No Place Like OM

There is a pandemic of red dust that fills the air and all around.

No one can seem to hide and run away from it.

Millions are stricken with panic, fear, and chaos as the dust abounds.

In the midst of all this, I focus only on my breath…breathing in …breathing out slowly…OM, OM, OM… erect in lotus as I sit.

I begin to go within and travel through the sacred temples, portals and gateways that leads to the Divine Light, Love and Consciousness that dissolves and transcends all this dust, illusion and maya in this inner world of Divine Light and Sound.

I am no longer me, myself and its limitations but pure Light, Love, Supreme Consciousness and its infinite possibilities. It is truly a Divine Fit.

When I return back to my breath and awareness of the me that is sitting there, I realize that the Light within my heart has burnt away all the red dust as I merge myself with that Divine refuge that I have found.

I am now a beacon of Divine Light that
illuminates so brightly to others to help others also find their way back to OM where that Divine Light is always Lit.

Poem by Blake Sinclair

Compassion versus Hate

I am very disturbed to hear about all this nonsense with discrimination and ignorance. There is a rising incidence in violence towards the Asian American people. People are being spitted on and bullied. Although the consensus is that Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, some people like David Icke seem to believe that it happened prior to the outbreak in China and not even in China. Then, recently, I find out that an American from an IVY League University was involved in setting up a bioweapon lab in China. He was arraigned recently. Is he to blame? Where is the publicity with that? Regardless, it is not the Chinese people’s fault that the virus was not better contained. Many people including a Chinese doctor tried to warn people about it via social media. Unfortunately, in the current regime such information was not allowed to come out in an expedited way it should have. People suffered and died despite their plea for help and warning to the rest of the world. No government regime is perfect. Each has its pros and cons.

The Chinese people are victims and not the cause of the virus. Many people jump on the bandwagon to blame the Chinese people of the virus include ridiculing their dietary habits since one theory is that the virus came from bats or pangolins and we know all Chinese eat bats or pangolins right? Not!!! However, the current virus has been examined carefully and determined not to be even a living virus. A bioweapon? No one except the few privy people really knows the origin of the virus. Since we don’t really know stop blaming the Chinese people.

Please realize that not all Chinese are meat eaters. There are quite a few that are vegetarians. To group everyone in one class to blame is very dangerous, divisive and not spiritual whatsoever! It adds fuel to the ignorant flame that is already burning.

Through the course of time, we will soon come to realize the truth of this pandemic. For now, support your local Asian American as well as other ethnic groups. They are another beautiful expression of God’s Consciousness. By spitting at them, you spit at God. By hurting them, you hurt God. By judging or ridiculing them, you judge and ridicule God.

Chinese people have contributed to the technological advancement of our civilization and have given birth to many tools that have helped millions of people around the world find happiness and health. They brought us Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs, Gung Fu, Tai Chi, Karate, Qi Gong, Art and exquisite culinary delights, etc. They have even found a medical and alternative method of healing of the virus. Lastly, they have supplied us with most of the things we use for our day to day living. If you ask me, I think that covers all aspects of life and we should be grateful for all that.

The Chinese in America built the early railroad systems that connected America. Many risk their lives and died for our current railroad system. The Chinese Americans fought along side with other Americans during WWI and WWII to defend our freedom.
Without these brave people, we wouldn’t have our freedom today.

The Asian Americans have helped our communities, schools and even politics.
They are your teachers, lawyers, doctors, therapist, astronaut, computer programmers, nurses, political figures, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, etc.
The Asian American have fed you, entertained you in Hollywood, laundered your clothes, healed you and educated you to higher consciousness. In essence the Asian American and Chinese American influence in society has been quite huge, influential and pervasive.

Jack Ma has donated supplies to help with the Coronavirus pandemic in Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States. Jackie Chan has set up organizations to help the elderly.

Don’t hurt those who contribute to your wellbeing.

Much of public opinion seem to be influenced by the what we hear on the TV, radio and social media. There is a lot of propaganda and divisive info out there. The previous years it was our moslem and African American brothers and sisters who were the victims. Back in WWII, it was the Japanese Americans that were blamed. George Takei has talked quite poignantly and written about his own internment experience. After the Rodney King trial, it was the Koreans. Then it was our Mexican brothers and sisters who are seeking political asylum here. Now it is the Chinese. Stop feeding the fuel to hurt, harm and ridicule your Asian American brothers and sisters. Even joking about it in a gentle way is secretly saying it is ok to do Chinese bashing.

My dear brothers in NY, SF and elsewhere, stop this nonsense violence to those who are victims now.
My African American, Latino and other American brother and sisters let us unite and help each other out. The cause of our suffering is not one race or ethnicity but our collective ego that has gone awry. That collective ego has given birth to fear, hatred, ignorance, violence due to our insatiable appetite of material things, lust and our desires. Our collective greed and impaired ego is to be blamed. We collectively co-created this system and we can collectively make it better by increasing our awareness, Consciousness, compassion, mercy, kindness and choices we make moment by moment.

Humanity, stand up for injustice! Stop letting the system brain wash us in killing each other. Educate and not incriminate. Dispel the ignorance and pray for greater compassion and kindness to those in China and Asians all around the world. Do the same for all our other brothers and sisters around the world regardless of their color, creed, belief, orientation, gender, religion and ethnicity. We all exist as one global Consciousness of God when we allow his light, love and mercy shine through.

Spiritual leaders, pastors, Catholic Priests, and all other clergy please call for an end to this violence. The virus is causing enough harm. We don’t need to add more problems to our lives but add solutions.

Calling on all lightworkers, we desperately need to send more light, love and violet flames to NY, San Francisco and all around to halt these toxic and harmful behaviors, thoughts and emotion.

President Trump , we need your help for martial law in those problem areas.

Let’s all choose love and choose to be a part of Team Humanity! Choose to wake up from the matrix you have been living in that has been spoon feeding us information that creates fear, anger, divisiveness, injustice, chaos and confusion. The only way out of this ego perpetuated system is to wake up, get educated and go within and meditate your way to finding your true and Divine Nature and learn to not just live like a walking zombie like millions of us are still doing. Zombies that react to toxic directives given to them. Three of the most influential people I love and respect would not stand for such behaviors and violence. Martin Luther King, Jr, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama would not put up with this and would opt for kindness, compassion, mercy and peace towards greater unity. Violence is never a solution but a path towards destruction of humanity. All great changes comes from unity, diaglue and open communication. Violence is the cancer of society. Choose to make our future better for all sentient beings. Black lives matters! Yellow lives matter! All lives matter! Be the blazing violet that burns away and dissolves all ignorance, negatively, and misconceptions.

I pray that we will weather through this gracefully, unite as one humanity and that one day soon we will get one with God alas.#
#trump #alllivesmatter #yellowlivesmatter #unity #peace #asianamericanbashing #asianamericanviolence #stoptheviolence

Finding My Way Back Home

Things have been extremely challenging for the past 6 months. It is very easy to be very discouraged especially when you find out later that those you thought were your friends were only interested in what they can get out of you. Then you find out they have done things to jeopardize and sabotage your life in a metaphysical way that negatively impacted all aspects of your life. Then there are those that I have helped throughout the years and had the audacity to tell me that I didn’t help them in their darkest hour when clearly I did and even abandoned me at the critical time of a very important literary project. Some people only see in one dimension and don’t realize how help comes in many forms- job opportunity, financial support, emotional support, prayers, spiritual support, friendship, etc. Fortunately, my family and true friends came forth to help me navigate through all this metaphysical journey. God also sent great and well-known healers and mystics to give me the extra help I needed. Yay! I also got injured about a few months ago during Yoga and Pilates. I hurt my shoulder and had much pain from my right shoulder all the way to my hand making it difficult for me to write and sleep. I gave myself therapy, took herbs, CBD oil and self- massage, and self-stone massage. The pain subsided by 60-75% but would always come back especially at night and waking me up. I tried massage therapy and acupuncture and they helped a lot! Somehow the pain would come back and mostly at night. I knew it was my rotator cuff muscles and pectoralis muscle but somehow I intuitively knew there was some type of shoulder impingement going on. I went to a very excellent orthopedic shoulder specialist. He took x rays of my shoulder and found that the bones were good and that it was indeed a shoulder impingement of my rotator cuff muscle. It was a mechanical issue that needed stretching to create better alignment of my shoulder with its socket. So my doc sent me to Physical Therapy to work on stretching, exercises and therapy to realign my shoulder and I am feeling much better and sleeping much better. Yay! I also developed gout on my left toe and was unable to walk a few days. I treated it with ice to cool the swelling and did energetic healing which helped as well. My dear friend Lori did distant healing and it took down the pain moderately. Finally I took some Tart Cherry and the pain cleared completely the next day. During my trying moments, it was easy to want to give up and lose hope for humanity; however, I persisted to stay focus on my meditation practice and followed the guidance of the Ascended Masters on my healing and recovery and continued evolution of my spirituality. When I began to listen more to my Divine Presence within, I was guided to these principles- balance, discernment, forgiveness and compassion. I was also guided to realize the importance of not just helping others but helping myself as well. I was too busy working so hard with my clients and my book that I neglected my health and my family. I have slowed down with work, spent more time with my wife and family, started a new cutting edge cleansing and started exercising more ( after I got injured, I stopped exercising and gained 20 lbs). I now feel better, lost 8 lbs already and have found my spiritual center again. My connections with the Ascended Masters have been quite good and I even developed a new form of exercise after being homebound more because of the Coronavirus. The exercise is an extension of my U.U.M.M. practice. I have found greater peace, happiness and joy. Despite the turbulence in my life, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to have more discernment, live a more balanced life, surrender more to God and the Ascended Masters, forgive, have more compassion and to let go of all that which is not leading to the highest good for me including clients, superficial friends or opportunist. I have learned that many people align themselves or belong to a groups, organizations, churches temples, etc. Each have their own agenda, focus, dogma, doctrines, teachings but few are receptive to ideas that may deviate from theirs. In all fairness, some do. I encourage all groups to be more open minded to information and knowledge that creates more unity. It sadden me a little when I posted good information to a group on how to navigate through this Coronavirus crisis and another post about my mystical experiences but the two postings were removed from the group with no explanation. I now realize that even a spiritual group may not always welcome ideas that empower and end suffering. However, I continue to write and share wisdom to those who are willing to listen and learn here in FB and my blog site at I haven’t blogged in a while but started to do it again since the Coronavirus pandemic started and people from all around the world are embracing what I wrote from Canada, US, Australia, Bhutan, UK, India, etc. And that is just a start. I have about 77 blogs and close to 80 thousand hits to my site. Time to move forward and upward to God’s Love, Light and Consciousness! During the Coronavirus Pandemic, we must embrace this precious time for it is an invitation to reflect, analyze, learn ( about your health and immune system), grow, unite and go within. It too is an opportunity for great growth for us individually and collectively especially if we learn to truly awaken from our spiritual sleep or coma. Wishing you success on your own journey back home. Wishing you all infinite love, blessings and wisdom!

Antidote to Civilization

There is much emotional and energetic turbulence on the planet at this time. A tsunami of wave made of fear, anxiety, negativity and divisiveness has been created by our current pandemic crisis courtesy of our wonderful media.

It is so sad to see us collectively brought down to the lowest level of existence where we are driven by fear and live in survival mode.

Many stores are empty of basic supplies because people are caught up in a hysteria and are panicking. Fighting, looting and crime are bound to increase. Hence, the President declared a National Emergency.

It is so sad to see humanity at its worst. I watched a video of a few people fighting in a store over toilet papers in the UK. One family had about 5 to 6 packages of toilet paper and another lady was fighting to just have only one. The store manager and staff had to intervene and break up the fight. The one woman was in tears and only wanted one but the women and her daughter hoarded everything and wouldn’t even compromise and give one package to the stranger. What a shame! This trend will lead to rationing.

I heard a story of how many elderly people who are devastated and in tears because they can’t compete with the crowd to get their toilet paper and end up with nothing. They of all the people need it the most. Is there no more heart in this world?

The Coronavirus is a highly infectious and contagious virus that has resulted in many deaths especially with the elderly and those who have compromised immune system. However, many more people are also surviving it daily. The number is up to 70, 296 who have recovered. It is not a death sentence!

Though it has resulted in deaths, the greater threat is to our economy, our way of life, and our livelihood. As bad as it is, it has cleared much of the pollution in China and elsewhere around the world. It has brought experts from all around the world to find solutions to this virus. It is making people become more aware of the importance of their health and wellness. It is making people realize how fragile life is and that nothing is permanent.

Perhaps it is a time for great introspection and contemplation of our own existence.

Perhaps as we are quarantined or just staying at home away from the chaos, we can begin to ponder about the meaning of life and why we are here. Instead of hoarding and clearing store shelves, we can begin to go within to clear all the emotional and mental clutter in the shelves of our hearts, mind and souls. We need to release all the fear, anger, judgment, condemnation, anxiety we have within and end all discrimination we have towards others. Instead, we can begin to replace those toxic thoughts and emotions with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. We can do this during meditation or as a visualized exercise. Meditate to recharge, reboot, and revitalize yourself. Meditate to purify your heart, mind and soul. Meditate to improve clarity of mind and improve your immune system by 40%. Meditate to transcend the illusions of our ego perpetuated matrix that we live in. Meditate to attain unity and oneness with God, the Masters, the Universe, Mother Earth and all of humanity.
Meditate and realize it is not about survival of the fittest nor about us against them. We are all in this together.

It is important we get beyond the fear and live out of love, compassion and kindness.
If you know of any elderly person or any person in need please help them. Learn to share and live more simply. During the Great Depression people came together and helped one another. Unfortunately, we have drifted away from our values, ethics and even further away from our true nature. Forget about ET phone home. Humanity phone home! Get dialed back into your true and Divine Nature.

This is a very pivotal time in our history but it is also an invitation to reexamine ourselves and make important choices that will lead towards our journey back home and liberation or keep us enslaved in this matrix. I hope many of you realize by now t how closely all of us are being monitored. Social media postings and groups are now being censored or removed. Decisions are being made about what is right and wrong for us. Perhaps it is a time to fast or retire from social media altogether. We collectively are like babes in the woods of hungry wolves.

It is time to wake up and realize the true Divine Being you are. You can make choices that will lead to the ongoing chaos and entropy on the planet or make choices to help it evolve further into a more enlightened civilization of unity and oneness. It is time to be the change you want to see in others. You each are powerful pebbles of change on this planet. So I invite you all to awaken from your spiritual slumber and begin to live an empowered and enlightened life by meditating, praying ( for yourself, others, your country, and planet), and enlightening and educating others about how to live in harmony with your body, mind and spirit. Below are some tips to help us all navigate through this next phase of life more gracefully:
1. Namaste instead of shaking hands.
2. Share instead of hoard.
3. Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
4. Clean and disinfect things used or clean areas used by many people.
5. Pray daily.
6. Meditate daily.
7. Visualize healing energy to yourself and the planet.
8. Learn how to strengthen your immune system. Go to my blog for more details at
9. Stay home if you are sick.
10. Get tested at the mobile site if you are sick and have a fever.
11. Spend quality time with your loved ones and especially the elderly, family and children.
12. Focus more on thoughts, ideas, and emotions that are conducive to health and wellness. Also focus on those things that inspire, empower and enlighten.
13. Take your time while in solitude to take care of yourself body, mind and spirit by exercising in a nurturing way.
14. Practice random acts of kindness.
15. Chant the Green Tara Protection Mantra 108 x – Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.
16. Chant Om Ah Om Vajra Guru Padme Shini Hung.
17. Chant the powerful Gyatri Mantra.
18. Invoke the Violet Flame and ask for assistance of Saint Germain and the Violet Tara to clear all the toxic energies in and around you and the planet.
19. Spend time with yourself and nature.
20. Release all that is no longer in the best interest of your higher self.
21. Reduce your attachment to material things. Gravitate to that which is eternal.
22. Follow the Golden Rule.
23. Bidet and Tabot ( Filipino Water Bucket cleasning) more instead of rely totally on toilet paper.
24. Buy or use disposal paper towels to conserve during tough times.
25. Spend time in devotion.
26. Laugh, Sing and Dance for each day of life is a precious gift to be celebrated.
27. Gravitate to that which is of the Light and Love.
28. Fill your body, mind and soul with the nectar of God’s Love, Light, Energy and Consciousness.
29. Dream the impossible dream.
30. Dare to Imagine a new reality, paradigm and way of living in global oneness.
31. Keep calm and carry on.
32. Avoid judgement and condemnation because they are divisive and are like fuel for the ego; instead practice compassion and pray for others and make healthy choices that will change your situation, your country’s situation or the world’s situation. Ignorance breeds suspicion and higher awareness leads to compassion.
33. Learn to think more globally instead of ethnocentrically.
34. Learn to be guided by your inner Divine Compass, Divine Presence, or I AM Presence and not the ego where we edge God out.
35. Learn to give more than we take from the world.
36. Learn to be of service to others instead of being self-serving. Seva is when we truly begin to live and awaken.
37. Do M.E.D.I.A.( Meditatation Empowers Divinity in All of us) more and less of m.e.d.i.a ( mass electronic deception in America). Learn to educate yourself beyond the carefully packaged and manufactured information we are getting. The Truth is out there as well as within us. Seek and you will find and knock and it will be open until thee.
38. In God we trust and in all others in the mediasphere, question, research and awaken to greater and higher truth and Consciousness.
39. Be mindful with how we express our thoughts, emotions and soul as we speak, post, write, type and communicate. Is what you communicate unifying or divisive? Does it empower or enrage? Does it reflect Divine Love and Light or the ego?
40. Empower, enlighten, educate and edify instead of create more energy to sustain and grow our ego and ego perpetuated matrix system which keeps us blind, asleep, divisive and enslaved to the system we have co-created.
41. Consider growing your fruits and vegetables and lose the dependence on other source for sustenance.
42. Feed your heart, mind and soul by reading books that inspires, enlighten and empowers. Books like The Vedas and Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Autobiography of a Yogi, Peter Mt. Shasta’s books and audios, my books( Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination), etc are books that will inspire and support you on your spiritual awakening and journey.
43. If you run out of hand sanitizer don’t go rogue but go make your own. Check out the link on how to easily make your own-

I pray to God, Lord Shiva, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Buddha, Master Mun, Master Ajahn Lee, the Maha Chohan, Saint Germain, Master Lady Pearl, the Violet Tara, Padmasambhava, Yogananda, Babaji, Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, Guru Nanak, Amma, Mother Meeru, Shree Maa and all other great Saints and the Ascended Council of Light to help dissolve the fog of ignorance and fear within us and on the planet so that we can see and embrace the Light of Love and Consciousness that is within and without us.

Dear Heavenly Father, Divine Mother and Friend, may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May we be a beacon of Light for those who are lost, a bridge for people from all walks of life and uniting them in your love and may we be vessels of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness.
Om Shanti, shanti, shantihi!
May Peace, Love and Unity Prevail on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Boosting your Immune System in light of the Coronavirus+8th Updated Version 4/07/2020

We have all heard of the Coronavirus outbreak that is now a worldwide epidemic. All sorts of info are being disseminated including fake news. Regardless, people are getting ill and many are dying. It is something that requires our undivided attention. I have researched this a little and share my thoughts and what I have found on this subject matter from different perspectives.

Although Coronavirus is a deadly virus, some medical experts are saying that the actual death is only 2%. It was reported by one physician and health expert that many people are actually surviving it and recovering from it as much as 69,000 people and the number keeps getting higher.

There are many speculations about the origin and causes of the virus; no one knows for sure but interestingly enough, one vlogger and one medical expert seem to feel there is some relationship with the electromagnetic radiation of 5G with the virus.

In any case, it is best to decrease our risk of contracting the virus so that our odds of wellness and survival is much higher. Let me share with you ways to increase your odds of minimizing the effects of the virus:

1. Take Colloidal Silver or my fav- Pathogen Assassin which is a strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. I have had much success with myself, friends, family and others who have used it. My nutritional consultant is one of the top nutritionist in the Bay Area finds the latter product more effective.
2. Elderberry is great too and is even better with Zinc. It helps to minimize the virus ability from high jacking the cell for replication. Humic Acid is also good at minimizing the virus ability to high jack the cell for replication.
3. Having proper vitamins and minerals is a great defense. Most people are deficient of minerals due to poor intake of minerals and trace minerals from poor diet. Many lose minerals from stress, coffee and medication. A double Nobel Peace Prize winner stated that the root cause of many illnesses and diseases is a mineral deficiency. I take Fulvic mineral to give me a full source of minerals that will support health and wellness.
3. A high quality vitamin C is especially important to strengthen the immune system. An example is Camu Camu or Liposomal vitamin C. With these you can take much higher dosage safely unlike regular vitamin C where higher dosage can cause diarrhea. Many take 2,000 mg Vitamin C for maintenance. During illness, higher dosage may be needed. Some experts feel IV vitamin C can be extremely effective with respiratory illnesses especially if done for three days.
4. Those who work or stay indoors a lot may need to take vitamin D to boost their immune system. Taking 1000- 4000 IU can be helpful but if you are sick you may need up to 15,000 IU depending on your body size. However, avoid taking high amounts over a long period to avoid toxicity. Best thing to do is get some sun exposure to create your natural vitamin D in the body. If you do take it make to also take Vitamin K to avoid increasing excessive levels of calcium in your body.
5. Meditate- according to some experts, meditators have 40% better immune system and when they do get ill, they recover much faster. Here is one that is specific to our current health crisis by Marianne Williamson-
6. Wearing a protective mask in crowded places will protect you from airborne pathogens especially effective is the N95 mask but proper fit is very important.
7. Frequently washing hands for twenty seconds when going to public places. Some experts find regular soap and water is even more effective than many of the alcohol based product or hand sanitize.
8. Minimize stress since it creates cortisol which shuts down your immune system. When that happens we become an open target. Besides meditation, rest and exercise, Pharma Gaba can help decrease cortisol levels. Toning your vagus nerve will help.
9. One of the most important thing is to take care of your gut health since 80% of your immune support comes from there. Make sure you are taking high grade of probiotic and prebiotics to make sure your immune system is fully functional.
10. Manuka honey with the highest number is excellent for supporting immune system.
11. Magnesium Taurate- stress brings our levels down. It is an important supplement for wellness since it affects over 300 chemical reactions in our body.
12. It is imperative you take probiotic immediately to keep up the immune system. Unfortunately, most probiotics will be killed by it or by the stomach acid. Thrive is the only probiotic I know of which can be taken together with antibiotics and balance the bacteria in your gut. A higher dosage may be needed in the event you contact the bacterial or viral infection. Other brands that are good include those made by Garden of Life and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics Original Formula.
13. Invoking the Violet Tara to surround you with violet light and purify and cleanse you before you go out.

14. Listen to healing Soffegio Music

15. Chanting the Tara Mantra is what the Dalai Lama says we can do to protect ourselves- Om Tare Tutarre ture soha ( T pronounced D).

16. Black seed oil can be helpful for blood pressure, digestive issues, respiratory illness and many other ailment. Research on it seem to suggest benefits with viral infections.

17. Alkalizing your body helps to ward off illnesses.

18. Use disinfectant to clean work space and area of exercise before and after each work out. Some experts find HOCL quite effective.

19. Avoid crowded places.

20. Wearing a N 95 mask can help minimize the risk of exposure to the virus when it is airborne and in droplets from a cough or sneeze from an infected person; however, it must be fitted properly.

21.. My friend,Janet Doerr, is a a medical intuitive and recently received a healing code for the virus from Archangel Michael. The below information was kindly shared by her.

The code is: 126493775264.

How to work with a Harmonic Code:

The code works with the Laws of Harmonics. When you speak out loud, or write out, or meditate upon the code, you are invoking specific harmonic frequencies to come into your energy field to support and assist the specific intention for which the Code was created.

You can do any of the following to invoke a Harmonic Code:

Write the code down. Place it on a piece of paper and put it next to your bed while you sleep, or under your pillow.
Speak the code out loud once or more times a day, as you are guided.
Put the code on a sticky note, and put that note somewhere you will see it several times a day, such as on a mirror, or on your computer.
When you say, see, think, or write down the code, just drop into your heart and ask that the code bless you, your family, and others.
You do not need to believe that the code will work for it to work.
You only need to use the code with the intention that it has the possibility to help.
It is more powerful to speak the code out loud than to just read it or look at it.

So there you have it. I offer this code humbly, with reverence and respect for you and all life, and with the intention to support you and all others on their respective journeys.

If you believe others might benefit from this code, I invite you to share my post. Given your privacy settings, you may need to copy and paste the text of this post to share it.
Janet Doerr, March 2, 2020, Oregon, USA

She also recommended to eat a few Brazilian Nutsper day to support the immune system.Important not to take too much.

22. Until we know all the good and bad about 5Gs, it behooves us to stay away from it if we are ill or have a compromised immune system. Despite the protest of 26,000 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warning about the dangers of 5G, it appears it is here to stay due to our future technological advancement. Here is information from former CEO of Microsoft in Canada about 5G. Watch this video and make your own opinion. However, I have found various technology that can help minimize some of its harmful effects- Blue Shield Cube, Davinci, EMF Rocks,Smart Meter Covers, Nuclear Receptors, and shungite stone.

23. One doctor said to drink water every 15 minutes to keep your oral cavity wet so that the virus gets drained into the gastric acid which will kill; otherwise, it can get into the bronchial tubes and get into your lung leading to Lung Fibrosis.

24. Propolis spray in the throat can be quite effective with virus that begin the throat according some experts.

25. Jumping on the trampoline can support your heart, bones, core, digestive system, immune system and cell function.

26. Heat at the temperature of 133 degrees has been associated with compromising respiratory virus. Taking a sauna can help according to one expert. However, there is a household method you can do as well. Home method

27. I got this information from a relative whose identity I will keep anonymous for privacy.
This is what was sent to me: a friend
of mine whose brother is at the Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now on Corona virus: The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it’s too late. ..Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.
Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry.Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don’t drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That’s very dangerous. Please send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the world recover from this Coronavirus soon.

28. Further information on making your immune system bulletproof

29. More immune support info from Anthony William.

30. Abbvie is testing a HIV drug that is promising for the treatment of the current virus.

31. Chloroquine – some studies seem to suggest a high level of success with the Coronavirus. According to one physician, Chloroquine and Zinc Gluconate appear to be helping people with Covid 19. According to studies in France there is a very high success rate with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin. Perhaps these are the real game changers. Meanwhile Russia says they have a better anti-malaria drug called Mefloquine. Canada has had success with 699 cases with HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SULFATE, ZINC AND Z-PAK.

32. Israel is coming up with a vaccine soon! So hold your chin up because hope is all around and that over 69,000 people around the world have recovered from it and the number is growing high everyday. Mind you these are just ordinary citizens. If you follow some of the tips on the blog your chance of recovery is even higher.

33. A doctor’s perspective

34. A scientist’s perspective

35. The Corona Protocal

I hope this information offers some hope and protection to many of you! I watched a recent news video that a vaccine has been made in 3 hours in San Diego that seems promising and is undergoing testing on animals already. The company has been successful with other viruses in the past. So there is hope and help is on its way

Wishing you all infinite love and blessings!

Blake Sinclair

#coronavirus #immune system