Last night I had the strangest dream

dreaming1Last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I was invited to eat with some friends at a local diner somewhere outside of the United States. As I entered the restaurant, I looked at the menu that was on the wall but  had no clue what everything was. It was written in English but it was obvious that they were all slang names that only the locals knew what they were.  It appear that I was in a place that was similar to Ireland.

As I asked what each item on the menu was but  I was surprised to find out that they were all some type of unhealthy form of carbohydrate. It was all unhealthy carbs that were deep fried. There was nothing on the menu that appealed to me. I was looking for some healthy protein.Then one of the patrons yelled out to me to get the organic tabla. Finally something organic and healthy to eat; at least that was what I thought. Everyone in the diner burst out laughing because they said it was an organic table.

I was completely mortified as I stood at the entrance of the restaurant looking like a fool. All I can think was there is no place like home….there is no place like home ( just like what Dorothy did  from the Wizard of Oz). LOL!  I began teleporting myself back to the US and back to my home. I was still somewhat in the dream state and began to talk to Uma. I asked her if she had any healthy protein we could eat for breakfast. She responded in her semi-dream state by saying, “what!” “OMG!  Then she drifted back into dreamland. LOL! I eventually woke up and was so happy I was back home in my bed. Indeed there is no place like home. LOL!

I have been immersing myself with the research and works of Professor Brian Peskin from MIT. I have been reading his book- The PEO Solution. It is a  great and brilliant book about EFA ( essential fatty acids or Parent Essential Oil), protein, health and etc. I highly recommend it. He talks much about the importance of  protein in our body for our bones, muscles, tissues, hormones, enzymes, etc.  He really drilled into my mind the importance of it as well as PEO. He talked how eating healthy protein( without hormones, pesticides and antibiotics) gives our body the needed nutrition to enable us to have good health. He stated that when we eat protein, our body utilizes energy to break it down and that is doesn’t convert to fat unlike carbohydrates. Our body then uses our fat  to create energy by burning it. By eating the decent amount of protein we become naturally full unlike carbohydrates that keep us craving for more food.  Although Professor Peskin feels that animal protein is the best. His view is beginning to shift towards more of a plant based protein intake instead. According to Dr. Rowen ( co-author of PEO Solutions),  we should be consuming at least 75 % of of protein from some sort of living protein. He also said that we only need 30-40 grams of high-quality protein per day. Dr. Rowen is a vegan and has an incredible amount of energy from his plant based protein diet.

I actually have been following both their  teachings and feel more energy and have lost about 4- 5 lbs in the last week. It is truly incredible science.

I hope to get a guest blogger in the near future to write more about the amazing PEOs that will radically change our health for the future.

I guess my immersion created a metaphorical whale shark in my subconsciousness. It swam around just devouring all the knowledge that these scientist and doctor were writing about. I think this whale shark swallowed up so much information that it belched while I was asleep. That belch danced with my neurons and neurotransmitters to create and manifest this amazing and hilarious dream. LOL! I just laughed at the whole thing. It is so amazing how our minds work.

Wishing all of you around the world much peace, happiness, prosperity and good health. May we all be united through the God’s Divine Love and Presence. Thank you for your ongoing global support! I love all of you! Please leave me your comments in any of my blogs, I do respond.





#humor #spirituality #health #nutrition

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