The Rainbow Body Phenomenon







The Rainbow Body Phenomenon is something that has spark much interest with many New Agers, spiritual teachers, mystics and those who are spiritually inclined (especially in the past decade). Although it is an extremely fascinating phenomenon, it is certainly not new and has been around for thousands of years.

What exactly is a Rainbow Body is somewhat hard to explain but I will attempt to share my understanding of it in an easy to understand way for the purpose of the blog but it is actually much more complex than that.

It is an individualized God Presence within us and all of Creation. Some call it the I AM Presence or Divine Spark of Light. It is anchored within our hearts. When we die, our life force, consciousness and energy draws up towards our Rainbow Body as it proceeds to move towards the Universe and bring us to the next level of reality.

Most of us are bounded by the laws of Karma and our souls are usually reintroduced into our planet in our next incarnation by default. That cycle repeats over and over again until we achieve mastery on how to transcend this karmic wheel.

Many people have achieved great mastery on transcending the karmic cycle and become liberated and free to exist in a higher level of consciousness and reality. Examples of this include Paramhansa Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Sathya Sai Baba, etc. These Masters have achieved what we call ascension.

Most of these Divine Gurus and Saint usually die in a relatively normal way. However, Yogananda’s death was somewhat extraordinary according to the coroner. When he died the coroner noticed that Yogananda’s body was well-preserved and seem to resist the normal decay process for at least 30 days. Things like this happens with highly evolved Divine Beings or Avatars.

When it comes to the Rainbow Body phenomenon, very specific things happen. For instance, these spiritual masters usually know when they will be departing from this world and will go into seclusion as they prepare for this incredible phenomenon. They will meditate and work on clearing all issues in their lives, tying up loose ends and filling their entire being with love. Eventually many of them will go into a state that appears that they are dead. Many will begin to  shrink in size in the next several weeks. One Lama shrank from 5’9″ to a mere 8 inch once the process was complete. This was the case with Dzogchen Lama Karma Rinpoche when he passed away on the 11th of November, 2013. His picture is featured above. He attained what they call Small Rainbow Body or Jalu Phowa Chung. Two weeks after he passed away, his body shrank 80% It must be pointed out that it is not normal for bones to shrink in this fashion. Sometimes all that is left is just the nails and a pile of dust. Other times, the person is able to able ascend instantly into a flash of light and the body is gone as the soul merges with the Rainbow Body. A catholic priest was once invited to witness a Lama going through Rainbow Body. Father Francis Tiso was the first westerner to witness rainbows coming out of the place where the Lama was attaining Rainbow Body. He also heard angelic voices and smelled a pleasant fragrance from the place where the Rainbow Body was occuring. If that wasn’t amazing enough, many leave behind some type of proof that they have reached this ascended state of consciousness. The famous, legendary and founding father of the Nyingma Buddhist Sect, Padmasambava, left a footprint through solid rock in a cave as well as many others who achieved this ascended state. Padmasambava also manifested carvings on the wall of a cave with his mind. He was responsible for bringing Buddhism from India to Tibet and merging it with the Tibetan religion-Bon. The result of that led to the Tibetan Buddhist religion they have today.

Many people have achieved Rainbow Body in the world-160,000 to be exact; 100,000 in China and 60,000 in Tibet according to David Wilcox. People are still achieving this Rainbow Rainbow even til this day. My friend, Ganga Nath ( who is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher) recently posted about his Tibetan Lama’ s teacher’s teacher and how he had recenty attained Rainbow Body.

Many other enlightened beings have achieved this phenomenon as well including Jesus, some Catholic Saints, some Zen Masters, the Sikh’s first Guru, Guru Nanak, etc. All of the Ascended Masters have attained that state or something similar to that where they have transcended the laws of karma and reached an ascended state of consciousness and immortality. Although people from around the world have achieved the Rainbow Body state,  the Tibetans have perfected the mastery of attaining it. It takes years of spiritual mastery to achieve that state. The type of meditation these Tibetans do is called Dzogchen.

The Rainbow Body is a powerful example of what can be achieve through love, proper meditation, devotion and spiritual practice.

Although achieving the Rainbow Body is one form of ascension, there are other ways of attaining it as well. Different religions and mystics have taught different paths to reach that same path of enlightenment, self-realization and liberation.

It may be daunting to the average Joe to even conceive of attaining ascension but I truly believe that we can all achieve it during our life time in our own context through the tools I have shared in my books ( Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination). These books were Divinely inspired and were meant to guide one towards the path of God realization, enlightenment and liberation. The third book of my trilogy series ( not yet released) will go into depth of my Divinely inspired meditation system-U.U.M.M. meditation system). This system was designed to help a person establish that oneness with God, the Universe, humanity and all of Creation. My books, blogs, teachings  and meditation practices are a path and ways of a Yogi, although not in a strict Hindu sense. According to one of Yogananda’s great disciples, Swami Kriyananda, all path that lead towards union and oneness with God is a path of a Yogi. ” Spiritual seekers in any religion , if they pray and meditate sincerely, may rightly be termed yogis.”( The Essence of the Bhaghavad Gita explained by Paramhansa Yogananda). “When Krishna told Arjuna to be a yogi, he didn’t mean necessary to be a Hindu yogi. All those in every religion who sincerely seek God walk the same path.”

The goal of my path is for oneness with God, Mother Earth, Humanity and all of Creation. Being one with God is the ultimate method of transformation and liberation. May you be inspired to begin your journey towards achieving your own spiritual mastery and journey towards liberation.

Tashi Delek!

Prayers, Love and Miracles

Dear friends,

I apologize for being gone for a while but I had a family emergency to deal with.  This next blog summarizes what I have done. I will be blogging intermittently depending on what is going on with my mother-in-law’s, Lola, health.

It has been two weeks since Lola had a stroke but to me it seems more like months since we have spent most of our time at the hospital. In fact, the hospital is like our second home. We have been with Lola since day one and have stayed with her daily to offer her love, support and healing. Each one of us bring in our unique and special skill and talent to aid in the healing process.

Some of us have even taken a medical leave to help Lola through this difficult and challenging time.
It is through our difficult times, we come to realize those that really matter to us and those that really care. I was sad to see the tears that were shed when some people she wanted to see were not able to commit to visiting her at her darkest moments. It broke my heart seeing that. Conversely, it was so refreshing and so touching to see her so overjoyed and happy with the arrival and visit of Bella and so many other beloved family members who came from Guam, Philippines and Canada. She really does appreciate all these visits and support. It was great to connect with a distant friend who is now abroad in the Philippines. She is now a minister and offered to visit Lola when she would come back to the Bay Area. I was deeply touched by her display of love and concern despite her not even knowing Lola that well.
May we always put family first especially in a state of emergency because we never know what twist and turns lie ahead. Life is so fragile and transient. When our time is up or when we give up, we leave.
Also, the elderly  need us especially since they are prone to depression and that can affect the healing process.
After Lola had this major stroke, her life was devastated drastically. Her surgery was somewhat precarious due to her weak heart. As I tuned into her and merged my consciousness with hers in the inner realm, I saw that she was quite sad and was ready to leave this world. Despite our differences, I told her that we all loved her despite everything that may have happened in the past. After that metaphysical connection, I could see and feel her soul changing directions and leaning towards not wanting to leave. The rest was history where we all flooded her with lots of love and support around the clock at her critical time of need. Because of all this, her attitude and demeanor has changed dramatically. Her soul was healed and she morphed into a person of gratitude and she now appreciates everyone that helps her and has learned to complement people. Her awareness of herself and others has expanded quite amazingly.
The last time I did this was when my aunt fell down and hit her head. She instantly went into a coma. Despite the communication in the inner realm, she had made a decision to leave because she knew was going to be a burden if she stayed. Later that day, she died.
Many times it our love that keeps our loved ones with us. Sometimes it is their love for us to move on for our own growth. Other times our loved ones leave because they have completed their mission or learned the lesson they needed to learn. Each way has its purpose.
Sometimes we just have to surrender to the natural process to allow our loved ones to soar to higher heights of consciousness in the heavenly kingdom as they are elevated by our love for them. Sometimes when we love someone, we have to set them free despite the void and pain we may feel.
It has been an extremely exhaustive rehabilitative process but it has also been quite rewarding.
Many of you have been following Lola’s recovery and journey each week and have been committed to giving us your ongoing prayers, love and support.
Some of you may have noticed the correlation between your prayer and Lola’s progress which has been nothing less than a miracle. Without further adieu, I would like to give you an update on her progress.
Lola continues to make amazing and extraordinary progress in such a short time. The last time I posted, I asked you all to pray for her ability to improve in bed mobility, functional transfers, ability to move her arm and leg better and the ability to eat.
I am so happy to say she took a modified barium swallow test this week and passed it. She can now begin to eat and drink orally. She has started to eat pureed food and nectar thick liquids. She is actually doing quite well with it.
She continues to show steady improvement in the awakening of muscles on her left arm, elbow, forearm and wrist. She had trace movements in a few of her fingers.
She has moderately better volitional control of her left leg. She is moving her hip, knee and ankle with moderate increased strength.
The greatest improvement is her ability to turn in bed. She can now turn to the left with minimal assistance and minimal to moderate assistance to the right. She can now get up on the edge of the bed with moderate assistance. She is helping to transfer herself from the bed to wheelchair and vice versa with the therapist.
She is starting to walk with the physical therapist and has even walked a distance of 30 feet a few times. She needs less assist to advance her left leg. In fact, the physical therapist will be trying her out on a platform walker tomorrow. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Things are looking pretty good considering how it was two weeks ago where her life was in critical condition after she had a heart attack following the surgery to remove the clot that caused this major stroke; she was essentially bedridden and required total care for all self-care and mobility. She had no muscle movement on the left side of the body and had no awareness of her left visual field.
Despite her remarkable progress, there are more hurdles to negotiate along the way. She is still on the ng tube feeding to ensure that she is getting enough nutrition. If she eats enough food, she can have the ng tube removed and hopefully in the very near future.
Thank you all so much for all your ongoing love, support and prayers. We are 1/4 out of the woods and things are progressing well because of our combined efforts. I am asking for your ongoing support to get her to the next major phase of recovery which is extremely important in shaping the direction of the options she will have in life.
If you can make your prayers even more specific and visualize the outcome of her improvement, I know we can help her head towards greater quality of life and have much more options in life.
Let’s visualize and pray that she is weaned off the nasogastric tube feedings, walks with platform walker with greater awareness and strength, transfers with moderate assistance to avoid the nurses from using the lift to get her out of the bed, begin moving her left arm much more and start moving left hand and fingers. Also pray that in the next few weeks that she can advance to thin liquids and to a mechanical soft diet. Pray also that she improves in her endurance and attention span.
May the unity of our love, compassion and prayer bring about another miraculous milestone in Lola’s life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
#miracles #blakesinclair #beyondimagination #daretoimagine


ron-lew-new-ad-18Meditation is a powerful tool to help with the process of enlightenment, transformation and healing. It is also the ultimate tool and bridge to God and the Universe.

Many studies have been done about the medical, emotional, psychological benefits of meditation. In addition, many religions have some form of meditation in them including the Catholic religion. Some of the early Catholic Saints were quite adroit at meditation like Teresa of Avila.

Although we can get great health benefits and live a more productive life by doing meditation, the ultimate goal of meditation is for the individual to establish oneness with God and the Universe.

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Harmony = Health for One and for All

What is health? Is it the absence of illnesses and diseases or is it something more profound.

For me, health and harmony are synonymous. When our cells, tissues, organs, systems are working in harmony we get good health. When there is impairment of an organ, it may affect other organs and body functions. When we understand ourselves better, we can begin to achieve greater harmony and health.

Modern medicine is not about harmony but more about attacking the symptoms. Sometimes that is all it takes to help someone but what are symptoms? They are our body’s way of calling our attention to some issue or it an invitation to learn more about ourselves to help us grow and be more of who we are meant to be.

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Mt. Shasta, A Spiritual Mecca

tree-of-ligre45-view-from-siskiyou-wlenticular_0803-cis_I recently went back to Mt. Shasta with a friend and a relative.  It is a very special place and is a spiritual mecca for many seekers and as well spiritual masters. It was the birth place of my book Beyond Imagination. It was at the sacred mountain where I had my first mystical experiences. It is also a place where many others including my own guru had his mystical experiences. 
There are reports of paranormal activity on or around the mountain from UFO sightings, to beams of lights, to  interdimensional beings or Ascended Masters like Saint Germain, Kwan Yin, the Maha Chohan, etc.
Some say Mt. Shasta is the root chakra of the planet while others say it is a portal and has many special energetic vortexes. Whatever one wants to call it, there is something mystical and magical about this sacred mountain. Some say this is the place where you can be the closest to God.
The drive up the mountain is beautiful and serene. The view from various points are simply spectacular. If you are lucky enough, you may see the famous lenticular clouds. They are such a extraordinary sight to see.

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Where is God? Could this be the face of God?

20160819_132903Since the dawn of mankind, our early ancestors have tried to tackle this huge and question complex question. Cultures varied on how they dealt with this enigma.  Most felt that God was up in the heavens which many felt were up above the clouds somewhere.

People began worshiping the sun as a God since it was the source of creation on the planet.

Others believed that there were Gods in the heavenly kingdom with various roles. The Japanese people believe that Divinity exist in nature. The Chinese believe in the Tao. Some believe it is a philosophy where others see it as the ultimate truth or way. The Tao seems to be this cosmic, intelligent and  Divine  energy or principle that governs the Universe. By understanding its’ principles and practicing  the various esoteric methods, Taoist Monks or practitioners have been able to attain longevity or even immortality. Dr. Wayne Dyer even felt that  God and the Tao were the same.

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The Olympic Special

The 2016 Olympic Games  in Rio de Janeiros has been quite amazing to watch and read about. The greatest athletes and Olympians have all gathered in the beautiful city of Rio to finally show case what they have been training for  years to  perfect.

Many of the Olympians have been dreaming about being a great Olympian since they were just a child. It was so touching to watch about the childhood story of Ryan Murphy, a gold medal Olympian. He wrote a book at the age of eight about his dream of winning the Olympic and dedicated it to his mother. This week he was able to make his dream come true as he dominated the men’s 100m and 200m backstroke.

It was also so inspirational to watch Michael Phelp prove that through  his determination, training and experience  he could  overcome his age limitation and the doubts of his dubious critics. He helped paved the way for others to bring up the bar for swimming to a whole new level. Kudos to Michael for racking up 22 Gold Medals and inspiring swimmers and athletes around the world to be their best.

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The Gift


I have been meditating for quite some time and have achieved much mastery since I first started. I learned how to open my heart to the Universe and was blessed with the gift of a comprehensive meditation system I call U.U.M.M.( United Universal Meditation Method). I unveiled this system in my new book-Beyond Imagination.

After practicing this system for quite some time, I began to be blessed with various gifts including vision, healing, writing and clairvoyance. My consciousness has increased and expanded dramatically. I noticed that I am developing an uncanny and accurate diagnostic skill. I have noticed that I know a diagnosis before seeing a doctor or vet. After seeing the health care provider, they tell me exactly the diagnosis that popped in my mind.

My brother-in-law had pain on his foot and what popped in my mind was a heel spur and when he went to his doctor and received an xray, he was given the same diagnosis. I got two red spots on my stomach today and went to the Dermatologist. What popped into my mind was a spider bite. After the adroit doctor examined it, she said it was a spider bite. It is cool but I realize that these gifts are just blessings from God. I am not better by having it nor worse without it.

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To Kill A Mockingbird Ego

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 2Ego is not a welcomed guest in the house of  the spiritual masters. It prevents us from finding our true self and keeps us trapped in the world of illusion. Some may ask if it is possible not to have an ego because if we didn’t have one, we would be able to manifest more miraculous things  in our lives. Unfortunately, when we were given our life, our ego was part of the package deal.

Having an ego is not necessary a bad thing. Everything we have in our body and consciousness was put there for a reason. We need an ego to have a sense of self and others. The problem is when it becomes dysfunctional or out of control. When it does, we may think we are God separate from God. We think in terms of us against them. We may succumb to our desires, lust and wants.

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Paving the Way for World Peace

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 3Last Sunday, I watched a spiritual double feature at home-Awake – The Life of Yogananda and Dalai Lama Awakening. These two incredible films are about two amazing spiritual iconic figures that have influenced my life greatly.  Yogananda has influenced my pursuit of God in the most intimate ways. Meanwhile, his Holiness has moved me to love, have compassion and to serve others. He has also taught me to always embrace the inner child and always be comfortable to allow him to come forth and play.

Both of  these wonderful and amazing saints have taught us much about spirituality and the art of living. However, after watching the film- Dalai Lama Awakening, I have come to realize the complexities to solving the world’s problems. In this documentary film, many of the great minds  and innovative thinkers were invited to meet with the Dalai Lama to share what they thought were solutions to the world problems. As these brilliant minds began to gather and put their minds together, conflict ensued. Soon this gathering became a room filled with testosterone and ego.

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