Last night I had the strangest dream

dreaming1Last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I was invited to eat with some friends at a local diner somewhere outside of the United States. As I entered the restaurant, I looked at the menu that was on the wall but  had no clue what everything was. It was written in English but it was obvious that they were all slang names that only the locals knew what they were.  It appear that I was in a place that was similar to Ireland.

As I asked what each item on the menu was but  I was surprised to find out that they were all some type of unhealthy form of carbohydrate. It was all unhealthy carbs that were deep fried. There was nothing on the menu that appealed to me. I was looking for some healthy protein.Then one of the patrons yelled out to me to get the organic tabla. Finally something organic and healthy to eat; at least that was what I thought. Everyone in the diner burst out laughing because they said it was an organic table.

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