No Place Like OM

There is a pandemic of red dust that fills the air and all around.

No one can seem to hide and run away from it.

Millions are stricken with panic, fear, and chaos as the dust abounds.

In the midst of all this, I focus only on my breath…breathing in …breathing out slowly…OM, OM, OM… erect in lotus as I sit.

I begin to go within and travel through the sacred temples, portals and gateways that leads to the Divine Light, Love and Consciousness that dissolves and transcends all this dust, illusion and maya in this inner world of Divine Light and Sound.

I am no longer me, myself and its limitations but pure Light, Love, Supreme Consciousness and its infinite possibilities. It is truly a Divine Fit.

When I return back to my breath and awareness of the me that is sitting there, I realize that the Light within my heart has burnt away all the red dust as I merge myself with that Divine refuge that I have found.

I am now a beacon of Divine Light that
illuminates so brightly to others to help others also find their way back to OM where that Divine Light is always Lit.

Poem by Blake Sinclair

Compassion versus Hate

I am very disturbed to hear about all this nonsense with discrimination and ignorance. There is a rising incidence in violence towards the Asian American people. People are being spitted on and bullied. Although the consensus is that Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, some people like David Icke seem to believe that it happened prior to the outbreak in China and not even in China. Then, recently, I find out that an American from an IVY League University was involved in setting up a bioweapon lab in China. He was arraigned recently. Is he to blame? Where is the publicity with that? Regardless, it is not the Chinese people’s fault that the virus was not better contained. Many people including a Chinese doctor tried to warn people about it via social media. Unfortunately, in the current regime such information was not allowed to come out in an expedited way it should have. People suffered and died despite their plea for help and warning to the rest of the world. No government regime is perfect. Each has its pros and cons.

The Chinese people are victims and not the cause of the virus. Many people jump on the bandwagon to blame the Chinese people of the virus include ridiculing their dietary habits since one theory is that the virus came from bats or pangolins and we know all Chinese eat bats or pangolins right? Not!!! However, the current virus has been examined carefully and determined not to be even a living virus. A bioweapon? No one except the few privy people really knows the origin of the virus. Since we don’t really know stop blaming the Chinese people.

Please realize that not all Chinese are meat eaters. There are quite a few that are vegetarians. To group everyone in one class to blame is very dangerous, divisive and not spiritual whatsoever! It adds fuel to the ignorant flame that is already burning.

Through the course of time, we will soon come to realize the truth of this pandemic. For now, support your local Asian American as well as other ethnic groups. They are another beautiful expression of God’s Consciousness. By spitting at them, you spit at God. By hurting them, you hurt God. By judging or ridiculing them, you judge and ridicule God.

Chinese people have contributed to the technological advancement of our civilization and have given birth to many tools that have helped millions of people around the world find happiness and health. They brought us Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs, Gung Fu, Tai Chi, Karate, Qi Gong, Art and exquisite culinary delights, etc. They have even found a medical and alternative method of healing of the virus. Lastly, they have supplied us with most of the things we use for our day to day living. If you ask me, I think that covers all aspects of life and we should be grateful for all that.

The Chinese in America built the early railroad systems that connected America. Many risk their lives and died for our current railroad system. The Chinese Americans fought along side with other Americans during WWI and WWII to defend our freedom.
Without these brave people, we wouldn’t have our freedom today.

The Asian Americans have helped our communities, schools and even politics.
They are your teachers, lawyers, doctors, therapist, astronaut, computer programmers, nurses, political figures, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, etc.
The Asian American have fed you, entertained you in Hollywood, laundered your clothes, healed you and educated you to higher consciousness. In essence the Asian American and Chinese American influence in society has been quite huge, influential and pervasive.

Jack Ma has donated supplies to help with the Coronavirus pandemic in Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States. Jackie Chan has set up organizations to help the elderly.

Don’t hurt those who contribute to your wellbeing.

Much of public opinion seem to be influenced by the what we hear on the TV, radio and social media. There is a lot of propaganda and divisive info out there. The previous years it was our moslem and African American brothers and sisters who were the victims. Back in WWII, it was the Japanese Americans that were blamed. George Takei has talked quite poignantly and written about his own internment experience. After the Rodney King trial, it was the Koreans. Then it was our Mexican brothers and sisters who are seeking political asylum here. Now it is the Chinese. Stop feeding the fuel to hurt, harm and ridicule your Asian American brothers and sisters. Even joking about it in a gentle way is secretly saying it is ok to do Chinese bashing.

My dear brothers in NY, SF and elsewhere, stop this nonsense violence to those who are victims now.
My African American, Latino and other American brother and sisters let us unite and help each other out. The cause of our suffering is not one race or ethnicity but our collective ego that has gone awry. That collective ego has given birth to fear, hatred, ignorance, violence due to our insatiable appetite of material things, lust and our desires. Our collective greed and impaired ego is to be blamed. We collectively co-created this system and we can collectively make it better by increasing our awareness, Consciousness, compassion, mercy, kindness and choices we make moment by moment.

Humanity, stand up for injustice! Stop letting the system brain wash us in killing each other. Educate and not incriminate. Dispel the ignorance and pray for greater compassion and kindness to those in China and Asians all around the world. Do the same for all our other brothers and sisters around the world regardless of their color, creed, belief, orientation, gender, religion and ethnicity. We all exist as one global Consciousness of God when we allow his light, love and mercy shine through.

Spiritual leaders, pastors, Catholic Priests, and all other clergy please call for an end to this violence. The virus is causing enough harm. We don’t need to add more problems to our lives but add solutions.

Calling on all lightworkers, we desperately need to send more light, love and violet flames to NY, San Francisco and all around to halt these toxic and harmful behaviors, thoughts and emotion.

President Trump , we need your help for martial law in those problem areas.

Let’s all choose love and choose to be a part of Team Humanity! Choose to wake up from the matrix you have been living in that has been spoon feeding us information that creates fear, anger, divisiveness, injustice, chaos and confusion. The only way out of this ego perpetuated system is to wake up, get educated and go within and meditate your way to finding your true and Divine Nature and learn to not just live like a walking zombie like millions of us are still doing. Zombies that react to toxic directives given to them. Three of the most influential people I love and respect would not stand for such behaviors and violence. Martin Luther King, Jr, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama would not put up with this and would opt for kindness, compassion, mercy and peace towards greater unity. Violence is never a solution but a path towards destruction of humanity. All great changes comes from unity, diaglue and open communication. Violence is the cancer of society. Choose to make our future better for all sentient beings. Black lives matters! Yellow lives matter! All lives matter! Be the blazing violet that burns away and dissolves all ignorance, negatively, and misconceptions.

I pray that we will weather through this gracefully, unite as one humanity and that one day soon we will get one with God alas.#
#trump #alllivesmatter #yellowlivesmatter #unity #peace #asianamericanbashing #asianamericanviolence #stoptheviolence