi, Peter Mt. Shasta’s books and audios, my books( Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination), etc are books that will inspire and support you on your spiritual awakening and journey.
43. If you run out of hand sanitizer don’t go rogue but go make your own. Check out the link on how to easily make your own- https://youtu.be/bUp-wnLT6ew

I pray to God, Lord Shiva, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Buddha, Master Mun, Master Ajahn Lee, the Maha Chohan, Saint Germain, Master Lady Pearl, the Violet Tara, Padmasambhava, Yogananda, Babaji, Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, Guru Nanak, Amma, Mother Meeru, Shree Maa and all other great Saints and the Ascended Council of Light to help dissolve the fog of ignorance and fear within us and on the planet so that we can see and embrace the Light of Love and Consciousness that is within and without us.

Dear Heavenly Father, Divine Mother and Friend, may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May we be a beacon of Light for those who are lost, a bridge for people from all walks of life and uniting them in your love and may we be vessels of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness.
Om Shanti, shanti, shantihi!
May Peace, Love and Unity Prevail on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Acts of Kindness Leads to Something Extraordinary


I first met Noi and her late husband about 10 years ago when he was quite vibrant and active. He was one of my former clients. We lost contact for a long time until this year when the Universe brought him back into my life. This time he was ill and bedridden. Noi was a wonderful, special and extraordinary wife to John Bullock throughout all their seasons and weathers of life.
She loved her late husband dearly and did everything possible to take good care of him. John and I became friends towards the end. Somehow our friendship inspired him so much that he was frequently talking to Noi about me til his final hours. One of his last wishes was for me to attend his funeral with Noi and that I did.
I never knew really got a chance to know Noi until a few months ago. After John passed away, Noi’s life was catapulted into a new reality that she never had to deal with and she was lost in whirlwind of confusion, chaos and uncertainty. She reached out to me about what was going on. She had no friends or family support here in the USA. My heart really melted with great compassion for her so I decided to help her.
Through my help, she was able to navigate through all the complexities of her life with much grace and dignity. After helping her through the different seasons of life, I got to know Noi very well and we have become great friends and refer to each other more like siblings. She considers me more like a family member and like a brother. I had a choice to help her or not but listened to that Divine prompting within to help her and now I have a new special friend and sister. When I first met Noi, she was distraught and going through a meltdown. Through my gentle support along with others, she transitioned from feeling a great sense of hopelessness, to mourning, to experience joy and finally to experiencing bliss and peace. She will be returning to Thailand next week but has been deeply touched by all the love and support she received from me, my family, Lance Lujan, Cy, Max and most recently from John, her new beau.

Today she sent me a private message which she approved for me to share to you. “When I return to Thailand, please take care of yourself. We are not real family but I love you same as my brother. I love you brother!” Tell Uma I love her too!

Noi gave me a Thai nickname Kruba Srivi Chai. I looked him up and he was a famous Buddhist Monk who did a lot of good especially in Chiang Mai, Thailand where Noi is from. He was the most revered monk of the Lanna Kingdom. Noi gave me that name because she said like Kruba, I have done a lot of good in my life and continue to do so. Kruba was known for his kind, pious and compassionate nature. He was a spiritual leader and is known as one of the great Saints of Thailand.

True spirituality is not about how many followers one has, how famous one is, how many sold out talks we have, about what high ranking titles we have ( “guru,” spiritual master, teacher, lama, rinpoche, etc.) or how many books we have sold. It means very little if we have not discovered the Divine Love and allow it to fill our being until we overflow with love, compassion, kindness and mercy to all that we meet.

Through this love, compassion and kindness, I now have a new Thai sister and friend for life.





A Week of Synchronicity


These past few weeks have been difficult especially with he news of mom and her cancer, a hectic work schedule, meeting my book deadlines and just life but despite all of it, I made time to help those in need including helping a friend get back on her feet after she lost everything ( her husband died about a month ago, she lost her apartment, etc; she even got sick overseas and I worked on restoring her health there); helping a friend put the pieces back together in his house after a home robbery while he was thousands of miles away from the states ( wanted him not to worry and to enjoy his vacation), helping a friend recover from a really bad case of food poisoning and today she is well; helped to coordinate and set up a meeting with the police department community liaison with my neighborhood with the participation of about 10 families. No wonder I felt kinda tired today. LOL!
I am not complaining because to serve is a honor for me. It gives me the opportunity to be the ambassador of God’s Love, Light and Energy. I never do anything with expectation of any rewards or compliments. I do good for it is Divine to do so.

Today and this week, the Universe blessed me in so many ways especially after I did my UUMM meditation with the long form. The past two weeks I have been like David Banner but after opening all my chakras and entering into the inner realm and expanding my Consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness, I return feeling a state of bliss, euphoria and fullness of love and light.

Moments of synchronicities are happening over and over. The other day, I was thinking about my sister and about a friend Jen, who was suppose to meet with my sister to give her Reishi mushroom for a anti-cancer recipe. As soon as I called my sister, she was flabbergasted and said your friend is here and is just literally giving me the mushroom at this same moment .

Today I called the Postal Annex to check if I had any mail and the clerk was flabbergasted and stated that the very moment I called, a package was being delivered to her hand and she was just talking to the other clerk about me.

I later saw a client and he talked about how his wife was a well-known dancer and dancing instructor. A few minutes later, a friend dropped over to visit him. I could not help but feel a strong dancing energy from her aura. She didn’t look like a dancer but I felt that she was a dancer and somehow connected to my client’s wife. I decided to ask her if she was a dancer and she was quite surprised that I asked her but happily replied that she was and was even one of the top students and teachers of my client’s wife.

I drove to the City to see mom today. As I started to walk, I could distinctly hear a large group of parrots flying over head so I looked up and indeed there were about 50 to 100 of them flying. I recognized their squawking. No one even seems to know that they are there. Many times I can see or hear them long before anyone is aware of them. They represent love and magic and today was somewhat magical indeed.

This morning I met with my mom and her caregivers for breakfast to go over her new healing protocal to bring more love, harmony and healing to her cancer cells. I call it Lily HC protocol, a combination of prayers, healing energy, healing sound of 444 Hz, vitamins, anti-cancer tea, Reishi mushroom soup and pills, etc. and of course lots of TLC. Btw, thank you so much for the love, support and powerful prayers. My mom is actually feeling better. She was quite alert and smiled at me a few times. I told my mom that she looked like she was at peace and she nodded her head, laughed, smiled and said yes. She then said thank you! I was deeply touched by that.

Our meeting went over and I needed to run and drive to my mom’s place to drop off some special and powerful healing supplements there while my mom and caregivers would go out.

Parking in Chinatown can be quite difficult especially in the residential areas and I needed to get back to work and didn’t have any time to waste. As I drove to my mom’s place, I was blessed to find a single space large enough for me to park between two garages. It was right next to her apartment. What are the odds?

Later I reparked my car in a public garage to run some errands in Chinatown and repair my sacred Dzi bead bracelet. While waiting for the repair, I felt an inner nudge to go to a store diagonally across to see if the long awaited red tile I have been looking for has arrived or not. I have been waiting for about half a year for one particular tile which has the Chinese character or Japanese Kanji of love. For the past 6 months the store has had very low inventory of the red tiles but usually they have multiple tiles of the same symbol or character but when I arrived at the store, I was pleasantly surprised that Universe guided me to the tile I was looking for and it was the only one left. Even the merchant was surprised that there was only one left while many of the others had multiples of the same character or symbol.

Now my set is complete. The three tiles represent three greatTruths. It represents the primordial sound of the Universe, vibration, frequency, energy, Divinity, Supreme Consciousness and Energy and Love.

When I visited the Fuji Sanctuary in Japan and meditated in their hall, they had a framed painting or calligraphy of love and God. I have wanted to have those Kanji in my shrine and finally today that dream and wish has come true.

While I was going to the public parking, I reached in my pocket to retrieve my parking ticket and could not find it. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I reached for my phone. I traced every where I was but could not find it. I had to face the consequence of my actions and lack of mindfulness and was prepared to pay the lost ticket rate of about 50.00. I headed to the attendant and looked at him with my sad puppy eyes and told him what had happened. I prayed that somehow this man would have leniency with me. He directed me to bring my car to an alternate area. He proceeded to write my license down and then told me to wait. I was expecting him to come back with a hefty ticket. Instead, the man casually walked over and said I printed you new ticket. He said you can go ahead and pay now. I placed it in the machine and was filled with gratitude that this avuncular figure was so kind and compassionate. The ticket was only for four dollars. He then smiled at me as if he knew me or knew my soul. I was deeply touched by this moment.

This week and today has been somewhat magical but then again, it is said that with God all things is possible. What I have learned is that when we stop living for ourselves and begin to help and serve others despite the world on our shoulders, we create tsunami waves of love that comes back infused with God’s love and blessings. The more we meditate beyond ourselves and meditate for the world and Universe and become one with God, the Universe, Nature, Mother Earth, all of humanity and all creatures great and small, God surprises us with gifts, visions, miracles and extraordinary blessings that we have co-created!

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!
Sat Sri Akal!
Om Mani Padme Hon!

Wishing all of you infinite love and blessings!



It’s Time for Change

   Most of you have heard about the fatal shooting in Parkland, Florida at a high school where seventeen innocent individuals were massacred. Fortunately, the shooting suspect was caught and taken into custody.

   Mass shootings and massacres are increasing in frequency. According to Wikipedia, the incidence of public shootings has tripled since 2011 and that we have more mass shootings than any other country. However, another source stated that other European countries may have the same issues as us. 

   We must examine what is not working in our system and how we can change our current methods of protecting our children and getting the proper help for the dysfunctional citizens of our country. 

   My heart and prayers goes out to all the victims and their families. They have my deepest and most profound condolences.

   No one should have to endure such tragedies especially in a school environment where children are expected to be in a safe place.  I found this this senseless crime quite disturbing and felt compelled to write this blog to offer some type of solution to this complex problem.  Many people are pro gun control in light of  increasing incidence of shootings.  However, will that in itself prevent future shootings? In Chicago it is illegal to own a gun but yet they have the highest murder rate in the country. According to a firearms expert, most of the US mass shootings occur in gun free zones.  One thing for sure is that we need to make it much more difficult to get a gun especially if an individual is determined to be mentally unstable by the medical community.  We need to support legislation that supports this. 

   In this high tech age, we should also use technology to our advantage to help save lives. GPS has been one of the greatest inventions of this century and has helped millions around the world to navigate their way around. GPS has been used to track our cars and cell phone’s location. It has been used to keep track of parolees as well.  Meanwhile, microchipping has been done for quite a few years with our canine friends to help owners or companions retrieve their lost loved ones. Companies are beginning to microchip employees. Although I am not an advocate of microchipping,  perhaps the usage of the two can be used with high risk individuals to prevent them from purchasing firearms or anything that can be purchased to make any explosive or harmful device.  However, let me propose a holistic way of addressing this complex problem that incorporates technology but also provide a humane approach to helping people. Below is one idea of how we can help the individual and protect our children. 

   Once an individual has been determined to be a high risk for violence, he or she should get psychiatric and  counseling care ( mental, emotional and nutritional support ).  Any medications that are  used long term with no results in improving the individual’s condition need to be reassessed. Those that cause any adverse reactions like anxiety, suicidal ideations, aggressive or anti-social behaviors may need to be adjusted or slowly weaned away. If the individual does not improve then he or she should get a referral to one of Dr. Amen’s clinics to get a Spect Scan to assess the brain of any organic changes, tumors, exposure to environment toxins or chemical imbalances. Dr. Amen is the leading brain expert, a pioneer psychiatrist, brain disorder specialist who has helped many people heal their brains and improve their mental, emotional and behavioral issues by analyzing brain Spect Scans and then setting up a comprehensive treatment regime to correct the problem by way of a holistic and integrative approach.   If for some reason the individual continues to be a high risk then this individual may then be a candidate for microchipping and monitoring by law enforcement. The individual may even be mandated to have microchips embedded into his or her driver’s license and credit cards. The next step would be to upload information about all the high risk into a national computer system that links in with nationwide gun shops. When the individual goes to shop to purchase a gun and tries to use his credit card and driver’s license, an alert is given to the clerk that this individual is a high risk for aggressive behavior and the transaction is cancelled and a message is sent to local authorities about the attempted purchase and law enforcement may need to keep tighter surveillance of the individual especially with public places or schools.

   Another idea is microchipping or putting technology in all guns sold in the USA. A monitoring device could be put in all schools or public places that picks up a signal of the microchip within 1/2 mile of its location. If someone enters the zone of the monitoring device with a gun with a microchip, an instant lock down alert can be sent out to the school and law enforcement simultaneously. The microchip will also give authorities the pin point location of where the shooter is via GPS. Law enforcement and school officials can have access and trace the movement of the shooter.

   Tile Mate has a system like that to help the user locate their keys, phone, wallet or car. I lost my wallet yesterday in San Rafael but was able to find it with the help of my Tile Mate app and Tile Mate placed in my wallet. Tile Mate can be quite helpful for the user in locating their lost devices but something like that with a microchip could help us avoid mass shootings again or at least minimize its frequency.

Besides the above, we as a society must minimize access to those who are high risk to games that promote violence like many war games do. Those who are microchipped are not allowed to purchase such games. The long term solution is to get rid of all such games completely as we reach a more enlightened society.

   Spiritually speaking, we should continue to  pray for the victims and their families and offer whatever support we an give them. They need emotional, psychological and some even need financial support for the survivors. We as a civilization must take care of the sick members of our society which include those who are dysfunctional, physically and mentally challenged and the aged.

   We must support more brothers and sister to live a more enlightened, compassionate and harmonious life. We can’t change the entire planet over night but the greater amount of enlightened beings are on this planet, the better our society will be.  Studies have shown that crime rate has dropped in areas where enlightened beings were placed.

   Stopping mass shootings will take bipartisan support and presidential support. A panel of experts from law enforcement, physicians like Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola and Dr. Andrew Weil, religious leaders, psychologists, psychiatrists from Dr. Amen’s clinic, geneticist like Dr. Bruce Lipton, nutritionists, high tech and social media companies and leaders and spiritual masters can assemble to develop a comprehensive system to address the mass shooting issues.

   I truly believe that changing our society and civilization begin with changing ourselves first. It is extremely important that we support our children with lots of love, support and guidance at an early age and throughout their life cycle. We need to spend more time with family than technology. We must minimize the amount of toxins we are consuming, inhaling or exposed to in our food, fruits, and water supply. We must educate ourselves about the importance of nutrition as it relates to mental and emotional well-being and teach our kids that. We must learn stress management techniques and teach our children. I have one chapter in my first book, Dare to Imagine, dedicated to stress management. We must detox regularly to remove the toxins and metals that are being stored in our liver, spleen, thyroid and brain which could affect our mental and emotional well-being. We must realize that we are interconnected as part of a Divine Family and are all God’s children and Consciousness. 

   May this blog encourage others to begin dialoguing about how to remedy the mass shooting issues that has widespread ramifications.

May Peace Prevail on Earth! Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!



Blake Sinclair






















These past 7 years have been quite extraordinary.


I had my life awakening and spiritual awakening around 2013. Between 2014-2016, I had my Divine and Cosmic awakening. Between 2013- 2016, I began my nutritional awakening. Between January to present, all the knowledge about health, well-being and spirituality have all come together to create a formula of optimum health, well-being and harmony.

Two movies have reflected many of the things I have been writing about in my books and blogs. The most recent film is called Heal and was beautifully directed by Kelly Noonan. It is one of the best films I have watched about health and well-being. The other film is called Inori: Conversation with Something Great which was directed by Tetsu Shiratori. Both films are a must watch and will change how you understand health, prayer and genetics.

Although I am working on book three, I may also start writing my 4th book about my comprehensive system or formula of well-being and harmony. I have helped many people rehabilitate, heal and thrive using my healing system which is a blend of spirituality, nutrition, western and yogic breathing exercises, my U.U.M.M.meditation system, exercises, detox, and herbs.

My 28 years in the medical field and background in alternative healing methods, nutrition and spirituality have all prepared me to create a solid system of ultimate harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Recently I have worked on educating and healing three registered nurses. One ICU nurse thought we was doing everything she could to have good health until she talked with me. I was able to expand her options to further optimize her health and well-being and she was extremely grateful.

One nurse was suffering from anxiety and could not sleep but was cured from her problem through meditation training, yogic breathing exercises and natural remedies like chamomile tea at night and taking rescue remedy PRN during the day.

Another nurse had headaches, had an eye problem due to floaters and excessive bleeding in the feminine area. Through visualization, yogic breathing, my U.U.M.M. meditation system, her symptoms reduced drastically. Furthermore. this nurse is not a visual person at all but after practicing my system for 2 weeks, she was starting to see a few of her Chakras and could see them spin.

Even my dog ,Max, was cured of his liver abnormality from my meditation practice. He had abnormal liver enzymes levels earlier this year and the doctor was quite concerned. He wanted to prescribe medication but Max would not take it. I meditated on a regular basis and sent healing to him each day as part of the meditation. His liver improved a few months ago and a few weeks ago, his liver was completely normal.

Am I special, certainly not. However, I have opened my heart, mind and soul to God, the Masters and all they have sent me to learn everything that is important for complete harmony with body, mind and spirit for the individual, the planet and the Universe.

I have been sharing much of what I have learned and will write it formally one day to help end the suffering of many due to disharmony of the body, mind and spirit. Disharmony is the what I call illness and diseases. It is also what I call entropy.

I look forward to being a greater service to as many people as I can because health and harmony is the only way to end all suffering. I will be writing a blog about how to exist beyond being a statistic in health and spirituality.

I have found some very effective methods for restoring harmony within us and I am quite excited to share it to everyone. knowledge is only useful if we share it with others. Teaching others how to live a life of harmony with themselves, others, our planet, our Universe or God is what the Universe wants me to share to all of you. Ultimately it is a message of Love for us to embrace, experience, share and become. Become Love and become limitless and eternal.



The Cosmic Web

In 1997, research was done at the University of Geneva that proved that matter had non-physical connections. A single proton was split and was separated about 14 miles apart. What the researchers discovered was something very astonishing. They noticed that if they would stimulate the proton a certain way the separated proton despite the distance would respond the same way. If one particle of the proton was spun by a magnetic force, the other would spin exactly the same way. Scientist named this phenomenon “Quantum Entanglement.” Einstein referred to it as the ” spooky action at a distance.” The scientist concluded that the photons or particles were connected as part of a same energetic field.
I have known about this quantum connection for a while. I wrote about it in my book, Beyond Imagination. The energy field is what I call the Cosmic Web. It is a Cosmic and Divine Web, energy field that is connected to all realities and matters of the Universes and ultimately connected to our Source, God or Divine or Supreme Consciousness.
This mystical and strange web connects all of us at the core of our being. I believe that the Big Bang was the birth of our universe from the potential field of energy in a perfect state of what I like to call Cosmic Meditative State of Supreme Perfection or AH, state of nothingness, or void, although it really is not. It is everything in a state of potential energy in perfect Zen state.
The moment our Source open his or her Conscious state of Being in this amazing potential field and breathed the words AUM or I AM, all of reality, matter and creation was manifested from this one perfect energetic source of God Consciousness and Love. It is this Divine Energy, Love or intelligence that created matter and all of us. The Universe is all God’s Consciousness and we are all part of it as well. We are all imbued with God’s Cosmic Light at the center of our being. It has been called the Divine Spark of Light, I AM Presence, Holy Spirit, etc. Reuniting with it and illuminating it will reconnect us back to our true Divine Nature. I have written extensively on the steps that will lead us back to our true nature and back to God In my book called Beyond Imagination.
The Big Bang to me is the birth of God’s Consciousness and creation of his or her Cosmic Web which is a living, conscious and interactive web of Divine Consciousness that defies time and space. 
This Cosmic Web or energy field is how the Tao does nothing but yet nothing is left undone. It is how we are connected to each other as well as God. We are all part of that amazing and great Consciousness of God. Scientist are now beginning to say that the Universe is a Consciousness. 
May we all realize that we are not alone and are connected together in a great cosmic way as one Divine Family, one Divine Mind and one Divine Consciousness.
Sat Sri Akal! Namaste!!!
#spirituality #beyondimagination

Financial Planning with a Spiritual Twist

Many people live for the moment and don’t even think about their future with regards to their savings, financial planning, and retirement. The same is true with spirituality.

Our ego perpetuated and manufactured reality conditions us to live in the moment, consume and to purchase our way to an artificial happiness. Such a life style has led many to living a life that is from check to check. With a few things that go awry here and there, it  doesn’t take much to push people to the point of poverty and become homeless. Even those who are wealthy can easily reach this point especially when they spend more than have. MC Hammer is an example of someone who was once on top of the world but later became bankrupt. It can happen to anyone of us. Hence, it is important that we save for those rainy days.

It is never to young or too old to save. Although most people’s first route of saving money is in the bank, it is probably the least effective way to make it grow due to low interest rates and the checking fees. However, we all have to start somewhere. Once we have accumulated a decent amount like one to ten thousand or more, it may be a good idea to consult with a financial planner or adviser. Always interview your financial planner thoroughly and make sure he or she has a proven track records with other clients. Just because you go into a brand name financial investment firm doesn’t guarantee that your money is being managed well. It is important that your financial planner is great at communicating any changes that need to be made with your investments due to poor performance of your stocks or mutual funds. If your money just sits in a firm with no communication at all despite the fluctuating money markets or your money is not growing then you might want to find another firm. If you find a good financial planner, your money could grow exponentially and even double or triple over time with proper planning and adjustments every year.

Money can only grow if we invest it in mutual funds, stocks or bonds ( this being the least yield but the most secure or conservative). A good financial planner can advise on which mix is best. Depending on your age, your adviser may recommend a conservative, moderate or high risk investment. Generally the higher the risk the greater the yield. A diversified investment plan is most likely the safest. The old saying that one should never put all eggs in one basket is a good advise with financial investment as well.

It must be noted that many mutual funds have transactions fees which ultimately chip away at the growth of your money. Most financial advisors won’t tell you this unless you ask. There are funds out there with low transaction fees.

Many people have a 401K retirement program at their work and this is probably the best place to start your financial growth and investment since many companies match a percentage of what the employee invest. Those who are self-employed can start a solo-401 K investment or other investment program with companies like John Hancock or Ascensus Trust but consulting with a financial planner will help one set one up.

Investment is meant for long term so one must not touch those savings until retirement age. With financial awareness and proper investment and planning, we can create a very comfortable retirement.

What about those credit cards? They seem so user friendly and innocent with their low introductory rates to lure us in. Before long, the rates increase to 20% or more. Many of us pay the minimum and become a prisoner of our growing rates that keeps us from paying it off. Best advice is not to use it or pay it off completely less you become a prisoner to credit card debt.

With regards to spirituality, most people are in spiritual poverty. Most people don’t have a clue of what spirituality is really all about. Many follow so called gurus, spiritual teachers or masters blindly. Many devotees worship these teachers as a God and become dependent on them without really growing spiritually and truly evolving as they were meant to. Millions of others become devout church goers using the church as sort of a spiritual gas station and refilling once a week the emptiness they may feel. This is good for church business but bad for spiritual growth. It is worse with performance than investing with bonds.

True spirituality is about discovering our true nature, finding that Divine Light and Love within us and all of God’s Creation and becoming one with God and his Divine Love and Consciousness which permeates all of reality.

We reap what we sow. If we invest in our self-discovery, cultivation and spirituality, the spiritual yield can be enormous and bring us eternal freedom or consciousness.

There is nothing wrong with being a devotee or church goer. I have met many great individuals who follow a guru, master or saint and are very spiritual. I have also met many people who are extremely spiritual and are church goers. I have even recommended people to attend a church to give them the initial support they need.

On the other hand, I have been to churches, temples, halls and have seen and felt so much ego and testosterone all around by the various leaders  in the group due to their elevated position in the group. Many times these people think they are better than others and are self-righteous people. They forget that this way of thinking is straight from the ego and will stunt their spiritual growth. Hence, it is not the church, temple, shrine that makes us spiritual, it is beyond that and is more personal. In order for us to grow and prosper spiritually, we must have a devotional practice which include daily prayer, meditation, and reading or studying spiritual materials that would lead us to our true nature.  Although all of us are busy, consistency with our spirituality and devotion is extremely important. Part of being spiritual is becoming more conscious and awaken of our true nature and that of all others and all of Creation. We must live out of love, compassion and forgiveness. We must practice random acts of kindness and allow love to guide our every thought, action an deeds. We must never stop our quest to finding our true self  and ultimately finding God and then having communion with him or her.

The more time we spend with our spirituality, cultivation and growth, the more we are investing in our soul’s growth and eventual freedom and liberation where we transcend the laws of karma. We must invest our time and energy wisely to grow just like how we invest our money with our investments. If we don’t, we will continue to be in spiritual poverty and be bounded by the laws of karma and will return back into another incarnation with a clean slate consciousness until we awaken again.

We are bounded by negative karma when we think, act, say and do negative things to ourselves as well as others.  We are bounded by it when we are slaves to our ego or live an ego perpetuated life. We may go to church, have a high exacted title or memorize all versus of the Bible or Bhagavad Gita but until we give up our negative thoughts and behaviors, we are unable to evolve spiritually and are are chained to the karmic energy we have created.

The more we live by love, acceptance, gratitude and non-judgement, the more we are able to grow spiritually. If we learn to trust and surrender to God, the Universe and our I AM Presence completely, the spiritual dividends and interest can have extremely high yield. Such a surrender will turn us into a spiritual billionaire where the gift we receive is eternal life as an Enlightened Being of Love, Light and Divine Consciousness. This state is where we can enjoy our next adventure in the next heavenly realm or we can even still help those on the earthly plane after our physical body is returned to Mother Earth but still exist with full consciousness. Those who are advanced enough may even transcend physical death and merge with their Rainbow Body and Light and become spontaneous light through Tibetan Buddhist practice; meanwhile, others can achieve other methods of ascension as well but all require spiritual investments of love, time, commitment, gratitude, devotion, meditation, prayer, kindness, and the relentless search for God and our true nature. When that happens we begin to lose attachment for the worldly pleasures and become more interested in the communion and unity with God, all of humanity and all of Creation.

Wishing you success with your financial investments as well as your spiritual investments. May both mature and give high yields of abundance of love, happiness and joy. There is nothing wrong with money and growth. It is especially helpful when we are financially strong enough to help those in need. May we use our money, time and spiritual skills to help one another find the beauty and spark of light within ourselves, others and all of Creation.




Blake Sinclair


#spirituality #retirement #financialplanning #blakesinclair #money

Creating World Peace

Is is truly possible to create world peace in an ego driven materialistic civilization? With all the news we hear on the web, radio and t.v., we are led to think and believe the world is headed towards dooms day or chaos.  The problem is that much or what we hear and see are filtered information. We are given information that is packaged in a way that promotes propaganda, headlines or financial gains from stories that sell; generally they are stories that provokes anger, fear or anxiety. Hence, much of the news is carefully edited and sculpted in a way that creates sensationalization because it sells. Such is the by-product of an ego perpetuated civilization. If this were all there was, then life would be quite bleak and hopeless. However, many good things are happening around the world that escapes the radar and attention of the media and networks.

I have traveled around the world and have seen the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful and the Divine. Despite what manufactured news we hear that result in our civilization in being more divisive, negative and egocentric, many good things are happening all around the world and many beautiful and kind people and groups do exist.  I have been very fortunate and blessed to have met some of the most beautiful and Divine people on the planet from all walks of life from all around the world  from the sacred and mystical Mt. Shasta, to the Ashram of Amma, the famous and Divine Hugging Saint,  and to the sacred Fuji Sanctuary. I have met mystics, spiritual masters, gurus, swamis, healers, Catholic Priests, a Monsignor, Christian Pastors and spiritual teachers who are helping to pave a way for greater peace and harmony in our planet in their own unique way.  Many religious groups are helping to provide food, clothing and shelter for the poor and oppressed in the world. Amma has built hospitals, schools,and housing for the poor. The Sikhs welcome all to come to their temple for a free meal and some temples offer people a place to stay and rest. These are just the few of the good things that are happening around the world.

Despite all the amazing and incredible groups out there, one group stood out for me the most in terms of sharing my vision for world peace. Each year a group convenes at the foothill of Mt. Fuji at the sacred Fuji Sanctuary in May 13th, 2017. This group is comprised of dignitaries and spiritual leaders from around the world. They are invited by Masami Saionji to attend this global prayer event called S.O.P.P.  ( Symphony of Peace Prayers). While this event is taking place in Japan, simultaneously, groups convene globally to pray for peace for each and every country. Each spiritual leader or individual who is invited to this event  is given the opportunity to say a prayer from their own religion or practice. The group then repeats that prayer; thereafter, the group all pray for peace to each country and finally a prayer for peace on Earth is said.  It is a very beautiful event especially at the Fuji Sanctuary. I have been fortunate to be joining the S.O.P.P. event in the Bay Area for my four year in a row. It is a very beautiful spiritual event that promotes unity, respect and global peace. I pray for the world daily but attending the S.O.P.P. event allows me to be a part of that global prayer event that generates an incredible amount of positive prayer energy to help bring greater peace and balance in the world. It is scientifically proven that prayers can make an impact on someone even thousands of miles away. I have helped many people through the power of prayer and I know that it works; however, when people are gathered together at sacred places like the Fuji Sanctuary and elsewhere, amazing and powerful transformation  takes place.

The Saionji family have orchestrated such a well-thought out plan to help foster our planet in achieving greater peace, harmony and unity. Not only do they work at a global level, they also work on it on a personal level by teaching members about how to pray, meditate and connect with the Universe or Source. The work that they do helps the individual realize the Divinity that exist within themselves and all of reality.

The family is also involved with the Peace Pole project where a Peace Pole is placed throughout the world in sacred places from Giza of Egypt to the Mystical town of Mount Shasta. What are written on the the Poles are the words May Peace Prayer on Earth in various languages.

Masami Saionji is a Divine woman of greatness who is the direct descendant of the Ryukku Royal Family of Okinawa. Despite her royal lineage and academic achievements, she is quite humble and full of love, light and  compassion. She is a noble, ambitious and visionary woman that has all the attributes to help our planet to succeed in achieving greater peace and harmony. She is spiritual, intelligent, resourceful and very diplomatic. I have not had the pleasure to meet her yet but hopefully, one Divine day. I, however, was fortunate to meet her three beautiful daughters during my last trip to Japan. They have true beauty which radiates from within their beautiful and  Divine Souls on outwards. They share their mother’s vision for world peace and each bring their unique skills, knowledge and expertise to impact our planet in a positive and beneficial way. Together this family is working hard on innovative ways to make a tangible impact on our planet in helping it become a much more enlightened civilization.

I pray that the Universe will allow me to continue to work with this group in bringing people together from all walks of life. My vision and dream is to be a bridge in bringing together mystics, spiritual teachers, spiritual masters, and religious leaders to work on world peace.  My vision is that spiritual people from sacred sites and mountains can all be a part of the prayer event. Prayers from special and sacred places can be even more powerful.

If you are interested in adding spiritual fuel to this amazing global prayer event, I highly recommend you to get involved with S.O.P.P.. Remember, spirituality is not about living in isolation in your own spiritual world but it is about being a part of the collective consciousness and energy of change. True spirituality is about oneness, unity and harmony with all of humanity, Mother Earth, Nature and God. We are all part of each other and exist as one Divine Family, one Divine Mind and one Divine Consciousness.

For more information about the upcoming event, you can click on the below link:



Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!


May Peace Prayer on Earth!!



