Turbocharge your prayer

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 19Many studies have been done that  prove that prayer really does work and that positive changes can happen because of it. The movie, Inori: Conversation with something Great, talks a lot about the various scientific studies of prayer. I highly recommend this movie to any spiritual or religious group. It is in Japanese but has English subtitle but the special guest are well worth watching  including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart,  etc.  The film was directed and produced by award winning Japanese movie director, Tetsu Shiratori.

Prayer is a common tool used in most if not all religions. It is a tool that we use to connect to God and with each other. Prayer to me is is our way with connecting with each other and God through the Divine Cosmic web of God’s Love, Energy and Consciousness. I see what many people praying but only doing  it with  lip service. Many of these people do it from an intellectual level with no emotional connection whatsoever. There is nothing wrong with that but I truly believe we can turbo charge and amplify the power and effect of prayer if we just add a few additional steps.

The Bible states ” for when  two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.  Matthew 18:20. Truly these are Divine teachings. However, if people are apathetic when saying a prayer the effect may be weak. If people are day dreaming and disconnected to being present, the prayer becomes increasingly ineffective. Having said that, a small but focused group of a few or more people following some of the tools I will share can be so powerful.

Here are the tools to amp up your prayer.

  1. There is power in numbers but quality is more important than quantity of participants.
  2. Visualize the outcome of your prayers. When you perceive, you can achieve,
  3. Be in touch with your heart as you pray. Pray out of love and compassion.
  4. Learn how to activate God’s Divine Presence in your heart. You can do this by focusing in your heart or the center of your being. Imagine tuning into the Divine Spark of Light within you. This  source of the Light is the Source of all consciousnesse-Divine Consciousness, God or Source. Focus your attention to this Light and begin to activate God’s Divine Presence by making a decree like, I am the presence of God bringing forth Divine Light and Love to heal this person.  Whenever you use God’s secret name ,I AM, he is there. We then become the instrument that allows God to work through us to perform the amazing miracles he often does. What you are tapping into is the I Am Presence, God Presence, within yourself. When it is done out of love and compassion, the most extraordinary things can happen.  Peter Mt. Shasta, spiritual master and iconic figure,writes extensively about how he activates this Divine Presence in his epic book, Adventures of a Western Mystic. I highly recommend it!
  5. Pray from your heart and not from your ego.
  6. Erase any doubt in your mind about the outcome. God will bring about the necessary changes ; so be the instrument and allow God to do what he needs to do to a person based on the Karma they have created themselves.
  7. Meditate- the more you do it, the more effective your prayer becomes.

I have had many miraculous things happen over and over again through the above methods many of which I have written about in my books. Factors that can further amp up the effect include your own spiritual evolution and maturity. Continue to evolve, grow and mature till you reach that perfect harmony and oneness with God. When you do, the impossible then becomes possible.




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