Paving the Way for World Peace

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 3Last Sunday, I watched a spiritual double feature at home-Awake – The Life of Yogananda and Dalai Lama Awakening. These two incredible films are about two amazing spiritual iconic figures that have influenced my life greatly.  Yogananda has influenced my pursuit of God in the most intimate ways. Meanwhile, his Holiness has moved me to love, have compassion and to serve others. He has also taught me to always embrace the inner child and always be comfortable to allow him to come forth and play.

Both of  these wonderful and amazing saints have taught us much about spirituality and the art of living. However, after watching the film- Dalai Lama Awakening, I have come to realize the complexities to solving the world’s problems. In this documentary film, many of the great minds  and innovative thinkers were invited to meet with the Dalai Lama to share what they thought were solutions to the world problems. As these brilliant minds began to gather and put their minds together, conflict ensued. Soon this gathering became a room filled with testosterone and ego.

It seemed like  everyone wanted  to voice their opinion but no one seemed to want to listen to the others. Perhaps this is what happens when you get a bunch of experts together. Everyone is too much of an expert to have respect to try and understand others and their perspectives. If there was anymore ego or testosterone in the room, a war would have developed undoubtedly like it often does in the political world with our world leaders.

After watching this for 15 to 20  minutes, I was beginning to get somewhat annoyed  with the various ego driven characters in the film. Fortunately, when the Dalai Lama finally arrived to meet these great minds, his energy and aura brought calmness and peace to the group. The various spokepersons of the think tank groups spoke up about their intellectual and tactical approach to solving the world problems by using economic sanctions to help support Tibet. His Holiness listened intently with reference and calmness. He exuded no judgement or condemnation. He was focused and completely there with the group with body,mind and spirit. He thought with compassion and looked at the interconnectedness of all of us. He guided the group to think more globally in their approach in a very diplomatic and compassionate way.

What I learned  from the film is what I have known for a long time, it is our ego that has led to  the fall of mankind and it is the main  obstacle to world peace and harmony. Dr. Wayne Dyer describes ego as edging God out. It is impossible to not have an ego but it is possible to integrate it or manage it better. In a healthy ego, we have awareness of our being and we have respect for one another. However, once the ego has gone awry, we begin to think we are the center of the Universe and that what matters only is what we think, say or do. When our  ego gets more dysfunctional, it thinks it is God and that it is better than others and that it is separate from others. So then what is the solution one may ask?

I believe the solution is both spiritual and Divine. Perhaps we need to look at some of our currency that has our motto, ” IN GOD WE TRUST.” Our modern civilization has wandered away from that to a new motto, IN GOOGLE WE TRUST. Indeed we can find many answers to many of the mysteries of life at Google but ultimately we can’t find all of the answers there. The most Divine answers are within us and can only be felt and experienced through connecting with the Divine Love and Consciousness of the Universe through the gateway to the Universe within our hearts.

We all have this Divine Spark of Light within waiting to be awakened and discovered. The path and steps to discovering this Divine Light are in detailed in my Golden Book Series or Trilogy- Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination ( The third book is still in the works). However, some basic principles that will set you in the right direction is to live your life with love, compassion and service. Practice non-judgment and realize and accept that the Divine Spark of Light is within all matter of the Universe and in all of creation. Learn to tune into the Divine Presence within you and practice non-violence and exude  love and kindness to all creatures great and small. Finally, realize that we are all connected at a very deep, Divine and Cosmic level. Though we are different, we are actually all part of a great and Divine Consciousness and part of a great and Divine family. We must surrender the idea of we versus them mentality to one of an “us” mentality. When one of us suffers, we all suffer. When there is victory for one, there is victory for all.  We are all part of the energy, mind and consciousness of God. Therefore, if we practice our motto, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” we can begin to return home from whence we came.

Meditation and prayer are very important tools to help us achieve global oneness and harmony on our planet. I unveiled my U.U.M.M.( United Universal Meditation Method) Meditation practice in Beyond Imagination. It is designed to bring us oneness with all of creation, all of humanity and bring us oneness with God. This oneness is the magnet that brings us all together.

Prayer has been scientifically proven to help make change happen. This May 15th, the S.O.P.P.( Symphony of Peace Prayer) group will be leading a global peace prayer movement all around the world. Join in on this and other prayer groups to make an impact on our planet. Pray daily to impact the lives of those you love in a positive way.

If we can gather great minds together, pray, meditate, set aside our dysfunctional  egos and work together with mutual love and respect, we can definitely pave the way to world peace and help create heaven on earth for all sentient beings and allow Peace and Love to finally Prevail on Earth!!!



Love and blessings,




#worldpeace #spirituality #globaloneness





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