I AM Presence or Divine Presence

Never ceasee to creaminfinite potentialI  had  such a wonderful time today with  some new friends and my dear friend, Peter Mt. Shasta, renowned mystic, spiritual master, author and best selling author.  After I arrived and sat down at my new friend’s home near downtown Saratoga, his cat came down the stairs and went straight to me and rubbed her head on my foot for a few seconds. I felt I had just received a blessing from such a Divine being. My new friend stated her name was Cosmos. I smiled as I felt that I was just blessed by the Cosmos the Divine cat and the Cosmos of the Universe.

Peter and I had such a splendid time catching up as well as he with his other friends. As he spoke and began to decree and discuss about the Ascended Masters, the vibrational energy of the house began to increase. My third eye was activated as I began tuning in to the Masters presence and frequencies.

Their presence was quite strong and obvious at our Divine gathering as Peter spoke in a sort of a meditative way.  After we were done, I could not help but feel a certain radiance and light emanating from my entire being and especially Peter. I was in a state of bliss by the Masters’ visit.

As I headed  home from my friend’s residence in Saratoga, I was guided to drop by and get some food from a local well-known Indonesian restaurant, Indo Cafe. My best friend from college brought Uma and there a few years ago and I couldn’t remember where it was. I was tempted to google where it was but since I felt a prompting within to go there, I tuned in to my I AM Presence to guide me there. Within a short time, I was guided to where it was.

Unfortunately, it was closed but I pushed open the door of the restaurant and wandered in. The owner of the restaurant told me they were closed and will not open for another two hours. I started to practice my  limited Indonesian with them. (My best friend taught me some basic Indonesian during our college days). I then told them that Uma loves their food and I just wanted to surprise her. After we joked and they laughed at me for trying to speak their language, they decided to make an exception for me and give me some food to go.  

I quickly glanced to the left and noticed that there was a big sign that read Cash Only. Somehow I missed that. I looked into my wallet and only had nine dollars. I asked them how much could I get for that amount. Everyone in the restaurant burst out laughing. They said, “you can’t buy anything for that price!” They were probably laughing for about 5 minutes. I was somewhat mortified and embarrassed but they later redeemed  me by telling me that there is an ATM near by.

Meanwhile, some of the owner’s friends were nearby and were amused by  my innocence and humor. They began to converse with  me in such warm and amicable way.  Suddenly, I received the prompting from within to ask if my new acquaintance was interested in reading. When they said yes, I told them I was an author.  Their eyes lit up and they reacted with great excitement and enthusiasm. Apparently, one of the girls in the group has a friend who is also a motivational writer and another friend who is quite high up in the literary world in the Asian market. She was quite interested in getting us to connect. Now I know what my I AM Presence guided me to this restaurant.

It seems that the Universe is trying hard to give me support with my new book, Beyond Imagination. First thing this morning, a friend of my inbox me and told me she wants to make arrangement for me to meet with a friend of hers who has written three books already. I will indeed meet with her since I know this is all part of  a greater Divine plan in the making.

The I AM Presence  is that Divine presence within us  that connects us to God or Source. When we surrender to it and learn how not to tune into our illusory self then we are guided to actions that leads towards our Dharma or destiny. I wish you much success in tuning in to the I AM Presence within yourselves.


Wishing you infinite love and blessing,


#spirituality  #truth #worldpeace

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