Dare To Imagine Continues to Make a Difference!!!

dare to imagine coverThe owner of a store in Dublin bought and read Dare to Imagine. He was quite impressed with  it and was proud and excited to sell our book.  Sale has been good there. We continue to restock our books there on a regular basis. Recently a woman purchased the book and was quite touched by it so much so she bought the rest of the copies off the shelf on Thursday. She found the book quite helpful and relevant and wanted to share it with her love ones. She asked the owner of the store to have me autograph one copy  and write  a special message to her son to inspire and encourage him. I was happy and honored to comply with her wishes.

This week I went to visit a  client of mine but was surprised to be greeted by her grandson who had recently heard about my book and  bought a copy. Usually he is quite quiet and very soft spoken but today he transformed into an entirely different person. He was just oozing with positive reviews and feedback about the book. He found it extremely relevant and was quite touched by the story. He had so much enthusiasm when talking about the book that he could hardly contain himself from talking. He was so joyous, emotional and triumphant when talking about how the book was so inspirational to him.

He pleaded me to work hard at spreading the message about this book and further stated every high school kid should read this book. After listening to him, I was deeply touched and had to control my tears of joy; this young man was truly impacted by my story and his life would no longer be the same after reading  the book. I could see a spark of light within him that lit up. I had given him hope. This young man was a high school senior and had gone through so much in life with losing a parent and dealing with many problems in life. Now he states he wants to go to college and study psychology and be a writer. I know this young man will achieve greatness in his life. I am so humbled by his kind words and honored to be a part of his journey.

Also, this week I got another good review on Amazon. This man was a bay area screen writer and found the book “inspiring.” Another review was from a physical therapist who also found the book very helpful and stated ” everyone can benefit from reading Dare to Imagine.”

Two weeks ago, I went to an exclusive viewing of a movie at a Buddhist temple in Berkeley. The film was in Japanese but had English subtitles. It was called Inori. It was a story about the power of prayer, our  mind and the Divine. Iconic figures were in the film including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Japanese Geneticist, Dr. Murakami and others. When I was told about the movie, my friend didn’t say much other than it was a Japanese film I might be interested in watching. I was not planning on going but in the last minute something inside of me prompted me to go. Furthermore, something in me told me to just grab a copy of my book just in case.

I arrived at the Buddhist temple early and decided to give a copy of my book to the people who sponsored the event. I gave it to a random person who was volunteering. After I seated for a few minutes, the director or coordinator of the movie event came and was extremely grateful for the book. She further invited me to join  her group called a Symphony of Prayers in the near future for a multi-faith annual events for local religious and spiritual leaders of all faith to attend this event of unity and prayer. I was deeply touched by her kind gesture. After I watched the movie, I cried because it was a true moment of synchronicity. The film was basically the science behind my book and was spreading the same message I was spreading in my book. Coincidence or synchronicity? I think the latter. Something inside tells me something wonderful is going to happen.

Please continue your support of Dare to Imagine and share our website, postings, quotes and  videos so we can positively impact more lives.

Blessings & Thank you,

~ Blake Sinclair

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