Being Safe at Home: Security tips on how to reduce the risk of your house being robbed Updated

Neighborhood Alliance of Security Alert

Breaking into a house is so common these days and is so easy. A person can easily get a bump key ( and use it to break into the house from the front door.They are keys that are cut in a certain way to pick pin tumbler locks  (which are the most popular locks) and literally knock the pins in a lock and release it in a matter of seconds and get into your house before you had a chance to even know what is going on. What you can do to minimize these types of break-ins is to get a high security key ( They are a lock, cylinder and a special key that cannot be duplicated. The lock and cylinder are design to make it very hard to bump the lock and release the pins to unlock the door and will most likely discourage the criminal from further attempts to gain assess through that door.

Although many doors appear to be strong, criminals have been able to gain entry by kicking or using heavy force to break the door frame down.  The quick and easy solution is to get a security bar and place it against the door knob and plant it firmly on the ground. These are readily available at many retail stores including Target. However, reinforcing the door frame with something like a  strike master may be quite helpful and even more effective.

Many burglaries I have heard about and researched about have been the result of doors being unlocked, garage doors being left opened or side gate doors and sliding doors left unlocked.

Popular entry into the house is through the backyard. One of the best investments you can make is installing cameras around your perimeter and within your house. Popular ones include:

  1. Nest Cameras (hard wired connections), high resolution cameras and has hearing and speaking capabilities.
  2. Arlo Cameras (Wi-Fi) high resolution cameras, rechargeable batteries and has hearing and speaking capabilities.
  3. Ring (it has front door ring and camera, side door or backyard camera, siren, flood light and motion detectors and is Wi-Fi). They have high resolution cameras and for a small fee you can pay to have great storage for recording feature activated by movement. The Ring has hearing and speaking capabilities.

If you feel a need for further protection or security, you may want to consider getting an alarm system for your residence. However, avoid getting a system from a company that offers security monitoring services as one of the many services they offer. Many do not do direct security monitoring but contract with a security company. Services and response time to any activation of the alarm or emergency may be delayed or non-existent. It is best to get a company that specializes only in security services. ADT security has been in the industry for 140 years and is the oldest security systems around. 

If you get a security company, installation of an audible siren is imperative. Many of the default or cheapest sirens are not loud enough to deter a robbery. Upgrade to the highest decibel siren possible to make it piercing to the ears and hopefully shorten the length of the robbery. Having motion detectors strategically placed around the house is very important. Having an external siren is very important in alerting a neighbor of the crime in progress.

Besides the above, having door and window sensors are usually standard for alarm systems. In addition, adding an impact sensor in the room with a sliding door can be helpful in activating the alarm immediately.  Recent burglary in our neighborhood bypassed the door sensors by breaking the glass next to the sliding door and entering the house without activating the alarm. In order to fully protect this type of entry, a security screen from Arrow Window

Window Security Screen may be what you need. It is a combination of beauty and protection and is unbreakable made of stainless steel

I have found that many people either forget to close their garage door or have a malfunction garage door. This happens sometimes with the sensors are knocked out of alignment and the two garage sensors lose communication. Other times, it is the garage door unit that needs to be adjusted. There is the Door Doctor in Pleasanton ( that specializes in these problems. ADT has a garage door sensor that detects if it is opened or not. That also have a special sensor that can be added to existing garage door systems and will alert you via text if the garage door is opened and you can close it remotely from an app.

Xfinity offers security services but from my experience they don’t actually monitor and contract with another company to do the security monitoring for them. The response time to a security alert from my experiences has been quite delayed or non-existent. I have switched back to ADT and have been quite happy ever since.

Having a canine companion can be the best deterrent to crime so I highly recommend it. Besides your friend or companion will help you live a happier and longer life. There are also canine motion detector units out there but the reliability has not their strong point. Sometimes posting Warning Dog placards outside the house is enough to have the robber think twice. You can get them at Lowe’s.

Despite all the above, having a network of neighbors that are watchful of strangers in the neighborhood and strange activities is extremely helpful. If we can communicate with one another of anyone or any car that is suspicious then we can be on the alert and call the police department if necessary.

  1. Have someone install window security film on:

a. the small windows besides the front door to avoid easy break in the front door. Once the small window or windows are broken, the criminal can easily reach in the door knob to open the door.

b. the back sliding glass door and the glass adjacent to that since smashing the back glass door is a common method of entry (they can be purchased from Amazon and Home Depot). You can also put it in any other area that you feel might be vulnerable or an easy break in area.

2. Avoid keeping valuables at home and especially in the Master Bedroom. This room is the number one place the criminals will check for valuables. Better to put in a bank safety box or bolted vault placed in the garage. The criminals know the profiles of the neighborhood and know that certain communities will have much jewelries or gold. If we take away their prize or our treasures and store them somewhere safe eventually word will get out that your community doesn’t keep valuables at home and that will discourage them from striking at your neighborhood.  Mice don’t go to places where there is no food. Likewise, criminals only go to areas where there is something to fill their pockets.

3. Form patrol groups in the community to do a patrol through the neighborhood or a regular basis. Communities that have done that have had a drop in crime rate.

4. Install an external alarm so that when an alarm is in progress, the neighborhood would know and will respond appropriately. 

5. Make sure that your home siren has the highest decibel possible. Many sirens are so quiet, it doesn’t even bother the criminal. I had mine switched to the loudest one that ADT had and the sound it piercing and annoying to anyone trying to break in. Test your alarm and see if it bothers you are not. If it is not too annoying then upgrade.

6. Get an inside impact sensor. If any glass in the perimeter of the sensor shatters, it will activate the alarm system or siren. I recommend placing one in the living room, family room and other places that may be a high risk area for break ins.

7. Install external security cameras and place them strategically to capture images of the cars parked out in front. This is very important in helping the police identify and capture the criminals. With no pictures, videos or leads, the police have nothing to go by and crime will continue. If we capture them on photo or video, it gives the police a better chance to catch them. Once news gets out that we are a community with cameras all over, the criminals will begin to go to other communities instead.

8. Do not leave anything valuable in your car that can be seen from the window.  Anything that draws attention or curiosity will increase your likelihood of a break in.

9. Notify your neighborhood watch group and the police department when you go on vacation. The police can do a drive by on the days you are on vacation and check you premise in your absence. This is paid by the city.

10. Contact your police department to do a consult of how to further reduce your risk of a break in. The city offers a free 45 minutes consultation.

11. Always lock all doors and windows when you are not home or upstairs. Make sure to always locks the gate that leads to the side of the house. The number one entry point is going to the backyard and breaking the back sliding glass door. There are security screens you can purchase online which are unbreakable.

12. Contract with a License Reader company. They can set up cameras in your neighborhood and place them in strategic locations to take pictures of all cars coming and going. The pictures have excellent resolution and companies have great success with assisting law enforcement with the arrest of criminals. Once words gets out about the neighborhood under surveillance, criminal activity is expected to drop drastically.

13. When going out alone in the dark, it is important to have some type of protection like pepper spray, mace or a stun gun. Check you city and state ordinance regarding usage and purchase.

14. Everyone should at least learn basic self-defense.

It is unfortunate that we live in a world where home burglary occurs but if we follow the recommendations I have suggested based on my observations, analysis, personal experiences, attendance of police safety meetings, home owner safety meetings and talking to people who have been burglarized as well as consulting with a former neighbor who is a FBI agent, we can reduce our risk and probability with getting our house burglarized and live with more peace of mind.

Warm Regards,

Blake Sinclair, author of Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination and Internationally Recognized Blogger.

The Third Eye ( to see or not to see)

I recently read a post about how opening the third eye was good and that all you see when it is opened is good or Divine ( I am paraphrasing a little).

I also have met many people who are seekers who want to open their third eye aka the pineal gland.

Opening it is not hard but one must question why would one want to open it.

Many people think it is a path to spirituality or enlightenment. Some think it is just cool to see the paranormal or other realities.

Firstly, let me say that opening the third eye is not the final path or ultimate path of spirituality nor is it needed for enlightenment. Although it may be cool, it can also be traumatizing for those who are not mentally and emotionally strong enough or spiritually evolved enough.

Even Amma, the Hugging Saint, said that opening the third eye is not important even though she herself is mystical and clairvoyant.

A friend of mine had a spiritual master open her third eye when she was a teenager. She was immediately terrified by what she saw. She began seeing dead people every where and was quite traumatized by that so much so that she had it closed back.

Opening the third eye for someone who is not spiritually evolved may open them to meeting with very dark entities. When that happens, the individual begins to have fear and anxiety which is a fuel for the dark world and is at risk for being psychically attacked.

Many people think that by opening their third eye makes them instantly special or better than someone else. These people are only fueling their ego which is anti-spiritual. It creates this duality of us against them. You are very special regardless of whether your third eye is opened or not.

Spirituality is not about opening the third eye or six chakra but more about opening the heart chakra and living in love, compassion, kindness, mercy and forgiveness.

There are enlightened people who have their third eye opened as well as people who are spiritually unevolved. How is that? Well, it all depends on what the person did in a previous incarnation. Sometimes gifts like that are push through from our previous incarnations.

My third eye has been opened a while ago but it doesn’t make me any better or worse than anyone else.

I do post about how to decalcify one’s pineal gland a lot because we all have a pineal gland. Whether we have it opened or not, if it gets calcified it may affect our ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep. It also affects our reproductive hormones as well as circadian rhythms.

Malfunction of our pineal gland can cause the following: depression, peptic ulcers, and sexual dysfunction. Depression, peptic ulcers, and sexual dysfunction may be exacerbated by a deficiency of melatonin. … Abnormal circadian rhythms of cortisol may occur in states of decreased melatonin.

There are chemicals that can affect and calcify it. The biggest one is fluoride which we drink in our water and brush our teeth with.

Those of us who have an opened third eye need to protect it from affecting your ability to see in the inner realm.

Those of you who are mentally, emotionally and spiritually evolved enough and are mature enough may find opening the third eye quite an extraordinary experience especially if one has the love, support and guidance of a spiritual teacher, master or guru.

Once the heart chakra is opened and one is tuned into their I AM Presence, Magic Presence or Divine Spark of Light and listens to it, the Universe will begin to show you beautiful visions, messages and knowledge in your meditation, dreams and in the inner realm.

Those of you who are not mentally, emotionally or spiritually mature enough should not open the third eye but decalcifying it through various food, supplements and diet will lead you to having better sleep and wellness.

Those of you who have it opened and follow the measures to keep it decalcified will experience incredible visions in dreams, meditation and spontaneously in the inner realm.

Focus not on what powers yet get from your third eye but focus how you can help others through love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. The path to the third eye power only is a path to the ego The path to the heart is a path to God. However, if you desire to open it to experience the Divine realm more fully, it can be such an incredible and blissful experience for those who are ready for it and will use the gift for a noble and Divine cause to help others experience the greatness within themselves and all of creation.



Understanding Health and Harmony

We are somewhat complex because we have many different needs- emotional, physical, psychological, mental and spiritual. We are not the sum of skin, muscles, connective tissues, bones, arteries, veins, blood, cell, atom, protons, electrons and neutrons. We are at the core of our being energy and vibrations according to Quantum Physics. We are matter and energy with earth, wind, fire and water elements. Those elements need a certain balance and maintenance to achieve balance and harmony.

We also have an underlying subconscious energy that affect how we think, act and feel.
This subconsciousness can be affected by hypnosis, awakening and meditation and integration of the ego.

We also have different energies that support our wellness. Taking herbal tonic elixirs and herbs can help to balance the three energies in our bodies which include Jing, Shen and Qi energy.

We in our true nature are spiritual beings of Light that is animated by our Divine Presence, Spark of Light or I AM Presence. That Light permeates our entire being through our chakras and network of nadias and meridians.

We were created as a Torus of self-sustaining system that works towards balance and homeostasis. This system is nurtured through breathing, meditation and eating in harmony with the Cosmic awareness and laws.

Through our fragmented ego, we have been co-creating our current reality since the modern era which has interrupted this Divine system of ours by way of the introducing toxins to our bodies in what we eat, drink and breathe.

The system that we have co-created has produced food, beverages, fruits and vegetables that are toxic or has an absence of essential minerals and trace minerals. This has resulted in the genesis of various viruses, pathogens, parasites and bad bacteria like EBV virus and H Pylori, etc.

This system has dumb down our consciousness to become real life consumer zombies.

All this leads to the creation of many illnesses- mental, physical,and emotional and puts us in a spiritual coma.

By understanding the true causes of our suffering, collective suffering and the suffering of our Mother Earth and all her inhabitants will begin to help us save ourselves, the ones we love and our dearly beloved Mother Earth.

When we align ourself with our Divine Presence and become more mindful of our various needs, we can begin to manifest amazing state of mind, body and spirit.

So much focus is on exercise, fitness and eating healthy but little attention is paid to the Garden of Eden within our colon, the second brain or mesentery, our chakras especially the heart chakra, the Qi, etc.

For instance, I call our colon and digestive system and colon the Garden of Eden because it truly is. We reap what we sow there with how we eat, drink, and how we take care of the various billions of bacteria there. The citizens of our gut when when taken care of via proper probiotics and prebiotics, will release endorphins to help us feel good and will go to war for you against any illnesses by releasing an army of immune support to defend you. 80% of your immune system is there.

Our second brain contain organs that seem to store high amounts of negative emotions like anger in our liver, worries in our spleen and fear in our kidneys. Over time disease, autoimmune diseases and cancer ensues if the negative energies are allowed to become increasingly toxic.

The Universe has given us the tools to help us reestablish our harmony and are found on Mother Earth- organic fruits, vegetables, minerals and trace minerals, etc.

Understanding the complexities of our problem but realizing the tools of God out there from nature, meditation, yogic breathing, exercises and life style changes can often time make permanent life style change.

The best approach is the marriage of conventional approach, holistic and spiritual approach but whatever approach is used we must include a conscious awareness of how to take the proper fruits, supplements, vitamins and minerals and herbal tonic elixirs to attain a Divine state of harmony again. It must also include some level of spiritual awareness and practice to make permanent changes.

Social Media and High Tech Fasting

I meditate to purify my heart, mind, emotions and spirit. I also do it to attain God Consciousness and achieve communion with the great Ascended Masters.

I do water and intermittent fasting to purify my body and clear it of toxins and improve efficiency of my body.

Now I will start doing social media fasting and cell phone fasting to severe the attachment to this form of social expression. This will decrease exposure to the radiation from the cell phone and computer which will decrease eye strain, headaches, cervical and thoracic strain and decrease the risk of brain cancer.

It will redirect my energy on social expression with family, friends and loved ones.

I encourage each of you to start this trend. Pick a day out of the week to do it. No phone and no computer.

I will be doing a social media and high tech fasting tomorrow and I hope you guys will begin to do the same.

It will help to decrease any addictions we may have with social media and begin to set you free.

Slowly increase your days as tolerated to be truly free.

Attachment to anything is not a good thing. Learn to set yourself free to soar in and out of social media and technology rather than be its prisoner and slave.

Ascended Master Ajaan Lee

I visited Master Relica earlier today. She just came back from Thailand and brought me some spiritual gifts- amulets of Master Phra Ajaan Lee. As I mentioned last week, Master Lee has been visiting me more recently. Although I am very spiritual, I am very scientific as well. I am always looking for ways to validate my mystical experiences and encounters. I validate it through tuning into my I AM Presence. I recently validated many of my experiences with Sapphire Brewer, an internationally recognized medium, author and enlightened being. She is known for her incredible accuracy.

The Universe has given me physical evidence of my mystical experiences as well as validation from mystics and spiritual masters.

While I was getting visits from Master Lee, Master Relica was also having her own mystical experience with him in Thailand at his temple. During UUMM meditation, Master Lee appeared to me and told me that he would be teaching me and guiding to me greater mastery. Meanwhile about 7800 miles away in Thailand, Master Lee also appeared to Master Relica and told her that he was planning to show me something as well. As I mentioned previously, he has physically materialized to Master Relica.

I texted Master Relica the other day and asked her if she had a picture of this great Buddhist Master so that I could place it over my shrine. She texted me a couple of pics. Tonight she told me that Master Lee told her which picture I was to use. I was flabbergasted to see that it was the same picture I picked of him during my last posting of him. Interesting enough, Ganga Nath used the same picture on his post of the venerable Master Phra Ajaan Lee. Today Master Mun and Lee appeared to me more vivid than before and both guiding me on my future.

I have lived many lives spanning many countries including India, Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, UK, Japan, etc. Now I realize that I had a very strong incarnation in Thailand and was somehow connected to the great Thai Forest Monks and Masters.

I use to read about great mystics and their mystical journeys. Now I find myself living a mystical and magical life full of miracles and extraordinary experiences. Amazing as they are, it is not important at all. What is more important is that I help as many people as possible to discover that great Divine Compass within that will guide them to liberation, empowerment, peace, harmony, love and joy. Helping as many people as possible to end their suffering is what I look forward to doing during the remaining years of many life.

Acts of Kindness Leads to Something Extraordinary


I first met Noi and her late husband about 10 years ago when he was quite vibrant and active. He was one of my former clients. We lost contact for a long time until this year when the Universe brought him back into my life. This time he was ill and bedridden. Noi was a wonderful, special and extraordinary wife to John Bullock throughout all their seasons and weathers of life.
She loved her late husband dearly and did everything possible to take good care of him. John and I became friends towards the end. Somehow our friendship inspired him so much that he was frequently talking to Noi about me til his final hours. One of his last wishes was for me to attend his funeral with Noi and that I did.
I never knew really got a chance to know Noi until a few months ago. After John passed away, Noi’s life was catapulted into a new reality that she never had to deal with and she was lost in whirlwind of confusion, chaos and uncertainty. She reached out to me about what was going on. She had no friends or family support here in the USA. My heart really melted with great compassion for her so I decided to help her.
Through my help, she was able to navigate through all the complexities of her life with much grace and dignity. After helping her through the different seasons of life, I got to know Noi very well and we have become great friends and refer to each other more like siblings. She considers me more like a family member and like a brother. I had a choice to help her or not but listened to that Divine prompting within to help her and now I have a new special friend and sister. When I first met Noi, she was distraught and going through a meltdown. Through my gentle support along with others, she transitioned from feeling a great sense of hopelessness, to mourning, to experience joy and finally to experiencing bliss and peace. She will be returning to Thailand next week but has been deeply touched by all the love and support she received from me, my family, Lance Lujan, Cy, Max and most recently from John, her new beau.

Today she sent me a private message which she approved for me to share to you. “When I return to Thailand, please take care of yourself. We are not real family but I love you same as my brother. I love you brother!” Tell Uma I love her too!

Noi gave me a Thai nickname Kruba Srivi Chai. I looked him up and he was a famous Buddhist Monk who did a lot of good especially in Chiang Mai, Thailand where Noi is from. He was the most revered monk of the Lanna Kingdom. Noi gave me that name because she said like Kruba, I have done a lot of good in my life and continue to do so. Kruba was known for his kind, pious and compassionate nature. He was a spiritual leader and is known as one of the great Saints of Thailand.

True spirituality is not about how many followers one has, how famous one is, how many sold out talks we have, about what high ranking titles we have ( “guru,” spiritual master, teacher, lama, rinpoche, etc.) or how many books we have sold. It means very little if we have not discovered the Divine Love and allow it to fill our being until we overflow with love, compassion, kindness and mercy to all that we meet.

Through this love, compassion and kindness, I now have a new Thai sister and friend for life.





A Week of Synchronicity


These past few weeks have been difficult especially with he news of mom and her cancer, a hectic work schedule, meeting my book deadlines and just life but despite all of it, I made time to help those in need including helping a friend get back on her feet after she lost everything ( her husband died about a month ago, she lost her apartment, etc; she even got sick overseas and I worked on restoring her health there); helping a friend put the pieces back together in his house after a home robbery while he was thousands of miles away from the states ( wanted him not to worry and to enjoy his vacation), helping a friend recover from a really bad case of food poisoning and today she is well; helped to coordinate and set up a meeting with the police department community liaison with my neighborhood with the participation of about 10 families. No wonder I felt kinda tired today. LOL!
I am not complaining because to serve is a honor for me. It gives me the opportunity to be the ambassador of God’s Love, Light and Energy. I never do anything with expectation of any rewards or compliments. I do good for it is Divine to do so.

Today and this week, the Universe blessed me in so many ways especially after I did my UUMM meditation with the long form. The past two weeks I have been like David Banner but after opening all my chakras and entering into the inner realm and expanding my Consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness, I return feeling a state of bliss, euphoria and fullness of love and light.

Moments of synchronicities are happening over and over. The other day, I was thinking about my sister and about a friend Jen, who was suppose to meet with my sister to give her Reishi mushroom for a anti-cancer recipe. As soon as I called my sister, she was flabbergasted and said your friend is here and is just literally giving me the mushroom at this same moment .

Today I called the Postal Annex to check if I had any mail and the clerk was flabbergasted and stated that the very moment I called, a package was being delivered to her hand and she was just talking to the other clerk about me.

I later saw a client and he talked about how his wife was a well-known dancer and dancing instructor. A few minutes later, a friend dropped over to visit him. I could not help but feel a strong dancing energy from her aura. She didn’t look like a dancer but I felt that she was a dancer and somehow connected to my client’s wife. I decided to ask her if she was a dancer and she was quite surprised that I asked her but happily replied that she was and was even one of the top students and teachers of my client’s wife.

I drove to the City to see mom today. As I started to walk, I could distinctly hear a large group of parrots flying over head so I looked up and indeed there were about 50 to 100 of them flying. I recognized their squawking. No one even seems to know that they are there. Many times I can see or hear them long before anyone is aware of them. They represent love and magic and today was somewhat magical indeed.

This morning I met with my mom and her caregivers for breakfast to go over her new healing protocal to bring more love, harmony and healing to her cancer cells. I call it Lily HC protocol, a combination of prayers, healing energy, healing sound of 444 Hz, vitamins, anti-cancer tea, Reishi mushroom soup and pills, etc. and of course lots of TLC. Btw, thank you so much for the love, support and powerful prayers. My mom is actually feeling better. She was quite alert and smiled at me a few times. I told my mom that she looked like she was at peace and she nodded her head, laughed, smiled and said yes. She then said thank you! I was deeply touched by that.

Our meeting went over and I needed to run and drive to my mom’s place to drop off some special and powerful healing supplements there while my mom and caregivers would go out.

Parking in Chinatown can be quite difficult especially in the residential areas and I needed to get back to work and didn’t have any time to waste. As I drove to my mom’s place, I was blessed to find a single space large enough for me to park between two garages. It was right next to her apartment. What are the odds?

Later I reparked my car in a public garage to run some errands in Chinatown and repair my sacred Dzi bead bracelet. While waiting for the repair, I felt an inner nudge to go to a store diagonally across to see if the long awaited red tile I have been looking for has arrived or not. I have been waiting for about half a year for one particular tile which has the Chinese character or Japanese Kanji of love. For the past 6 months the store has had very low inventory of the red tiles but usually they have multiple tiles of the same symbol or character but when I arrived at the store, I was pleasantly surprised that Universe guided me to the tile I was looking for and it was the only one left. Even the merchant was surprised that there was only one left while many of the others had multiples of the same character or symbol.

Now my set is complete. The three tiles represent three greatTruths. It represents the primordial sound of the Universe, vibration, frequency, energy, Divinity, Supreme Consciousness and Energy and Love.

When I visited the Fuji Sanctuary in Japan and meditated in their hall, they had a framed painting or calligraphy of love and God. I have wanted to have those Kanji in my shrine and finally today that dream and wish has come true.

While I was going to the public parking, I reached in my pocket to retrieve my parking ticket and could not find it. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I reached for my phone. I traced every where I was but could not find it. I had to face the consequence of my actions and lack of mindfulness and was prepared to pay the lost ticket rate of about 50.00. I headed to the attendant and looked at him with my sad puppy eyes and told him what had happened. I prayed that somehow this man would have leniency with me. He directed me to bring my car to an alternate area. He proceeded to write my license down and then told me to wait. I was expecting him to come back with a hefty ticket. Instead, the man casually walked over and said I printed you new ticket. He said you can go ahead and pay now. I placed it in the machine and was filled with gratitude that this avuncular figure was so kind and compassionate. The ticket was only for four dollars. He then smiled at me as if he knew me or knew my soul. I was deeply touched by this moment.

This week and today has been somewhat magical but then again, it is said that with God all things is possible. What I have learned is that when we stop living for ourselves and begin to help and serve others despite the world on our shoulders, we create tsunami waves of love that comes back infused with God’s love and blessings. The more we meditate beyond ourselves and meditate for the world and Universe and become one with God, the Universe, Nature, Mother Earth, all of humanity and all creatures great and small, God surprises us with gifts, visions, miracles and extraordinary blessings that we have co-created!

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!
Sat Sri Akal!
Om Mani Padme Hon!

Wishing all of you infinite love and blessings!



A Butterfly Tale

Yesterday my niece found a plastic sword while cleaning. She began swinging it and accidentally clipped a beautiful butterfly. She immediately called over to me and told me she accidentally killed a butterfly.
I ran over and found this lifeless butterfly on the ground. Its’ right wing was severely deviated towards the left pass her mid-line of her body and was adducted.

I immediately gingerly spread the right wing back into better alignment to maximize flow, energy and perception to the wing.

I then placed it next to a branch to encourage it to move its legs and it only moved minimally.
I felt much compassion towards this helpless and severely injured butterfly so I decided to just take an extended break to focus some intense healing on it.
I walked away from everyone and cupped the butterfly in my hands as I prayed and decreed for healing energy to be given to this precious little being. A few minutes later, it started to flap its wing and flew off my hands to the ground below me. When it landed it flapped its wing more and more and started to move about.

I was so excited and flabbergasted that I grabbed my cell phone to try and capture this precious moment and miracle. Unfortunately, the battery was low and I couldn’t record it and I was too excited and the picture came out blurry but from the picture we can see the energy and movements of the butterfly and its wings.
I later placed it near a branch so it could ground itself from the shock and get acclimated further. It grabbed the branch with its front legs with moderately more strength and began to be much more animated.
I went to charge up my phone for a few minutes so I could take some better pic but by the time I came back, it had apparently felt well enough and took off.
I was honored to be a witness of this little miracle and so glad that the Universe, God and Masters had blessed this Divine Being with healing love and energy through my hands.

All Creatures great and small are Divine and should always be approached and treated with respect, love and mercy.




Powerful Crystals

These are three of my most powerful crystals I have. The one on the left was taken from one of the most sacred sites of the Himalayas at an altitude of 15,500 feet. The one in the middle was started as a Lemurian seed crystal but through lots of love from a mystical woman I call Madame Q from Beyond Imagination, it grew 1000 x its original size. The one on the right is millions of years old according to a Buddhist Master. They all have some extraordinary energy and more emanating from within it. I use it during my U.U.M.M. meditation and it helps me to focus better and have mystical experiences with greater clarity.
Crystals are not all the same. Most in the stores have diluted energy. Mystical crystals can be so powerful.

For many years, sacred stones and crystals would find it’s way to me. Mystical persons or highly evolved individuals would tell me that a crystal belonged to me like the middle one. Madame Q told me her miraculous crystal wanted to journey with me and gave up her pride and joy to me because she felt like it was meant to be.
The story behind the middle one is that one day while walking in San Francisco, I got a sudden strong tug at my heart to go to a store I knew very little about miles away. I walked a few miles to get there but somehow I was drawn to this particular crystal. The owner of the store looked at me and told me it belonged to me. When he flipped over the crystal, he was shocked at the price and said it was priced wrong and was too low but he looked at me again and said that this crystal belongs to you and gave it to me most likely at cost or below cost. The owner I later found out was quite mystical and came from a family of spiritual masters.
Eventually whenever I would shop for stones or Crystals, I would send out a prayer or intention of welcoming any Crystals that wanted to join me in my spiritual journey, soon more and more mystical stones and crystals would make it’s way to me.
Recently even sacred relics of Buddha has found it’s way to me as well as amulets.
They have all helped me in different ways to perfect my cosmic connection.
After meeting Master Relica, I had an epiphany. I intuitively started to bring my most sacred crystals to Master Relica’s sacred shrine and asked her permission to allow my sacred crystals to experience the magic, miracles and sacred relics. In her shrine are the most sacred Buddhist relics of spiritual masters and arahants manifested by the great Buddhist master. When the great master held the crystals, the master could feel the great energy and Consciousness contained within it but knew that by staying at the shrine, the energy and Consciousness would be heightened and purified. After 30 days at the shrine, I picked up all my crystals and was so happy to see they had all somehow increased energy and the consciousness of the energy within were elevated and evolved to a much higher frequency and consciousness.

That’s why these crystal gravitated to me. Other crystals I have were brought to the sacred Mt. Shasta and bathed at the sacred Headwaters. All my crystals are elevated through my own U.U.M.M. meditation, evolution and journey.

I have used some for healing with great results. I have used one to help a man who lost sight of one eye see again. Incidentally, the stone was known as a stone for vision I later found out from my Reiko Master friend. I didn’t know that at the time I purchased it but was greatly drawn to it. I took it home and felt something was inside of it. I took a picture of it and blew up the magnification and was flabbergasted to clearly see a woman’s eye within it. All creatures great and small are Divine including the crystal, mineral and stone kingdom.

Beyond Imagination

After my mystical adventure at Mt. Shasta, I checked my Buddhist’s relics, I was flabbergasted to see that new relics have manifested in the sealed container. I shared the pics to Master R. She was not surprised at all that it multiplied for me and stated there are now 13 more new relics.
When I visited her shrine a week ago, I saw the various types of relics and was especially drawn to the heart

shaped relics and the crystal ones.

Master Relica has given away many relics to Buddhist Monks, friends and Buddhist temples about 50 to 80 people. However, only 3.75% of the recipients had a manifestation or multiplied.

As I examined the relics I have more closely, I noticed there were both a heart shaped one and crystal ones now. It was my goal to experience the miracles of the relics directly to validate my own Divine and metaphysical experiences. I had no idea it would happen so fast. I am filled with reverence, humility and gratitude to God, the Universe, the great Buddha and the Great Masters for their blessings of the relics. These relics validate the proof of a Divine, Conscious and interactive Universe. We are not alone and the Universe is truly beautiful, Divine and Conscious. It patiently awaits for our awakening from our spiritual sleep and coma. It mourns at how we suffer through our collective ego perpetuated reality.

Wishing you infinite love and blessings!

